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"Harry why are you stalking Payton?" I ask him still kind of confused

"I stalk everybody" he shrugs

"Uhm,no you don't." I reply,stalking people online is more of a girly thing to do.Especially when you have a crush,so Harry stalking Payton was a very weird thing to do.

So Harry either has a crush on Payton and wants to learn more about him,or he doesn't like Payton and wants information to possibly blackmail him with.

"That doesn't matter now,what does is that article"He says wide eyed,,pointing at his phone

"Harry,I hate to break it to you but I don't think Payton is part of the mafia" I say patting him slightly on his arm.

"I never said that,I said he's dangerous and scary" he hisses swatting away my arm.

Rolling my eyes,I grab the phone from Harry and I walk over to Payton and Ben.Harry looks at me wide eyed,signalling frantically with his hands for me to 'abort mission's and come back over,but I want answers and the only way to get them is by being upfront.

"Luna,what's up?"Ben asks as they notice me standing besides them.

"Nothing much,hey Payton.I have a question"

"Shoot" he says,making Harry look up in fear,I give him a sideways look as I hold up the phone to Payton

"This you?" I question

Taking the phone he brings it closer to his face to take a closer look.When he does he let's our a stifled laugh before handing back the phone to me.

"Yeah,what of it?" He shrugs

"You have read the article,right?"

He nods,"Yeah and it's all fake"

"What do you mean?" Harry asks from behind the sofa

"I'm not a part of a world wide drug circle.Thats a fake article my friends ans I made for our old drama class." Payton laughs,"We made up the website and the article to make our short film more realistic"

"Oh" I say slightly embarrassed

"Do you really wanna get to know me so bad that you had to Google me?"he asks with a smirk.

"I..it wasn't me.It was-"

"It's okay Luna,we know you have a crush on him" Ben laughs

I let out a frustrated huff,flipping them off as I go back to sit next to Harry on the sofa.

"You didn't deny" Ben laughs before carrying on with his conversation with Payton.

"See,it's all lies.So there's no need to feel scared around him" I laugh pinching Harry's cheeks as I hand him his phone.

Getting up I walk over to the girls who are looking at something on Elise's phone.

"Ugh,I can't believe her.I feel so dumb" Libby sighs

"You didn't know,how could you" Elise comforts her

"I basically admitted to loving her boyfriend in front of her" Libby sighs throwing her head into her hands.

"Let's go out the the pool,then we can catch up on your boy problems" I say to Libby who quickly agrees

"So basically I was talking to Sarah and Naomi about Tom and how like in love I was with him at the time.But how I never admitted it until now.So my dumbass really sits there and says,'I was fully in love with him,I probably still am' not knowing that Naomi is now Tom's girlfriend" she sighs as she floats around in the pool.

Tom is Libby's ex boyfriend of two years.They had a rocky relationship mainly because Tom was a lying cheat.But Libby refused to listen to us ans our warnings.So when Tom ended things with her it came as a massive shock.

"What?They're together?" I ask shocked

"Yeah,and to make matters worse she probably told him that I love him so yeah.My life is over" Libby replies

We spend the rest of the evening hanging about in the pool,the boys come out ans join us and Harry's parents treat us to some dominos pizza.

It starts to get dark but none of us really want to go home so we decide on staying over at Harry's house.

"We're gonna look so weird going into school tomorrow" Elise sighs as she pulls out one of Harry's shirts to wear.

Libby glances over wincing at the shirt,"Well if we wake up early we can have time to go home and get ready for school"

"Then I'll set my alarm" I laugh as we leave his room.

"There's another party happening this week.You guys up for going?"Ben asks

"Is it one of your football friends parties?" Libby asks him


"Cuz then we won't get to see you" Elise answers in a duh tone

"The girls sound jealous"Payton laughs

"Yeah,why wouldn't we be?"Libby replies sitting up from the sofa."All those girls trying to flirt with our poor Ben"

Elise and I let out a small giggle at her sarcasm knowing full well that Ben is probably one of the most awkward boys on the planet who struggles to tall to girls.Its surprising he's even friends with us.

"Just let me be your wingman.You can't go wrong" Harry announces throwing his arm over Ben's shoulders

"Bad idea" I laugh,"Harry will probably get you with a girl who already has a boyfriend.He just flirts with every girl he sees"

"Not true,"Harry tries defending himself but realises I'm right.

"It's okay Harry.You'll get a girlfriend one day"

A/n:Heehee I'm writing the fake love sequel rn!! It should be out in the next week.Also thank you for 50k on Fake Love that's crazy,Its now officially my most successful book!! Love you guys ♡♡

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