Chapter 81 :)

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Y/n's Pov

I literally have no words. At that moment, I realised I need to let go of my past. It's time to move forward. Time to have a life with someone new. I look up to the sky and smile, I see a flock of dove's. My dad's sign of saying yes. I smile and look down still crying. Marcey says, "We awe waiting Y/n. You bettew say yes ow I'm mawwying him." Everyone laughs. I smile and say, "Yes, Michael. Yes. I will marry you." Michael's eyes are now welled up with tears. He puts the ring on my finger and we kiss and hug, making everyone go awh. I say, "I love you Michael and I can't wait to get married to you!" Michael says, "Me too Mrs. Jackson." I kiss him again. Marcey says, "Go get a woom!" Everyone laughs. Marcey says, "I am alweady youw maid of honouw, so Mawia and Latoya think again!" We all laugh. I say, "No wonder all of you guys were acting weird. Maria and Latoya, y'all were acting like you smoked a blunt." Ms. Katherine says, "God Forbid." Latoya says, "Now mother, you know I'd never do that." Maria says, "Same here." Latoya screeches, "Anyways, lemme see the ring!" Marcey runs over with her little legs. Michael, Leo and his brothers are all getting a slice of cake. I show them my hand and all the girls scream, including me. Katherine says hugging me, "I am glad you're going to be my daughter in law. When I saw you, I knew you were the one for him. You're like a daughter to me. I'm so happy for you. But Y/n?" I say, "Yes Mama K?" She furrows her eyebrows, "Are you pregnant?" I say, "I've been feeling sick but no." Latoya looks shocked and says, "Symptoms?" I say, "Well, my feet-" Before I could finish she says, "She's pregnant." I say, "Uh nah." Ms. Katherine says, "You probably are you have that glow." Latoya says, "And you look more chubby." Janet smacks Latoya's arm and says, "Hey!" Latoya rubs her arm, "Not in a bad way girl." Ms. Katherine says, "Take a test sweetheart and let me know." I nod slowly smiling. Latoya hugs me and along with my sister. Janet says, "Congrats, girl. I'm so happy for you." I hug Janet and say, "Thank you." Chloe says, "Congrats!" I say, "Thank you, Chlo!" Marcey says, "You getting mawwied to Michael Jackson, that's a flex." I giggle and pick up Marcey walking to get her some cake. I say, "Do you want a slice?"  Marcey says, "The biggest slice." I giggle and say, "Ofc birthday girl." As I am cutting the cake, I stare at my ring. It looks beautiful. I finish cutting the cake and I put Marcey down so I can give it to her. I talk to a staff and ask them to get me a pregnancy test, she gives me a small smile and walks away.

I walk over taking off my heels as my swollen feet are getting worse. I mutter cuss words under my breath as I stand behind the Jackson brothers. My thoughts are still around this pregnancy situation but I got to keep my cool. Only Michael notices I am here but not his brothers. Tito says, "Marrying someone is a deep thing. When I got married to DeeDee, she wanted everything perfect. So be prepared for the- what are you looking at Michael, I'm talking to you!" Michael says, "Look behind you." Tito and his brothers turn and they all smile. I say, "I have to meet DeeDee, soon. She seems so sweet." Tito says, "She is. She's busy with the kids though." I say, "Oh okay. Tell her and them i said hi!" Tito smiles and says, "I will." I say, "And women want everything to be perfect but honestly happiness comes first." Marlon says, "Exactly. When I got married, it wasn't the best wedding but she was happy." I smile, "That's cute. I still want mine to be perfect though." We all laugh. Michael says, "Don't worry, you're marrying a perfectionist." I smile and says, "Of course." We all head inside of Neverland and make small talk.

After two hours, everyone has gone home now and it's just me and Michael in PJs watching a movie. Michael breaks the silence, "I cannot wait for our wedding day." I smile and say, "Me too. It's going to perfect; I already have images in my mind and everything." Michael says, "Same." I say, "Are we making it public or private?" Michael says, "Let's do public." I say, "Alright." Michael says, "I want to skip ahead of time, and get married already, you'll finally be called Y/n Jackson." I smile so wide hearing that but it soon turns into a frown as I feel sick coming up my throat. I run to the bathroom and Michael runs after me. He holds my hair up as I throw up. I say, "I swear, I shouldn't have kissed you that night because I got the same stomach bug!" Michael says, "But you couldn't help it." I say, "Yeah, yeah. Still your fault." We laugh. I say, "Let me get cleaned up, you can carry on the movie." Michael says, "Alright, Mrs. Jackson." I smile at him as he heads out. I go into the cupboard and l grab the pregnancy test I took earlier. I sigh nervously as I start to look at the result.

I walk out of the bathroom clean and happy. I join Michael to finish the movie. A couple minutes later, we decide to shut off the TV and head to bed. Michael holds me as I fall asleep in his arms. He kisses my lips and then my forehead and says, "Goodnight Mrs. Jackson. I love you." I say, "I love you more. Goodnight Applehead."

The next day...

I wake up smiling, smiling knowing I am an engaged women and engaged to the love of my life, a.k.a Michael Jackson. I smile and turn and kiss Michael until he wakes up. He smiles and says, "Good morning, Mrs. Jackson." I smile, "Morning Mr. Jackson." Michael says, "You have another big day." I smile and say, "Our honeymoon is going to be my break I need it." Michael says, "100%." I kiss him and climb out of bed.

Now you're probably wondering, why is today an important day. I am announcing my tour. I cannot wait to go on tour, I've been waiting for this all my life. All that dancing and singing in my bedroom, will pay off trust me. I smile at myself as I shower and sing. After a good 45 minutes, I come out of the shower put on my underwear and head out.

I put on a matching shorts and vest crop top on and a long, white wool cardigan:

I put on a matching shorts and vest crop top on and a long, white wool cardigan:

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I sit on the vanity as Michael steps in with just black trousers on. I am a such a lucky woman. I smile through the mirror and I see him smiling back.

We hear a knock on the door and it's Karen, she rushes in and says, "You look cute already but we have a time li-" She looks at my ring finger. Karen says, "Hold on, is that a decoration or did Michael-" Michael says while putting his shirt on, "I sure did." Karen screams and jumps, "Congratulations both of you!" We say, "Thanks Karen." Karen says, "Damn, let me calm down and do your hair and makeup." We laugh. My hair is still curly from yesterday, even though I showered. She puts the front bits of my hair into to small ponytails that flows and leaves the rest out. She quickly sprays it and it's done. She moves onto my makeup and gives me a natural look. She steps back and looks, "All done." I smile and say, "Thank you, K." She says, "No problem. Michael come up." Me and Michael switch places. I grab some socks and my coloured Jordans and sit on the bed to put them on. Karen eagerly talks about the wedding as she does some finishing touches to Michael.

A couple minutes, Karen finishes and says, "Alright, imma see you guys later. Goodluck." Me and Michael wave her off as she steps out of the door. I go to the kitchen and grab a piece of gum, so does Michael. We make eye contact for a while before we step back into reality. I say, "I love you Michael." Michael says, "I love you more Y/n." We kiss each other deeply until I pull away. I say, "We better get going, I can't be late to my own press conference." We laugh as we head out of Neverland.

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