baby bear.

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Assalam o Alaikum

Ignore the mistakes, please...

The maid quickly set up the table for both males.

"I should call them. It's ready." She mumbled and walked to Taehyung's room.

"Kookie... wanna more bubbles." Taehyung was laughing while clapping cutely and bursting the shampoo bubbles with his hands.

"Baby bear... just stay calm or it will make a cut again," Jungkook said while shaving the last side of the cute face of his baby bear.

Taehyung giggled more and Jungkook smiled whole seeing his cute baby bear.

The maid was standing on the door frame and smiling while listening to the cute giggles of his young master.

She walked inside after a small knock. Jungkook looked at her and leaned back from Tae and smiled at her.

"Actually, his face was half shaved and..."

"It's okay... I'm happy to see the young master's interaction with you. It calms me, now Young Master has someone who cares for him."

She smiled and stands in front of his young master.

"Young master... now you're looking more handsome."

"Buttt, I'm cute... kookie shaaid I'm cute." Taehyung pouted and told his noona.

Jungkook smiled at his reaction.

"Yes, baby bear you're the cutest thing in the world." He said and patted his hair lovingly.

She made the table and put many things, which are Taehyung's favorite. He made many muffins and strawberry flavours sweets and jams.

Taehyung's eyes twinkled when he saw his favorite things. He quickly sat on the chair and started eating with both hands.

The maid quickly walk to him but Jungkook was quicker. He sat beside him and took the things from his hands.

"Eat slowly bear... it's all for you. Just eat with your right hand or you will be choked." Jungkook gently hold the muffin from Taehyung's left hand and then wiped his hand with a napkin.

"Otayyy..." Taehyung said but with a small pout as he didn't want to do that but still did as his bigg bunny asked him to do it.

Jungkook didn't eat and adored Taehyung's cute pouty lips when a voice interrupted that whipped man.

"Mr. Jeon I made for you too. Here eat this too." Maid gave a tray of muffins to him but he politely denied the offer.

"I was already full and here just to meet him. Taebear will eat it later." He said to the maid who smiled at the adorning gesture of Jungkook.

"Yeshh... Tae Tae bill eattt it." Both smiled at the cute creature who was busy eating his favorite muffins.

After the small breakfast, Jungkook's phone rang. He was smiling but his smile faded when he saw the caller ID.

"Okay noona, I need to go. I'm getting late for my office. Mrs. Kim calling me as I need to attend a meeting with her." He told the maid who noticed the change in his behaviour and mood.

Jungkook stands up and was about to go but Taehyung held his hand.

"Doont goo... pllayyy with Tae Tae..." Taehyung looked at him with a plea.

Jungkook expression changed, he sighed and sat in front of him after turning the chair to face him. He held his both hands delicately and looked at him.

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