Chapter 5- It's a date...Friendship date.

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y/n Pov

"Get of me!" I shout. Ivy stops talking now and looks at me. I shout again, "Where am I? Why are you here?" I look in disgust at Michael, he looks a bit hurt by this. I didn't mean it, but I am annoyed at him. I'm not ready to open up about Jay to anyone especially this big superstar, Michael Jackson. Michael says sounding hurt, "You fainted, and I thought I could take you and your friend-" Ivy interrupts eagerly, "Ivy, my name is Ivy!" Michael looks at her and then looks back at me, "Ivy, home safely, it is dark and it is very unsafe." I look at him and say, "I do not need your hel-, Oww!" I touch my head, I had a huge bump on my head from where a fell, this is really embarrassing. I cover it really quickly. I say, "I could've just walked home with Ivy..." Ivy then says, "Girl, I would rather be in the same car with Michael Jackson, what are you on?" I look at Ivy glaring, "I'm on get me out of this car now!" Ivy rolls her eyes. Michael says, "No, it is unsafe, I cannot allow it." I say with a dirty look, "Why do you even care? You're literally the biggest superstar in the world right now, you will probably forget about me in couple days even hours!" Michael looks at me glaring and says, "Like I said I want you home safe no where else." Okay, but this caught me off guard because he was so attractive when he was stern. I decide to give in, I mean it was pitch black and I look a mess. I just fold my arms and look at the window.

In the corner of my eyes, I see Michael smirking. Then, I hear Ivy chattering about herself and how much she loves Michael. I roll my eyes because a lot of the things she said was what I have told her about him, when I liked him. Finally, the car stops in front of Ivy's apartment. Ivy hugs Michael like she has known him for years and she asks for an autograph, which she got and then she got out of the car and said bye to both of us. I decided last minute I want to go to my house because I have to go the studio tomorrow and it is easier. Michael breathes in relief, "Well, she was a handful!" I laugh a bit, ugh I cannot stay mad. I respond, "Yes she is, like I said she is a big fan." Michael says tilting his head to look at me even though I was looking away, "So, you are not mad at me?" I sigh, "No I am not, you are all good, maybe I did overreact a tiny bit." I use my fingers showing how little I overreacted and we both laugh. Michael says, "Yeah a tiny fainting was a tiny bit wasn't it." We laugh. Michael says, "So, your address so we can get you home?" I say, "32B Love Street." Michael signals the driver to go and the driver goes. Michael then looks outside of the window. I turn to Michael and say, "Michael, why did you honestly want to take me home, I literally threw water at you and shouted at you, but you want to treat me?" Michael looks at me and sighs, "Girl, no women should walk outside in the dark by themselves. In your state, anything can happen." I say half smiling, "Well thank you, I am really sorry for everything that happened and all these worrying, it has been a long while since someone actually cared for me like that..." Michael says smiling, "Least I can do for you right now." He looks back at the window, there is a silence. I then say, "Hey Michael?" Michael looks at me smiling still, "Yes?" I say half smiling, "I really want to listen to that song you were singing when I walked in the room, it sounded amazing." Michael starts giggling, "Sure...But on one condition, it is a date." My smile drops. Michael looks pleadingly, "Cmon girl, I know you feel it too." I mean he isn't wrong but I'm not ready for it. Luckily, the car stops. "Oh look my house!" I say. Michael looks a bit upset. Michael says, "Well, yes, but do you have answer?" I say, "Does it have to be date?" I give him puppy eyes. Michael rolls his eyes and smile, "Well, I mean we can get to know each other, it does not have to be a date. I will pop into your studio time." I am so relieved, and I hug him, he feels so warm and comforting and his perfume is really strong, but it smells good. I say my goodbye and I see him smiling excitedly. I walk up my apartment and grin about everything that just happened as I lay in my bed.

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