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"So how've you been?" Miles asks starting up the car.

I'm sat awkwardly in the back,"good,I guess" I digh obviously lying.

"So you've been a wreck" he laughs

I nod agreeing,"It's been hard,no one understands.I feel so lost."

"Maybe tonight will give you some clarity"

I don't know what he meant by that but i just sat back and enjoyed the ride until we eventually pulled up to a giant mansion.


He turns to face me.

"This is a party,why didn't you tell me?I could have dressed up"

"Luna,none of that matters." He gets out the car,muttering something to Grace who huffs in return.

"Let's go"he offers his hand helping me out of the car and leading me into the house.

The partygoers were so lost in their worlds oblivious to two teens walking in to interrupt the event in their pyjamas.

"Look" And just like that my eyes lock with them.

A smile creeps onto my face as I run over to my old friends.Avani,Ant,Riley. We all sob pathetically as we hug saying our first hello as if it was our final goodbye .

"I've missed you guys"

"I don't think you understand how worried we were for you Luna" Avani says

"Yeah,we tried to contact you but every text we sent ended up failing." Riley clarifies

"I don't care,we're back together now"

"But for how long is the question" Miles says solemnly.

"So what about-"

"We sent him the invite,it's all upto him. Whether he comes or not,just remember where your real friends are" Ant smiles

I smile back taking a seat next to them all.And as if months hadn't passed between us we all caught up.They'd all turned their backs on their gang.Each doing their own thing.Av and Ant got an apartment together.Riley doing a course in cosmetology.

"What about you Miles?"

"believe it or not we still live in the same town,I just have to keep my distance"

I can't believe how this all ended.And now we all have to keep our distances,stay away from each other.Its not fair,we aren't a danger to each other.

Suddenly evryone falls silent,looking up to see Payton slowly approaching us.Without him even having to say anything I know he wants to talk to me.

"Hey" he smiles,signalling for me to walk off with him

"Hey" I answer back quietly kind of shy

We just walk in silence,enjoying each others company until finally I decide on speak up.

"I'm sorry for how we left things"

"It's not your fault"

"it doesn't feel the same without you,life is so transparent" I sigh

"Luna you have to move on"

"I can't" I sob lightly,"I love you,I don't want anyone else"

"I have a girlfriend" he whispers

Of course he chooses now to break the news to me,and just like my mindset my heart breaks.How could he have moved on from me,from us?

"Oh" I answer,my voice cracking from the build up of emotions

"I still love you,but I can't stay fixated on this fake idea of what we had.It wasn't perfect,and it wasn't right"

Each word felt like a saw slowly gnawing at my bones.I just wanted to crumble.I looked so pathetic,crying infront of my ex as he tells me he has a new girlfriend.

"I have to go" I answer walking away and not looking back.

"Hey,Luna!" Avani shouts after me.She runs over handing me a phone."Incase you ever need us,just use this"

I nod with a small smile,sniffling weakly.Ant,Miles and Riley have caught up with us now."I love you guys" I weep,"I'll see you soon"

We all hug for one last time.A hug that seems to last a lifetime,and then I leave.Walking away from it all,reaady ready push Payton behind.

A/n:The next chapter will be sadly the last one,but will have a time jump of an incredibly long time.Probably 5+ years I hope you guys enjoyed LOVE YOU ALLL

𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧~𝐏𝐚𝐲𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐢𝐞𝐫|✔Where stories live. Discover now