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Payton's POV

I woke up enraged,in a completely different place and with Luna's gorgeous eyes staring down at me.Is it bad that I still think she's gorgeous,even when she's broken my trust so many times?

Letting out an annoyed huff I sit up,pushing her back to find that I'm sat in a double sized bed.

"Ant said that you'll be okay in a few hours.You'll just be a bit drowsy"

"Why'd you do it" I hiss through gritted teeth,"why didn't you give me a choice?"

"It was for us Payton,you have to let Miles help us-"

"I don't want their help.Can't you see ?" I shout,"Now that you've kidnapped me I'm automatically involved with them,meaning a worse punishment than probation"

Her eyes widen in realisation,the fact that she hasn't helped me but put me in a worse situation."But Payton that's only if they find us" she smiles

"Luna they will find us,and they'll take me and they'll take you.And then we'll be separated.Just like I was from my family."

"Payton i-"

"Can you just give me some space,please"I beg her.Trying my best to not be an asshole.

She gives me a small nod,walking out the room and gently shutting the door behind her.

Little does she know that she's in more danger now than she ever was.Finally adjusting to my surroundings I grow to recognise this place,it's back home.Where Miles used to hang out.

He claims to want to keep us safe but takes us back to the very place where it all started,somethings off about this,and I'm going to find out.

One thing I remember from my wonderful time spent with Miles is that the boss had a place down here.Now if he's in hiding,there's no way that he'll be there.And maybe there'll be some clues or something I can use to make sense of this situation.

With no time to spare I get up out of bed,finding a bag filled with my clothes probably put there by Luna.Letting out a small sigh I grab the bag and head into he bathroom getting ready for the day.

Without saying a word to anyone I try my best to slip out of the house unnoticed.But obviously that doesn't happen,since Luna has been waiting downstairs for me to leave the room.

Walking past her I open the door and speed away hoping she gets the main idea that I want to be left alone.And yet again my wishes aren't fulfilled because she follows after me shouting name.

"Payton,please talk to me!"

"Luna,I need space" I reply walking faster.

"I'm not going to leave you.Please,don't push me away" the brokenness in her voice is evident,maybe she's as hurt as I am in this situation.Giving into her I turn around holding my hand out for her to take.

"I'm not pushing you away,I promise"I tell her in a low tone,"I just want you to be safe.This world,my past world isn't safe for you"

"It is,as long as I'm with you"she smiles back .letting oit a small sigh I carry on walking with her following besides me swaying our intertwined hands back and forth.


"Here we are" I tell her as we reach the town house.

"It looks quite nice for a drug lord" she jokes

"Luna" I warn as i step forward to the doorway

A simple movement of a knife and hair pin unlocks the door allowing us to enter the house.Looks can be deceiving.Quite like its owner the house was highly presentable on the outside,fitting into society.But the inside was appalling,trashed to the point where you couldn't see the floor.Clothes,rubbish,food all sorts on the floor making it obvious that the place had already been searched.

"What are you looking for?" Luna inquires

"Clues," I reply walking straight up the stairs.

As soon as I enter his room I pull apart every draw,raise every piece if furniture including the bed and mattress trying to find anything,something.

"Do you want help" she asks as she awkwardly stands in the doorway.

"I could so with some actually" I chuckle,"search anywhere you think important items would be hidden"

"Maybe in a wardrobe or something" she mutters as she begins to look round.

We continue searching every corner of the room,the sad disappointment that there's probably nothing hidden here hit us and we soon gave up.

With my back against the wall I sit down,resting my hands on my knees and combing through my hair with my hand,completely stressed and annoyed.There's no way out for us,I have to start working with Miles.

Luna's standing up walking on floorboards,I don't know what she's doing but she seems to focus on one certain board which creaks when she lightly stops on it.

"Payton" she says as she kneels down,I walk over kneeling besides her watching as she knocks the floor,a hollow boom being released.

"It's hollow,there's something in it" she tells me,"I've seen this in films but never in real life."

I help her to open the floor board,exposing the ground underneath and a small box covered in dust.She picks up the box blowing off the dust and emptying it on the floor.

Letters,notes and pictures fall out.As well as a set of keys and a newspaper report.

"Payton" her voice is startled,high pitched and fearful almost as if she's seen a ghost.

She searches through the pile pulling out the newspaper report and a photo."Payton I have this exact photo"

"That's my parents,right there" she points at the couple at the centre of the photo.

But in the background is the one person I was trying to save her from.The boss.

A/n:If you think back far enough Luna had a photo of her parents in the first couple of chapters and there was a strange guy in the background.It's all starting to connect now.Hope you enjoyed,I wrote this on the bus home cuz I only have one lesson today Haha;)

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