Chapter 32 :)

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Y/n's Pov

I look at her up and down, "Looky here, here is the social reject doing the makeup in the bathroom because no one wants them." I give her a sarcastic sad face. Ivy says, "How do you know I am dancing?" I say smiling, "I saw the other dancers over there wearing similar outfits." Ivy says, "Deciding to stalk Michael again?" I say, "But, aren't you the one begging him to call you and stuff?" Before Ivy carries on, I carry on. "Sorry to tell you girl but if he wants you, he will call you. Anyways, you were all over him like a dog, I wouldn't blame him. I don't blame you for being jealous girl, I would be too, you wish that was you huh?" I laugh and say, "Now if you step out of my way, I need to use the toilet." Ivy is about to open her mouth but is speechless. I say, "You thought you would never see this side of me. I am not so soft as you think." She goes to look like she was about to hit me. I laugh and say, "Hit me then. Acting like you won all our play fights." Ivy looks furious and then she takes her makeup and walks of turns and glares at me then walks out of the bathroom. I whisper to myself, "And I'd do it again." I head into the toilet stall feeling on top of the world.

I hear someone walk back in the stall and then I hear a laugh. I finish using the toilet get out and without a second of thought I feel the garbage all over me and I see some flashes as if a picture was taken of me and then I see Ivy laughing. I say, "Thought you did something huh?" Ivy said, "I certainly most definitely did something. You smell." I say, "I dragged you with my words, you had to do this to me. Pathetic." Ivy says, "Yeah, yeah whatever." And then walks out. I instantly get upset as I realise, I have to go the crowd to grab Leo to leave. I get all the garbage out and sigh.

I hang my head down in shame and practically run to where me and Leo were. People start giving me disgusted looks and I could die then and there of embarrassment. I hear Thriller playing and I see Ivy and Michael dancing together. I can't help but get jealous and Ivy sees me and beams even harder. I tap Leo's shoulder and say, "We are leaving!" Leo says, "Why...what's that smell?" I say, "Exactly!" I grab his arm and I start running through the crowds and I turn and see Michael's eyes are following me. He looks disappointed but his face immediately changes as he realises what he's doing. Ivy is there just smiling her evil smile. I give her an angry look and then we walk out.

Leo says, "What happened?" I said, "Ivy again." Leo says, "Isn't she your best friend?" I say, "Not anymore. We have been arguing and I met her in the toilets and I obviously smart mouthed her and she got mad so of course she did something like this...I even think she took pictures." Leo says, "Oh I am so sorry." I say, "I mean it's not your fault. Can I just get home?" Leo says, "Of course."

The drive home is silent as I am embarrassed, I can see Leo try and avoid the smell. He opens the windows too. Finally, after a bit of time we get to my home. I say, "Thanks for dealing with this Leo. I owe you two times now." Leo says, "No worries, all I want you do is to come to my wedding." I say, "Of course, no doubt." Leo says, "If it's okay you will be standing next to Michael?" I say, "Whatever you want, I don't want to ruin your day." I smile and so does Leo. I say, "Let me get out of here before I stink your car up even more!" Leo says, "Thank you, see you later." I get out wave a goodbye and then rush to my apartment.

As soon as I head past the door, I head into the shower practically teleporting. I put on the Jacksons album, Triumph and then I am in the shower. I spend so much time scrubbing myself and washing my hair until it is clean. I will get Ivy back. I hate her now. I finally finish after scrubbing for what felt like a decade and then I put my hair in a bonnet and wear my pjs. I turn off the music machine and head to the kitchen.

I get some leftover fried chicken and grab a can of coke and head over to the couch. I decide to go watch the show on TV instead and it is nearly the end of the show. I sit there and watch Michael like a hawk, from his voice notes all the way to how his feet are moving. It's been half an hour and I am still watching it.

Michael then says, "Well, thank you all for this amazing night, thank you to all the dancers, you guys did amazing!" I see all the dancers pop out of the side of the stage and of course I see Ivy. I nearly break my coke can that is in my hand right there and then. "Thank you to the band." The band smiles and nods. "Thank you to all the stage tech." They pop out and smile. "Thank you to the people who have been taking donations!" Michael points at them and the spotlight goes to them. They all smile and wave. "Thank you, Quincy Jones." Quincy pops out from the side and smiles. "And last but certainly not least all of you guys. He points at the crowd." Everyone is clapping. Michael says, "Without you guys, tonight would have never been possible. Thank you and I love you." The crowd screams louder. "Hahahaha, I love you more." Michael says smiling. The crowd goes quieter and then Michael says, "Well, I have one last song for you guys. This song is dedicated to a special someone." The music starts playing and it's the tune to 'The girl is mine.' I can't help but hope he is talking about me. Michael giggles and says, "I seen you tonight girl, I don't know where you went. But you know who you are. I hope you are watching this." Everyone is screaming in the crowd, and I start to blush. Michael starts singing in his angelic voice and then and there I knew. I want him to be mine. I start singing along too.

"...The girl is mine." The music stops and I open my eyes. "Thank you! I love you more." Michael says. He blows a kiss to the crowd and then goes off stage. I smile at the screen for a bit. After, I switch it off, take my empty can and plate to the kitchen. I throw the can away and then I wash the empty plate. Once I am done, I head to the bed and lay there smiling. Thoughts rushing my head excited for what will happen with me and Michael. I am too eager to call the phone, but he must be very busy right now. I also remember I have to see my dad again. I smile even harder. Despite what happened no one can top this feeling. I sigh and shut my eyes eventually falling asleep.

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