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Summer,around two months of laziness,has finally come to an end.We have two days left of summer,and as per usual I plan on making the most of every second.

I quickly pull on my black converse,fixing my hair as Elise will be here anytime soon.

"Hey babes" She smiles as she walks into my room.

"Hey bitch" I mumble,sitting on my suitcase to zip it shut.

"C'mon my parents are waiting downstairs" she says pulling the now fully closed bag from underneath me and dragging my arm down the stairs.

"Have Fun!" I hear my Grandfather say

"Thanks,bye!"I shout back following closely behind Elise

"Get this,my mom had this weird guy come round to our house a couple of times and apparently there's a new guy coming to live with us for the school year.He's on probation or something" she says excitedly as we get into the car and start off on our journey.

Elise has been my best friend since the day she moved.We clicked instantly,especially since we're neighbours.She's mixed raced,making her passionate about racism and equality,but also making her drop dead gorgeous.The things I'd do to have curls like hers.Don't make the resting bitch face fool you,she's all soft and cuddly on the inside.

Which is the complete opposite to me.If you ask me to describe myself I'd probably say,broken hearted and dumb.Because quite frankly that is exactly what I am.I guess I'm kind of sarcastic,pretty toxic and very very stubborn. And don't ever expect me to admit that I'm wrong.

Elise and I make 2/4 of our crew.We all met in school in freshman year and as the years went by we grew closer together forming the strong bond that we have.

"So he's supposed to arrive just after us,I'm kind of excited.He must be cute.Bad boys are always cute." Elise carries on

"What if he's like a nerd hacker?" I ask completely ruining her mood.

"Then we manifest a good looking bad boy,I'll do that now" she laughs sitting back in her seat and closing her eyes.

Rolling my eyes I look back out of the window letting my thoughts consume me for the rest of the journey.

"We're here" Amy says as she parks the car at the boarding house."You know the drill girls,curfew is 11pm.No parties,no drinks and please-for the love of God-be responsible."

"Mom,please.Stop stressing" Elise sighs as she gets out the car,me following behind.

"You know you can trust us Amy.We've been doing this for three years,nothing's ever happened" I smile taking out my luggage and walking up to their holiday house.

"You're here!" I hear a high pitched squeak as Libby comes running towards us crashing into Elise and I as she squeezes us into a hug.

"Hey bitch" I laugh hugging her back.

Libby lives on the other side of town,her parents must have dropped her off early,they have access to this holiday house too,which is shared between our three families.

Libya's parents,Elise's parents and my parents all went to school together.They bought this house when they went to college so that they could meet up here and reconnect,and now it's a way for us to reconnect,and another way for me to feel closer to my parents.

Libby is probably the most energetic of us all,always happy and upbeat.Her impulsive nature and my carefree lifestyle often gets us into trouble,causing Elise to go into a state of panic.She's extremely gorgeous with honey blonde hair and icy blue eyes,making it easy for her to get any guys attention.

"Oh,I missed you guys so much!" She gushes pulling back from the hug."the boys are already here" she says as we all walk into the cottage.

"Boys?" I ask confused,since there should only be one guy present.But Libby used plural,which isn't a good thing.

The door flies open as we enter the house turning into the livingroom to come face to face with the guys who are sat on the sofa.

"Oh would you look,bitch one and bitch two" Harry laughs hitting Ben in the arm who looks up from the video games.

Ben was the remaining 1 in our group of 5,he's sweet kind and sporty.And seems to get along well with us for a jock.He doesn't fit to the steryotypes ans thsts what we love the most about him.

Then there's Harry,who's somewhat new to the group.I have a strange feeling about him at first.Maybe it was the tattoos on his arm,or his dark nature.But Libby seemed drawn to him making him the plus one to our group of five.

"Shut up psycho"i laugh sticking up my middle finger

"Nice to see you too"he replies

"Chemistry" Libby sings as she eyes me carefully,and I can almost picture the fairy emojis.

"Hatred"i correct her grabbing my bag and taking it upstairs.I navigate my way down the hallway to the end room where my bed is waiting for me.

I collapse onto it shutting my eyes and letting out a breath.Today is probably my last day of relaxation.Then come next week starts my year of hell.

My moments of peace are interrupted by the sound of the window being pushed open.I instantly sit up turning to face it.To see a boy in the window.

"The fuck?"

"Who are you?"he asks jumping into my room.

"I might ask you the same thing.You know that this is private property" I ask getting up

He shrugs,"I don't care."

My brows furrow into a frown,"Who even are you?"

"Payton,Payton Moormeier."

"Right and what are you doing here...Payton?"

"I'm on probation"

Just as he says this I hear footsteps coming closer and a middle aged man in a suit bursts in,Amy following closely behind.

"Making an entrance as always" the man says

"You know it Jack" Payton smirks

"Ah,Luna this is Payton.He's staying with Elise,Tyler and I for the school year.So I thought to invite him along,show him the ropes and introduce him to the others will you" Amy nods before walking out with the man.

"Luna huh?" He asks,"nice name"

"Thanks" I say giving him a forced smile,"Now would you care to leave my room"

"Nah,I think I'll stay" he smirks

A/n:Helloo,welcome to probationn my third book ! First of all I wanna say thankyou because my little old self would never imagine that I'd be writing books that get 20k plus reads and I love it so much.This book is very different to the other two,but I hope you like it anywayyss.I love you all!!

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