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From all the text messages I've received it seems like Payton's gone missing.But why?He was fine last night,well the parts that I can remember he was okay.But maybe what I said about running away got to his head,maybe he decided to leave us,leave me.

Pushing the poisonous thoughts aside I slide out of bed,going straight to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

Luna's outfit

Once I'm ready I rush downstairs hoping to leave the house before my grandparents spot me

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Once I'm ready I rush downstairs hoping to leave the house before my grandparents spot me.I hate being mad at them but they're being so unfair they can't expect me to leave Payton.It's not their choice to make,do they shouldn't force me to do it.

I'm midway through making my fruit salad when I hear voices upstairs,they're definitely awake.And in a panicked rush I throw my fruit into my reusable container and I grab a fork,rushing out the house before they even get the chance to see me.

Just as I walk outside I spot Tyler,Elise's dad at the doorway,watching as a car pulls up to their driveway,and walking out in a black suit and shades is Jack.Payton's probation officer.

In a panic I try to avoid contact,throwing on my sunglasses and walking past not looking in their direction,but Tyler recognises me and calls me in.

"Luna,we need your help,could you please come in"

Letting out a small sigh I stop,turn around and make my way into my neighbours house.

They all gather me around the dining table,Elise's parents on one side,Jack next to them and Elise sat beside me.

"It has come to our attention that Payton has been missing for a couple of hours.We can't report it until 24 hours,but we can try and find him"Jack says looking into my eyes

"Is there anything you can tell us Luna?" Amy asks me calmly with a worried look filled with compassion.

"No" I shake my head looking down into my lap.

If I told them that I saw him last night,Payton will get in trouble with his probation officer,we're supposed to stay away from each other.But they don't actually expect us to follow that rule,do they?Surely Jack knows that we're still going to try and see eachother

"I understand that there's been a disagreement.And that you're not allowed to see Payton.Luna of you help us,maybe o could help you out" Jack suggests

It's a tempting offer,but I know my grandparents.They're stubborn.There's no going back on their stupid rule now.

"Luna,please.You know something,please just say" Elise begs

If I tell them what had happened last night I could get in trouble for the drug usage,but they probably all know I saw Payton so there's no point in denying that.And I'm just as worried as they are,so maybe yelling them will help.

"Okay" I huff,"Payton came to my window last night,we went to a forest and we hung out for a bit and that's it,he took me home and the next thing I know is I've got a bunch of messages" I explain

Jack gives me a small nod,before looking up,"have you recieved any messages from him."

"Just this" I say holding out my phone

Jack's face slowly turns into a frown when he reads the last message."Who does he mean when he says Miles"

I don't know,maybe the Miles that he was in a gang with.The Miles who he hates so much,the Miles that apparently lead Payton into this whole probation.

"Just a new kid at school,he's been trying to get me to date him but obviously I'm with Payton." I answer,trying my hardest to mask the lies

"And what does he look like?" Jack asks,calm as ever

"He has black hair,septum piercing.Around Payton's height" I tell them

Jack shoots Tyler and Amy an alarming look,before thanking me and walking out into the kitchen with them following behind.

"You know more about this,don't you" Elise asks,her eyes slits as she stares me down.

"I know as much as you" I say calmly getting up from the chair and grabbing my coat,"I'm going to go if that's okay"

She gives me a small smile and nod her head,"go ahead"

I wave bye before dashing out the front door,pulling my phone out my pocket and dialing Payton's number.

I keep walking around,heading to my favourite cafe,I need a nice warm hot chocolate to calm me down.As I get into the town centre I come face to face with  Miles.

I have enough on my plate today,the last thing I need is his bullshit.I'm with Payton now,and that means no more Miles.It's clear that all he wants is to tear me and Payton apart.

"Luna,wait.Please give me a chance!" He says running after me

"No Miles,you knew he was going to be there,you knew it would fuck up what we had" I shout walking off.

I can't believe him,does he really think I'm going to forgive him.He purposely tried to frame me,so that I'd look like a cheater,all so he could have me for himself.

"I just wanted to be with you,I had no idea he was going to be there-"

"Stop lying to me,you're an asshole." I shout running off,but he runs after me grabbing my arm and pulling me so that I've turned to face him.He drags me into a small alleyway so that we aren't in the public eye.

"Don't make this hard for yourself,all I want is for you to come with me" he says in a calmer tone

"No!" I hiss back,"I'm not going with you"

"Luna" he warns

But I don't listen,I tear my hands from his grip turning to walk off,but I walk into the body of a taller guy.Before I get the chance to turn and apologise a hand covers my mouth with a cloth.

And  within 3 small breaths,my eyes fall shut.

A/n:Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter.I have a little announcement to make so check my page!I hope you enjoyed this chapter.What do you think has happened to Luna and Payton ? Love you guys !!

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