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"Shit" I hiss running round Harry's spare room frantically trying to get ready for school.

I had already showered and brushed my teeth using the spare toiletries that Harry always kept just incase we stayed over.

Now I had to find something to wear.I quickly grab my skirt from yesterday and his shirt throwing it over my body and getting one of his socks to put on with my Doc Martin's.

Luna's Outfit

Grabbing my back I run downstairs to where everyone is rushing as they eat their breakfast

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Grabbing my back I run downstairs to where everyone is rushing as they eat their breakfast.

I open the fridge taking out an apple and a bottle of water.Taking a bite of the apple I sit on the counter watching as everyone tries to get ready.

"Dude where did you put my football bag?" Ben shouts towards Harry

"I didn't put it anywhere,I don't even think you bought it with you" Harry replies

"But I have practise today,you have to stop by my house so that I can pick it up.Coach will kill me of I miss another practise" Ben sighs running his hand through his hair.

"I knew staying round was a bad idea" Libby hisses

"I didn't force you to stay.C'mon we can all go to school in my car"Harry says ushering us out if the house.

We all run out to Harry's car and we all take our seats,but there were only 5 seats and six of us.

"I'm not sitting on anyone's lap" Libby says lunging into the car

"Yeah me neither" Elise says following after her,sitting in the passenger seat next to Harry.

"Yeah so I'm just gonna-" Ben mumbles shuffling past me as he sits in the centre seat of the car leaving just me and Payton.

Don't you just love my friends?I don't.Payton gives me a small shrug as he gets into the car ans pats his lap signaling for me to sit on it.

Exhaling deeply I close my eyes,telling myself that it's just a 10 minute ride.I can cope for 10 minutes.

"Are you just gonna stand there or get into the car?" Payton asks

"Yeah I'm coming" I huff getting into the car and sitting on Payton's lap.

His arms wrap around my waist,pulling my back so that it's pressed against his chest sending small chills up my spine and causing the goosebumps to raise on my arms.

"You okay" he mumbles in my ear

I give him a small nod,turning to look out the window in an attempt to distract myself from the butterflies taking over.

Libby snorts as she watches the awkwardness unfold.I shoot her an annoyed look but she shrugs her shoulders,trying to hold in her laughter.

The ride to school was a long ride,and it was just our luck to have traffic all over the place.Bur we soon enough get to school.As soon as Harry parks the car I get out and begin running to class.

"Ah,Miss Fernandez.Nice of you to join us."Mr Jones,my biology teacher says as I walk into the lab.

"There's a spare seat next to Miles he will be your lab partner"

I follow his hand to the back of the class where a boy is sat writing down notes.I haven't seen his face before he looks new.

His long black hair covers his eyes as he's face down looking at his notebook.Upon the mention of his name I can't help but notice the septum piercing in his nose,and his warm brown eyes that stare towards me.

Why did I have to look like such a mess today?

Walking over I throw my bag down and take out my book and pen and begin to take notes.

"Did you just wake up?" He scoffs

"Sort of,not that it's any of your business" I mumble not looking up from my notebook.

"You're right," he chuckles,"I'm Miles" He says dropping his pen to hold out his hand.

"Luna" I say shaking it.Before going back to work,only the silence doesn't last long since Miles can't keep his mouth shut.

"So who kept you up late?You got a boyfriend?" He asks

"If this is your way of flirting?Because if it is then your doing an awful job" I answer

"You didn't answer my question" he points out

"I was at a friends house,slept in.And no I don't have a boyfriend" I answer

"That's good to hear" he smiles,"so,can I meet these friends?" He asks

"Yeah,sure." I shrug

Once the first two periods are over I find Miles and we walk towards the meet up place for our group.

"So just before you meet them,the girls can be hyperactive and the boys,they're just weird" I laugh

"Nothing I can't handle" he says as we approach the benches outside.

"Luna,who's this?" Libby asks with a raised brow as she and Ben turn to Miles and I as we approach.

"Oh no one,just my secret boyfriend I thought that after a few years you guys should finally meet him" I joke

"What!" Payton says turning around to face us,his face turns into a small frown as he scowls towards us "Miles" he hisses with a sense of familiarity in his tone.

"Payton" he smirks back

"Wait,you two know eachother" Elise asks looking up.

"Payton and I go way back,don't we Moormeier" Miles says with a smile

I watch as Payton's hands turn into fists exposing the veins in his arms,his jaw clenches in anger as he stares towards Miles who's looking towards him with a taunting smirk.

There was something between them,something bad.And I couldn't help but notice the shift in atmosphere as they continue to stare at eachother.

A/n:Ooooh tension!Now imma go write some more of the sequel to fake love,hopefully it will be out by the end of this week !!Thanks for 1k on this book,ily guys♡

Also I haven't read a good Payton fanfic in a while and I need some good ones so pls reccomend !!

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