Chapter 33 :)

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Y/n's Pov

My clock is beeping telling me to wake up. I wake up slowly and wake up with a huge smile on my face. I skip excitedly to the bathroom as I play the old Jackson 5 classic album ABC. I brush my teeth while dancing around to 'Love you Save'. Today is probably going to be the best day yet. I finish brushing my teeth and then I head into the shower. I shower for around half an hour and then I get out and head to my closet. I pick out some ripped baggy, blue jeans and a white, a tight fitted, short sleeve crop top. I sit at my dressing table. I decide to put my hair in a high ponytail and I add edges. I then out on a white knotted hairband. Then, I do my makeup. My dad does not like too much makeup, so I do my eyebrow makeup again and some lip-gloss.  I wear some white pearl earrings and then, I wear the normal necklace. I also wear a special bracelet and another necklace my dad gave to me when I was younger. I spray myself with perfume. After I wear some socks and then wear some white trainers(sneakers).

I get up and head to the living room. I am way to excited to eat, plus I am going out to eat with my dad. I sit and turn on the TV. I turn on the news and realise my face is on there with all the garbage. I look up furious. 'MJ's Mystery girl has been digging through the garbage.' I sigh and sit down and switch the channel. My phone starts to ring, and I pick it up. "Hello?" I say. "Hello, sweetheart." I say smiling now, "Oh hey dad!" Dad says, "Still up for today?" I say, "Of course I am actually about to leave." Dad says, "Okay, see you soon." I say, "Bye dad, I love you." Dad says, "Love you too." I put cut the phone of and my phone in the bag, switch of the TV and head straight out of the door.

Michael's Pov

I wake up normally. Yesterday was amazing! Meeting all my fans. Most of all, I saw y/n after a long time. She looked gorgeous; I could not help but stare at her. I wonder why she left early though; she did look a bit messy when she came back. Also, I hope she saw my dedication to her on TV or something. That was my way to reach out to her. I go and call Leo on my phone. I say, "I want to go to KFC today, want to tag along?" Leo says, "Sure, thank you. I need an excuse to get out of the house. Maria is blowing up my phone, I can't speak to her the day before the wedding." Michael says, "Oh wow, must be hectic." Leo says, "Yeah, I will be at your home in half an hour." I say, "Okay, bye." I drop the phone and head to the showers. I brush my teeth, then head into the shower.

I finally finish showering and head to my closet. I wear a dark blue buttoned t-shirt, black pants. I sit down on my desk. I style my hair half up and half down. I then put a baseball hat on. I put some white socks on and my loafers. After, I spray cologne on myself and then, I head to the living room and wait for Leo.

After 10 minutes, I hear a knock on the door. I go to the door and open and see it is Leo. I say, "Hey man." Leo says, "Hey Michael." I say, "Let's go, shall we?" Leo nods, I grab my wallet, put it in my pocket and head to the car.

Leo starts driving the car. I say, "So, tomorrow you're going to married?" Leo says, "Yes." I say, "How do you feel?" Leo says, "Pretty chill, excited too." I say, "Maria seems like the opposite." Leo says, "One hundred percent. She wants everything to be perfect." I say, "Ha! Women." Leo nods then says, "Speaking of women, how's yours?" I say, "You know the situation." Leo says, "I am not going to lie. I think she is ready." I say, "Ready for what?" Leo says, "For you. Do you know how many times I called her during the show because all she was doing was staring at you." I blush and says, "Oh...But, why did she leave?" Leo says, "That Ivy girl threw garbage all over her." I say, "Oh, speaking of the Ivy girl she needs to chill. Always hitting me up." Leo laughs and says, "Oh those type of girls. If all else fails, get a restraining order." I laugh and say, "Keeping that in mind." Me and Leo laugh.

After around 10 minutes, we finally arrive at KFC. I smell the mouth-watering smell of chicken fill my nostrils. Leo says, "Like I say every single time we come, never knew a vegetarian goes to KFC to go and eat chicken." I roll my eyes and says, "Now you know one. I take of the skin so it's organic!" I put on my sunglasses and lower my cap. I go straight to the cashier. The cashier says, "Your regular, Mr. Jackson?" I say, "Yes please." I smile at the cashier who smiles back, and they head to the back. I look around and my eyes fall onto the most beautiful girl ever...Her eyes fall onto mine too...

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