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Luna,please tell us you're okay~E&L

My heart jumped at what I just read.What were the chances that the girls would suddenly message me on the phones we haven't used in so many years.And what are the chances if me finding that phone and using it on the same day?

This was meant to be.

Letting out a shaky breath,I pluck up the courage to send a message,hoping and praying that the phone has credit to do so.

I'm good,with Payton.Miss u loads~L

It didn't even take a minute for another message to send

Where are you everyone is worried!!~E&L

I had to be smart,anything I say now could potentially put them in danger,and I don't want that,at all.

I don't know myself,Payt and I went on a road trip that's just neverending~L

Luna come back,we miss u~E&L

I miss you too~L

At least tell us you're safe~E&L


A notification that I had used all my credit popped up,pushing me to the edge,I throw the phone in frustration letting out an angry scream.

Payton looks up from the box of stuff,shocked at first his face softens when he sees the state I'm in.

"Come here"he says holding out his arms

I walk over to him,into his warm embrace,wrapping my arms around his body as I cry helplessly into his chest.I hate showing emotion like this,but I'm so overwhelmed with everything that's happened.And it seems like my only option is to cry.

"What's bothering you Luna?" He asks,his voice soft and comforting.

"I feel so lost.Not only am I stuck between my life before you and my life now.But I'm stuck between my dad and my grandparents,and I hate it" more tears fall down my red cheeks,I don't think its humanely possible to cry so much,but here I am crying rivers in Payton's arms.

"Forget that for now,and focus on where you're at at this moment in time.No one is asking you to choose.You haven't even figured out if your giving your dad a chance yet"

With my head rested on his chest,Payton cuddles me until I finally calm down.playing with my hair,twisting the strands and using them to tickle my face

"I don't like seeing you cry like this" he mumbled sadly,"I want my happy girlfriend back"

"You're going to have to wait a while for that" I tell him closing my eyes.All I want to do now is sleep,escape this whole situation.

"What did your dad say?"

"Please don't call him that" I whisper,still feeling broken inside,he may still be my dad and he may still be alive but to me he was dead,"he said he did it for me,that he couldn't bring me into 'this lifestyle' it's all a bunch of shit."

"Sounds like you hate him" he chuckles,"that's not going to make things awkward"

I let out a sad sigh,as much as I didn't want to be near him he was important,the others needed him to help them.We needed him to help us.

"I'll put up with him,the faster we can get away from your ex boss the faster we get to living a normal life,together."

"That's all I want,a normal life with you" he whispers kissing me on the forehead.


"They're in here-" My supposed father was cut off when he saw Payton and I cuddling,Miles,Riley,Avani and Ant behind him.

"Thankyou sir,we'll be down in a second"Miles says before shutting the door on him.

"How did you guys end up here?" Riley asks,confused

"We got kidnapped,you?" Payton answers

"We found our own way here,like normal people" Miles says before changing the topic,"guys this is the moment we've been waiting for,everything we've all done has led upto this,even Payton"

I don't know what Miles meant by this ,but by the awful look on his face I could tell it was something bad.

"How has Payton done anything,he's been on probation the whole time?"

"I'll leave that for him to explain,he is your boyfriend"

I turn to Payton but he just shrugs, acting confused.But I can see straight through him,there's something he's hiding.

I try so hard to remember but nothing comes to mind,not until Miles says the word,"Payment" it triggers a memory of the day Payton came to find me,the day Riley explained everything


"You knew what you were getting into Payton" Miles hisses

"I knew what he told me Miles,I didn't know I'd fall for her.I didn't know you assholes would come for her" Payton shouts back

"We had no choice,you're job was to watch over her.The boss didn't pay thousands of dollars to place you with Elise's family just for you to play happy families and fall in love." Miles yells,"He placed you there to keep an eye on one person,and you failed at that"

"How did I fail Miles?She's safe,no one has come for her.And as far as I know she has no connection to all of this"

"That's what you think"Miles says in a smug tone


And then it clicks,it all fit perfectly in place.That was the missing piece of the puzzle.Of course that conversation had made no sense to me at the time but now it does.

This was all a set up,none of this happened by chance,i didn't find my dad by chance,i wasn't brought into this by chance it was all planned.It was all carefully planned by my sad excuse for a father and my so called friends.

But the worst part.The most heartbreaking part,he knew.He was part of the plan,our relationship was part of the plan.All to drag me back to the father I never knew.

My heart shattered into a million pieces, it felt like my whole life source was taken from me in that very moment,why would they do this to me.

"You knew" I whisper,teary eyed sitting up.Getting as far away from him as possible.

"You were working with them the whole time" I hiss pointing at the others.

"How much of it was fake?" I ask,not really wanting to know the answer.

"All of it" he mumbles.

Even our relationship?

"Even that,sob story that Riley told me?"

He nods.

"Your all sick,twisted people!"I shout,"why would you do that?"

"Luna it was for yo-"

"Don't talk to me,any of you.I hate you all"I scream,running out the room in rage.

I had to get out of this house,away from them.I needed to clear my mind,none of this was making sense.

A/n:An extra chapter on this book cuz I'm feeling nice,I'll probably go back to posting once a week cuz I am back at school on Tuesday.Hope you all enjoy !!!

𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧~𝐏𝐚𝐲𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐢𝐞𝐫|✔Where stories live. Discover now