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Ignore the mistakes, please...

Taehyung smiled at the figure and walked to her. He grabbed her veiny hand in his and kissed the back of her hand tenderly.

"Noona you're the best Noona in the world. You never betrayed me and my family."

The maid smiled at him and ruffled his hair in love but she pouts.

"You never trust me to tell me what is your plan though... " Taehyung smiled and said sorry to her.

Jenny thought she would be in danger if she didn't leave the place she spotted her lawyer who was also sneakingly going to the exit. She ran to him before he left but Yoongi was quicker to block him.

"In hurry hmm??? Don't you want to company your dearest partner in the jail?"

Soon they hear the sound of sirens. Yoongi blocked the way as well as Minho who was smirking at them.

A group of police officers ran inside and the loyal guards were caught who were faint at the door because the maid gave them a drink with pills.

Taehyung was smiling with teary eyes when they dragged Jenny outside the mansion which was Taehyung's childhood home.

Jenny changed the house because she didn't want Taehyung to interact with anyone who could help him and save him from her. But she was mistaken here and kept the most loyal maid of the Kims.

Yoongi walked to Taehyung when the police left. Taehyung didn't leave the place for a moment but he needed a hug.

He throws himself at Yoongi with so many emotions. Yoongi patted his back and smiled.

"You did a great job bear..."

Taehyung leaned back and wiped his tears with the fingers of his hands.

"Where is Jungkookie and Jimin hyung? Are they fine? Jungkook was already injured. Hyung please..."

"Stop stop... Jin hyung is with them. They're in the hospital and Hoseok already reached there before the ambulance so they're fine and be here in less than half an hour." Yoongi told him then Minho stood beside him.

"Mr. Kim you need to give a speech here. It's your birthday and you need to cut the cake too. They're all here to meet you." Taehyung nodded.

"Sure... " Taehyung looked at Yoongi who nodded and dialed a number to leave them there.

Taehyung was standing on the stage when a spotlight was on him. All the guests were murmuring after the all chaos that happened a while ago and curious to know more about that.

Most of them knew Kim's family before Jenny joined the company.

"Good evening everyone...

As you're all here to celebrate my birthday and see the owner of Kim Industries. It's a pleasure to meet you all too.

I'm Kim Taehyung the one and only son of Kim David. I graduated from Howard University last month.

I really appreciate the work you all did with my dad's step-sister, Kim Jenny. 

I know she was greedy from the start but my father loves her and never treats him like a step-sibling.

She did wrong deeds that's why she is there where she should be. She did just one thing good she handled the business very well.

But I know she did good but you all Did your best as you're my company's best mans.

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