Chapter 15 :)

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Y/n's Pov

Me and Michael walk out and I say, "I am really sorry for that breakdown, it was not intentional." Michael says, "I get it, she lied on you." Quincy says, "It's okay, just don't break my equipment fully like that." I say, "I am so sorry for that too. Quincy nods and says, "So, what are we doing today?" I say, "My studio session is first, and we will be recording my harmonies today, right?" Quincy says, "Yes we are!" I take of my tracksuit jacket and wrap it around myself. I put on my bucket hat and I wear my glasses, so I don't look that bad. I walk into the booth and put on my earphones. I start singing, "L.O.V.E that is all I wanna give ya! L.O.V.E boy I need it everyday!" I repeat that as it is for my harmonies. I add a bunch of high notes like usual and I add some sounds. I walk out the booth looking for validation. Michael says mumbling, "Looks like I have some competition." I smirk, "C'mon say it with your chest!" Michael says rolling his eyes, "Fine, I have competition and whatever. Anyways, you sounded good." I say smirking, "Thanks." I sigh and slump on the chair. Quincy says, "Here are the lyrics to 'I just can't stop loving you'." I reach over and grab it. I say, "Okay these are cute lyrics. Can I hear the track please?" Quincy nods and plays it. This song is so good! Michael says smiling looking for validation. I say, "This is so magical and cute, I love it, let's get started straight away!" Me and Michael step into the booth smiling at each other. We put our headphones on and start to sing. I look him right in his eyes while he is singing his verse and he smiles back. Then, my bit is on and I look down at my lyrics sheet and start singing. I get nervous and I keep messing up the lyrics and I keep getting frustrated. I say, "I am sorry, I should be getting this, but I cannot." Michael says, "It's fine, it is strong lyrics with strong meaning you know." I nod and try again. Now my voice is cracking up, what is happening? I say angrily, "I need to look over this, I can't right now." Everything is going so wrong today. Me and Michael walk out of the booth. Quincy says, "What has happened?" I say, "I cannot get the lyrics and my voice keeps cracking." Quincy smiles nodding, "The meaning of the lyrics is tripping you back, it has happened with someone I have worked with." I say looking confused, "It is not that." Quincy shrugs his shoulders and says, "You'll figure it out. You guys have dance tomorrow of course and Michael you will learn the last bit of 'The way you make me feel' and then you will perfect it." We both nod like little children listening to the teacher. Quincy says, "Have a nice day guys and do not get into trouble lovebirds!" We laugh and wave at him then leave. I put on my tracksuit jacket and then hold Michael's hand.

I am more nervous than ever knowing why everyone thinks I am weird. We go to the receptionist and check out and she says, "Goodbye Mr. Jackson and goodbye Miss. I stalked Michael Jackson and now ended up being friends with him." She laughs. Michael goes in front of me before I can do anything to her and says, "I will not hesitate to get you fired." She quickly nods and carries on with her paperwork. I am glad Michael intervened I would've beat her up on the spot. I feel a gush of nervousness and we approach outside.

I feel the cameras flashing on my face and I hear fans screaming. Michael starts waving at them, but he is rushing knowing how I feel. He is so protective, and I love that about him. We finally get to the car, I look and say to Michael, "Thank you." Michael says looking confused, "For what?" I say, "Just for caring about me, I have no one now. Watch my family call me because they have seen me on TV with you. You are the only one that has been there, now that I have lost Ivy. Thank you, Michael." Michael says, "You do not need to thank me. I do not think about it, you do mean a lot to me these past few days of knowing you." I smile at him, "Okay, if you care about me so much, let me drive I don't want us to nearly die!" Michael laughs and rolls his eyes, "Sure, sure, whatever." We switch seats. I say, "I am going home though, are you good driving yourself home, well you can come inside if you want too, it is only the afternoon." Michael says, "Sure, why not?" I nod and smile. I start to drive the car. Michael says, "Well you aren't so bad of a driver." I say laughing, "Why are you judging my driving when you nearly killed us? Have I nearly crashed yet?" Michael says, "No but yo-" I say, "No, that is the answer. Say no more, Applehead." This was the first time I called him Applehead, I heard he likes it. Michael says, "Damn girl." He laughs. I say smirking, "Sit back and observe." Michael rolls his eyes while smiling, "Whatever y/n."

In no time and no crash, we get to my apartment. Michael gets a scarf in his boot to hide himself, I do the same. We walk into the house with no problems. I get in and sigh, "Home sweet home." Michael looks around and says, "Cute house." I nod and say, "Taken me so much money to get you know." Michael nods looking around. I go to my home phone as I smashed my phone and I realise there are many miss calls from someone. I tell Michael, "Hold on, someone has been calling my phone. I will be with you in a bit." Michael says, "Alright." He walks more around. I pick up and call the phone number. The phone picks up. "Oh hello, y/n." It was my mother.

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