Chapter 70 :)

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Y/n's Pov

3days later...

Today is the day I lay my dad to rest. He's going to be gone forever. I've been awake all-night thinking about it, Michael was asleep but awake to comfort me. I even saw dad's figure again. I wish I could hug him. I sit up and stare at the front of me. Then, I feel the bed moving next to me and I feel Michael staring at me, but I still continue to stare straight. Michael says, "Good morning, sweetheart." He kisses my cheek and I smile shyly. He hugs me and I immediately break down into tears. He starts cooing me and comforting me as I breakdown. The first time I cried over dad in over a week. I say, "I miss him so much. He's never coming back." Michael says, "He's always with you trust me on that. I miss him too so much. I wish he's able to walk you down the aisle to me." I giggle a bit. Michael says, "But, today we are celebrating his life. He wouldn't want you to be sad." Michael wipes my tears. I smile and say, "I know, I have to stay strong. I love you, Michael Joseph Jackson." Michael smiles, "I love you more, Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n." He hugs me tight and kisses me deeply and I kiss him back.

I slowly get up out of the bed and head into the bathroom. I start brushing my teeth, but I stare at my reflection deep in thoughts about today. I finally reach the shower and I take time washing my hair clean and my body. I finish showering, I wear my underwear and wrap a towel around my body. I walk out to see Michael on the phone arguing with someone well not arguing. But I hear, "Look I am not here to argue with you because I love you but Ja-" Is he arguing with Janet? He then realises my presents and I act like I was not listening. Michael says, "How long have you been standing there?" I say, "A good three minutes. Who were you talking, well arguing with?" Michael says, "Ummmm Quincy!" I say. "It sounded like you were going to say Janet but whatever you say." Michael says, "I was talking to him about Janet." I say sitting down and getting my makeup bag out, "Why about Janet, what did she do?" Michael says, "Business stuff." I say, "Oh okay." I don't believe him, he was definitely talking to Janet but I let it slide.

I say, "Michael, go and get ready. You don't want to be late." Michael smiles and says, "Yes ma'am." He disappears into the bathroom while I continue on my makeup. I put on some foundation, powder, consular, highlighter. After, I do some eyebrow makeup and add some red lipstick to finish the look. After, I blow out my hair, comb it down and add some hair products in. Then, I style my hair into a very slick back bun. By the time I finish this, Michael comes out of the bathroom and is getting dressed. I head to the wardrobe and grab my outfit for today. I head into the bathroom. I get dressed into this really short, long sleeve black dress and tights. Then, I wear this short but long enough to hide the dress coat dress, with fur at the bottom of it and at the bottom of the arms and around the neck:

 Then, I wear this short but long enough to hide the dress coat dress, with fur at the bottom of it and at the bottom of the arms and around the neck:

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(That but black). It has this silver angel jewellery on it. After I style the small, black hat, that has web on the front of it, on my head. The web covers my left eye.

I come out of the bathroom and I see Michael putting on shoes. I must say he looks mighty fine. He is wearing this black, military jacket, with the same jewellery on that I have on it, black jeans and he is wearing black heels. His hair is out but the top is a bit puffed at the top. He looks up and smiles at me. I smile back at him and say, "Well, you look fine today." He smiles with his teeth now and says, "You are the most beautiful girl though." I smile and say, "Thank you, Applehead." I turn to the wardrobe and grab some original converses. Now you are wondering why I am wearing converses, well I want to be comfortable alright? I sit on the bed and put on the shoes.

I see Michael looking out of the big window and I stand next to him and rest my head on his shoulder and he rests his head on my head. Michael says, "I'm going to miss him." I say, "Me too. Life isn't going to be the same. Shi-" Michael says, "Language." I say, "Sugar, my mother is now my business manager." Michael turns to me and says, "How?" I say, "I said that if anything happens to dad, she can be the manager. I should not have said that." Michael says, "You know your average money balance?" I nod and say, "$350k per month." Michael says, "Alright, if you see any less, you can sue her. I'll find the best lawyer for you. Alright?" I smile and say, "Thank you, Michael." He kisses me softly and my arms go around his neck. I pull away from the kiss and me and Michael's foreheads just touch, and we look at each other in the eyes like when we first met.

After for what felt like eternity, Michael says, "Okay, Mrs. Jackson, we have to leave now." I nod and I grab a special something to give to dad and I wear my sunglasses and same with Michael. Michael's gift was well hidden, and he didn't want no one to see. We walk out of Neverland and head into the car and Leo starts driving.

We sit in silence until Michael breaks it. He says, "Y/n?" I turn and say, "Yes Michael?" He responds, "Do you want to go on set to my new music video tomorrow?" I say, "Sure." He smiles. I say, "What's that gift in your bag for dad?" He says, "My new album. I know he is a huge fan of me and I thought it would be nice to give it to him. He is the first one to get it." I smile and say, "He would love that." Michael says, "That's why I got it for him." I smile and say, "You know it was him that always would say I'd get to marry you. He'd always be like just wait; you'll get married to him." Michael smiles so much that if he'd keep that smile, his face would be stuck. Michael says, "Now look at us now." I grab his hand smiling and nod slowly.

After 15 more minutes, the car stops but we hear screaming and see cameras flashing. Michael looks confused and says, "No one was supposed to be here? Who tipped them off?" I say, "Mother and if there is a camera in that church, she will hear my rath." Michael says, "How dare she?" I say, "I know right!"

Me and Michael walk out of the car holding hands with straight faces, while Leo parks the car and then heads inside. Me and Michael speed walk and ignoring everything and everyone.

We get inside and I see a camera crew, a whole entire camera crew. Are we filming a documentary? I see my dad's side of the family and I see my mother sitting alone. My sister is sitting not near her, she clearly is mad. I see Ivy sitting next to her and Ivy smiles and I half smile. We talked it out and she told me my mother's whole entire plan and everything. Michael stepped his security up and everything. My dad's family and friends all look shocked to see Michael. I mean he is Michael Jackson. All the Jacksons are there, and we greet them of course, Janet mostly staring but I sense some tension between her and Michael. I greet my grandfather and my aunts and uncles.

I walk up to my sister, "Hey sis, are you ready?" Maria says, "Nope, I don't want those cameras there at all. Is mother insane? She even tipped this location to the press?" I say, "I'm going to talk to her right now." Maria says, "Make sure the camera crew, is outta here." I nod. Me and Maria are wearing the exact same thing too. Ivy is just wearing a black dress, black cardigan and heels. My seat is reserved next to my sister at the front, Ivy moves back, and Michael sits next to my sister as they talk. Leo joins them moments after.

After, I storm to the other side of the church where mother is. I then bend down next to her and say, "This was supposed to be private and peaceful but we have press and a bloody camera crew in here. What is their business here?" My mother says, "To film? What else? And tipping you guys off is a way to earn money. But now I don't need to do that because I am your new business manager." She winks and smiles. I say, "I am sending them packing they have no right to be here!" Mother says, "But I paid them already." I stand up and now point in her face as everyone turned to us, "No one asked you to bring them. You wasted your money. Do you know how disrespectful that is to his family? We ain't filming now damn funeral. And, last but not least, if you take my money, I will sue you. Now go send them away right now." My mother rolls her eyes and gets up to send them out.

I say to everyone, "I am so sorry if you had trouble getting in and your faces are now on TV. We did not want that to happen. Veronica sent them. I have no clue why." Everyone gives my mother a dirty look as she goes to sit down. "But she has sent that camera crew off and we can finally lay my lovely father in peace."

I go and sit down next to Michael who grabs my hand and squeezes it.

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