Chapter 83 :)

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Y/n's Pov

"Hey Ma-" Before I can finish, Maria screams, "So you're pregnant!" I nod enthusiastically. Maria says, "I'm going to be an aunty!" She jumps up and down hugging me. I smile and say, "I think I'm going to be one too." Maria says, "I know right you are!" Leo says, "Without me?!" Maria says, "So I went to the hospital today expecting them to give me medication but they told me I'm pregnant for 4 months and all this while I thought I was gaining weight but no I'm having a baby!" Leo says, "I'm going to be a father too!" He goes to hug Maria and I smile at them, seeing my sister happy makes me so happy. I turn to Michael, "She's probably going to want to have a joint baby shower!" Michael laughs, "Figured." Maria and Leo come back to me and Michael. I say, "I don't want one though, well I will come to her baby shower-" Maria says, "That's okay, that means I get all the presents!" We laugh. I say, "I don't want the world to know about the baby until it's born." Michael says, "Agreed." Maria says, "I know our babies are going to be best friends!" I say, "I know right. Do you hope your baby is going to be a boy or a girl?" She says, "A girl for sure!" I say, "A boy." Michael smiles at me. Maria says, "Dad would be so happy right now." I smile and say, "Yes, I do miss him." Maria says, "Same but he is still watching us." I say, "Of course."

After two hours of small talk, me and Michael decide to head to the Jacksons. Him driving the car. I say, "Michael go slower!" Michael says, "Just chill, we won't crash!" I say, "Fine, fi- THE BREAKS MICHAEL!" Michael smoothly swerves around the car. Michael says, "See, I know how drive." I roll my eyes.

We finally pull up to HavernHurst. At this point, my shoes are off my feet are swollen again. Michael decides to carry me in. He sits me on the couch. Latoya is about to walk past but she sees me and Michael. She says, "Mother, Joseph! Michael and Y/n are here!" Even though she just called her other and Joseph the rest of the Jacksons come down. We all exchange hey's and hi's. We all sit down and Michael says, "We have got an announcement for you guys!" I say, "I am having a baby." The next thing I know Latoya already has her arms wrapped around me and screaming. Michael's brothers are hugging Michael. Janet says, "Imma be an aunty again! Congrats sister!" I say, "Thank you." Latoya says, "How many months in are you?" I say, "Three." Latoya says, "I hope it's a girl." Janet says, "I want it to be a boy though." Katherine says, "It doesn't matter, I knew you were pregnant, I could tell! Congrats baby!" I say, "Thank you Mama K." Ms. Katherine says, "My pleasure." Michael's brothers come and congratulate me and Marlon gives me and Michael a little speech on what not to do. Joseph says, "So how are you planning this?" Michael says, "We are going to keep it a secret until the baby is actually born, for now we need to focus on the wedding, oh about the wedding, Latoya have you got anything prepared?" Latoya says, "Practically everything, I got a little excited." I smile and say, "What did you do?" Latoya says, "You have a wedding dress fitting next month actually!" I smile excitedly, "Alright. What else?" Latoya says, "I know you wanted to get married by next month, so you're getting married this time next month." Michael says, "I can't wait." Jackie says, "I can't believe Michael is finally settling down!" Michael says, "Well here I am doing it. You better believe it!" We all laugh. Ms. Katherine says, "Anything you need, I'm always here, you are welcome in this house Y/n." I smile and say, "Thank you Mama K. I appreciate it." Ms. Katherine says, "Well, I made some dinner let's eat it!"

We all head into the dining room to eat. The only think I can eat is the rice and beans, my body won't eat anything else. I sigh thinking about how long these nine months are going to be. But it's worth it. Michael says, "Are you okay, baby?" I say, "Yes of course I am!" Michael smiles, "Good." Latoya says, "What type of wedding dress do you want?" I say, "A ball gown, since I'm growing, by the time I am getting married, I'll be bigger so I don't need to get any adjustments." Latoya says, "Oh my gosh you are so smart!" We all laugh. Michael says, "No matter what you, wear you'll be the most beautiful bride ever." Randy says, "No lovey dovey stuff while we are eating, please!" We all laugh. I say, "Thank you though baby." Michael kisses my forehead.

After dinner me and Michael decide to get home before it gets too dark. Ms. Katherine kisses my cheek and says, "Be careful and don't do things that will make you stressed. It will stress the baby out!" I say, "Of course." Ms. Katherine says, "Michael will make sure anyways!" I giggle and say, "I know, I know." We hug as me and Michael exit the door waving at all the Jacksons.

We head into the car and we start going to Neverland. Michael says, "This has been the best week ever." I smile, "It has been." Michael says, "Thank you for carrying our baby in your stomach by the way." I say, "I can't wait for the baby to come out." Michael says, "Me too." I say, "I was so annoyed at the table, I wanted to eat chicken and you know my love for chicken right?" Michael giggles and nods. I say, "My body was disgusted by it, it's going to be a long 9 months." Michael says, "Want to go KFC now?" I hit him so hard on the arm. Michael says laughing, "Owwww, what was that for?" I say, "For thinking your funny." Michael continues to laugh and says, "But, I am funny." We both laugh.

We finally arrive to Neverland. Michael carries me into Neverland all the way up to our room. I decided I want to take a warm long bath. I grab my notebook wanting to write some music too.

As I walk into the bathroom, Michael is running a bubble bath with candles. I say, "Dammit, I was going to do that!" Michael giggles and says, "It's for you, silly." I say, "Thank you so much, I really needed this." Michael says, "I put on your favourite song too." Human Nature starts to play. I hug Michael and kiss him deeply and he kisses me back. I let go and say, "I love you so much!" Michael says, "I love you more." I say, "I love you most." Michael says, "Fine you win!" I laugh as he heads out of the bathroom. I head into the bath and it feels so good. I sing along, "See that gurlllll, she knows I'm watching, she likes the way I staree! If the say why, why tell them that it's human nature, why? Why? Does he do me that way? If they say why? Why? Why? Oooooo." The music changes into The girl is mine. Michael peeks through and starts singing to me, "Every night she walks right in my dreams, since I met her from the start, I'm so proud I am the only one, that's special in her heart. The girl is mine." I sing, "The doggone boy is mine." We giggle at each other and then Michael steps out of the bathroom.

I finally finish the bath and I feel so much better! I wrote a song too which is good. I wear a vest crop top and some Pyjama bottoms and put a bonnet over my head. I climb into bed next to Michael who is wide awake and smiling at me. He was reading Peter Pan but he put it down and removed his glasses and put it on the side. Michael says, "How was it?" I say, "Amazing, thank you so much for that!" Michael says, "My pleasure. I gotta keep you and the baby healthy." I smile and say, "Mhm." Michael says, "Can I speak to the baby?" I say, "Go for it." I even brought out a little video camera I keep on the side of the bed. I usually had it for Michael.  Michael says, "Hey little one, it's daddy! I can't wait to meet you in 7 more months. Me and mummy love you so much! See you soon." I wipe a little tear from the corner of my eyes. Michael says, "Why are you crying?" I say, "That was the cutest thing I've ever seen." Michael says hugging me, "Awhh. Well I'll be doing this regularly." I smile and say, "Michael you're the cutest!" Michael says, "Well, I am tired and I bet you are too. So, goodnight sweetheart, goodnight baby. I love you!" He kisses my forehead and then kisses my stomach. I kiss him back and we drift to sleep, Michael hugging my stomach.

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