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"Miles asked me to hang out and then I said yes and we rode his motorbike here and then we found a lake and we went swimming,maybe we did a little weed.Maybe I was kind of high and he kissed me but Payton say and I was literally in my underwear and he ran off and told me to stay away from him and now I'm annoyed." I huff

"Woah,you literally didn't breathe.Let me get this straight"he says gripping the steering wheel,"You and miles went skinny dipping,got high,made out and your boyfriend caught you?"

"We weren't skinny dipping,and Payton isnt my boyfriend,but yeah" I nod

"You're so fucked up Luna" he chuckles looking back towards the road.

I notice how he leans his head to each side,stretching his neck,exposing his sharp jawline.Harry and I have always had a love hate relationship,we've never got along to well.

But I knew that in any situation he would always help me,because even if we argue 90% of the time we still care about eachother.

"Don't you think I already know that?" I scoff,turning to look out the window,I pull up my knees to my chest hugging them tightly,staying silent for the rest of the journey home.

As we pull up to my house Harry parks the car and turns to me,"since Payton came around you've been a lot more problematic"

"I have not" I scowl

"You have,face it Luna,before him and miles came,you never had problems like this.I'm worried about you"

"Yeah well,you don't need to be" I hiss opening the door and slamming it shut,before storming into my house.

Why was everyone so against me and Payton?He isn't the problem,it's Miles.Miles cause problems between me and Payton,we were fine before him.

As soon as I get into my room I change into some shorts and an oversized shirt and I collapse onto mt bed trying to cry all of my frustrations out.I never cry,not because I don't want to,but because I physically can't.

Maybe I've run out of tears,I used to cry every night as a child,wondering why my parents had to die.I'd cry because I never felt properly loved by my grandparents,I'd cry because whilst other kids were going to the park and having fun,I had to stay indoors with my grandparents because they were too old to play with me.

Soon after I learnt to stop being so sensitive,crying was the last thing I'd do,emotions were a last resort for me.I'd always push them away,emotions were a sign of weakness.

As I'm deep in thought I hear a light knocking on my window.Only one person I know of does this.Payton.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him

"I,uh-..I wanted to see you"he says in an unsure tone.

"I thought youd be mad at me after today"

He shakes his head,"no,I just.I just want to see you Luna"

I don't bother waiting,I just slide on my shoes and climb out the window running into his arms."I'm so,so sorry.I don't know what I was doing.I was high and stupid and I'm sorry."

"It's okay Luna,don't worry" he whispers,hugging me tighter."Come with me"

He takes me to the same spot that miles took me,but instead of the lake we stay in the middle of the forest,he just stands there and says.

"I can't be seen with you anymore,you're grandparents spoke to my probation officer and now I can't be with you"

"I hate them so much,they know how much you mean to me Payton,why would they would this?Why is everyone suddenly against us?"

"I don't know baby"he says pulling me into a hug.

"Can we stargaze again,like that first night we met?" I ask

"Anything for you"

We lay on the ground,my head rested on his shoulder,staring up at the sky.It doesn't matter that everyone is against us,all that matter is that we're together.Being with him was all I needed.

"Again, I'm really sorry,I don't know what I was thinking.But then Miles was like we aren't together and then my mind went all weird and,I dunno.I'm sorry,I really regret kissing him" I sigh.

"It's okay baby,I know Miles.He likes to play mind games" he says softly,"I forgive you"

Turning around I give him a small kiss on his lips,turning back on my back to look up at the sky,the moon was a perfect crescent,almost resembling a ring.It seems like I'm not the only one who thinks this because Payton brings his hands up to mine,positioning it so that it looks like the moon is a ring on my finger.

"Will you be my girlfriend Luna" he asks,"I don't give a fuck about anyone else.Who cares what they think?"

"I sure don't," I scoff "We should run away,just leave"

"You know I can't" he says sadly,"probation"

"One day,when this is all over,we can just leave."

"I'm down" he says kissing my forehead.

"We'll find a way.And yes.I'll be your girlfriend" I tell him as my eyes close shut,and I fall into a deep sleep.


When I wake up the next morning I'm back in my bed,panicking I get up trying to remember if last night was a dream.But the pile of clothes on the floor from the lake were still there.But there was no sign of Payton.

I grab my phone opening it up to see a series of messages from a bunch of different people


Luna Payton didn't come home last night,we don't know where he is or what's happened.I know you've seen him,please say if you have :)



I love you Luna
Thanks for saying yes last night
Don't let Miles harass you again.


Amy(Elise's Mom)

Hi Luna,I know you and Payton have some romance going on,so please let us know if you see him since we haven't seen him since yesterday morning.



Sorry for being a dick,I'll back off.Pls forgive me and be my friend ;)

A/n:What happened to Payton???Eheheh next chapter is out on Saturday,hope you enjoyed this one and thankyou for nearly 4k.Love you guys!!!

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