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So this whole thing was never just a coincidence,Payton falling in love with me was never real,me finding my dad was always going to happen.My whole world had been turned upside down in a deal to better the lives of five random kids I barely knew.

I didn't want to speak to anyone at all,I didn't want to even look at Payton.How could he do that.I ran,through the heavy rain to the end of the road,sitting right in the centre.Hoping that a speeding car might hit me,knock some reality back into my life.

But unfortunately the light tapping of footsteps meant someone had found me.

"Luna" the rough voice had made me jump,but my heart soon steadied when I realised it wasn't him.

"What do you want Miles?" I mumble,looking straight ahead as I fight the tears.

"I want a chance to explain,no lies or stories.The real truth"

"Go on then" I hiss

"The first half of the story was correct,we were taken in to this drug life by our ex boss,starting with selling at parties to pay off our own debts then going on to bigger things.Our boss was soon caught but he gave us one last mission,to find something his enemy had stolen.But the paper he had hidden with all the information on was just a useless bunch of drawings and a random address."

He takes a pause before carrying on," the address lead us to here where your dad took us in-"

"Don't call him that"

"Sorry,the big guy took us in.He taught us everything but then told us how our boss had taken something from him,something of great value...you.He plotted a plan to get you back,creating a fake scenario to have us arrested.He had links in the police force,who-for the right price-made sure Payton was put on probation.He didn't want to at first and he wasn't cooperating which is why I came along.You weren't supposed to know all of this,we just needed you to be kept safe,and away from our ex boss."

"I don't get it Miles,why would he fake a relationship?" I ask,on the verge of tears

"I don't know Luna" he whispers shuffling closer to me and wrapping his arm around my small figure,"if your whole relationship was just a way of him occupying himself then he's an asshole,you don't deserve him.Or any of this"

I give into the tears falling into Miles' arms and embrace.I just needed someone to hold me,I miss my grandparents.I miss the girls,I miss Harry and Ben and us going to school,I miss my normal life,before all this.

All I needed was for things to make sense,I needed something stable and right now that's what Miles was to me.

He wrapped his arms around me,holding me close as I sobbed into his arms,"it's okay Luna,I know everything seems like a mess right now but I promise you it'll work out" he whispers quietly rubbing my back comfortingly.

"Miles I'm scared" I mumble clinging onto him.

"I know,life with us is nothing but scary" he lifts my chin up so that I'm facing him,cupping my cheek with his hand as he swipes away the tears with his thumb,"I need you to be strong,please"

I nod weakly smiling back at him when he smiles at me."okay" I mumble

Something about the way he looked at me made me feel safe,he was the only one who didn't actively lie to me.He tried to tell me the truth and Payton stopped him,Miles is the only one I can trust here.

And just like that our lips connected for a slow heart wrenching kiss,the type type warms your heart but breaks it at the same time.

He kissed me softly,holding my hair,his hands tracing my body as our kisses get deeper.

The last time we kissed he tried to break my relationship with Payton.But now he was kissing me,not to make Payton jealous or to try and win me over,but because he felt the same attraction I felt.

**back home**

"Libby what do we do now?" Elise asks on the verge of tears,worried for the wellbeing of her friend.

"We need to tell someone" Libby mutters,regretting that she didn't do much to help her friend.

The girls get up,feeling down as ever as they try to find someone to help,thankfully Elise's mom was home,doing some office work.

"Mom,we're worried about Luna-" Elise starts

The girls explain the situation to Amy,telling her about the phone and how to their shock Luna had messaged back.

"We need to get this phone to the police-" Amy says grabbing it out of the girls hands and rushing out of the room,it was all in the hands of the adults now.

**back to Luna**

"Guys we have to have a meet-" Avani's voice had broken our kiss,"I'll just leave" she says quickly before turning around.

"Av,wait!" I say running after her she turns around with a not so impressive look on her face.

"You kissed him"

"I know,and I feel awful"

I don't.I hope Payton finds out and feels awful,just like I did when I found out he faked the whole thing.

"Luna you have to choose between them,kissing Miles whilst in a relationship with Payton is not ideal"

"You cheated on Payton?"  Grace's voice squeaks from behind me.

(A/n:I cant remember if I named Payton's ex gf so she's called Grace and her face claim is at the top...a perfect choice 😏)

"Grace-" Avani warns but she runs off in the direction of the house.

Why is everyone always eavesdropping?

We look at eachother before running after Grace,but it's too late.She stands in the entrance,whispering in Payton's ear,I can tell by the way he clenched his fists she had told him,and to make things worse Miles had walked up behind us,holding me by my waist.

Things are about to get messy.

A/n:this is a day late so I apologise...I was supposed to post this yesterday but got distracted...anyways i hope you enjoyed...theres loads more to come hehehe.;)))

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