Chapter 7- Mixed emotions

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Michael's Pov

I wake feeling happy. Today, I am going to meet up with y/n and I will be able to hear her sing hopefully and I will sing to her! I hope today goes well and I want to make a good impression. I get up excitedly and start humming 'The way you make me feel', a new song coming up in my Bad album. I skip happily to the bathroom where I go and brush my teeth. I need to look and smell the best! I mean it is not a date, but it will be nice to make a good impression cause clearly, I did not last time! Hopefully, I will find the little secret about her ring soon.

Today, is definitely going to be a mixed day, I have to go and visit my best friend. I really hate how it was her that got this sickness, only God knows how much I love her. She has always been there for me and I will be forever grateful. I sigh and walk to the shower. I carry on humming 'The way you make me feel' in the shower. Later, I get out of the shower and get my clothes ready. Today, I decide to wear a dark black buttoned t-shirt, black pants, and my buckled sneakers, I also wear a jersey jacket because it is cold. I sit at my desk and decide what to do with my hair I decide to have it half down and half tied up with a few strands of hair at the front. I put on some cologne, I add extra cologne to smell good. I look at myself in the mirror and start to smile as I get excited for what is happening today.

After a few seconds, I break away from the mirror and call my driver and security so we can leave.

We are going to the hospital now, and I look outside of the window and begin to cry. I hate seeing my best friend like this, dying. I have had so many memories of me and her and now we cannot make more. I start to sob quietly, wearing my sunglasses so no one can see.

The car finally stops at the hospital and I see paparazzi and fans outside the hospital. I come here every Monday, so they come here. I straighten myself up and and wipe my tears and step out with security. I hear fans chanting my name and the press asking me questions, but I am too sad to talk or sign things and hug people like I usually do. I wave one last time before stepping in.

I walk to the reception and the receptionist beams at me and says, "Hey, Mr. Jackson, here for the same thing?" I say quietly, "Yes." The receptionist smile fades, "What is wrong, what did the doctor say?" I say my voice cracking, "Cheryl is not doing well, I don't know how long she has left, but I have to cherish these last moments." The receptionist says, "Oh, I am so sorry Mr. Jackson, stay strong." I nod and smile a bit. The receptionist says, "You can go to the room now, I hope you have a nice day Mr. Jackson!" I say, "I know I will, you too!" I head to the room Cheryl is in. I look at her and tears are coming down really fast. I see her sleeping peacefully. I go and sit next to her. I say, "Hey, you probably cannot hear me because you are sleeping, but I know you are strong and I really hope you can pull through, I miss you and I miss talking to you like we used too, it sucks I have to talk to you in a hospital where you are dying, this is no place we should communicate. I am not ready to let you go." I kiss her forehead and squeeze her hand. All of a sudden, I feel her moving and I see her looking at me, she squeezes my hand too, "Same Michael, I don't want to let you go, you have been so good to me and never left me, I may be dying but I will keep trying for you okay?" She half smiles. I say crying, "Yes, I love you so much Cherry." she giggles quietly and says, "I love you too Applehead." I really am going to miss her so much, it will not be the same. We talk more before I have to go and meet y/n. I say, "Well, I have to go, I have studio time and I meeting someone." She says, "Ohh who are you meeting?" I say now nervously, "Well, this girl I met like a few days ago." She says, "Ohh cool, do you like her or something?" I say, "Only time will tell that, but I would not say no." I smile. She says sounding like my mother, "Well, don't get hurt okay?" I respond laughing, "No I won't, also, to whoever I marry, you are coming too my wedding and being my best women. You will be there, promise?" I start tearing up. She says smiling and trembling a bit, "Yes of course, I would be honoured to!" I say, "Good, well I have to go now, I will see you next week okay?" I kiss her forehead. She says grinning, "Yes of course, see you later." I smile back and walk out of the room. I wave to the receptionist and I wave at her she waves back smiling. I walk out the hospital and wave at all my fans and I hop into the car. I say to my driver, "Let's go the studio!" The driver nods and the car starts to move. I start smiling and thinking about what is going to happen. I cannot wait to see y/n she is so fun and nice to be around and makes all my problems go away with just a stare. The car finally stops, and I walk out excitedly to the building.

I step into the building and I see the receptionist chewing her gum, twirling her hair and smiling like usual. She is a bit weird; she always tries to make advances to me but I don't like her. She is nice though! I smile at her back and she says, "Hey, Michael how are you?" Her loud chewing is annoying me, but I reply, "I am very happy." She says, "Oh because we are talking or-" I say laughing, "Although it is nice to talk to you, I am meeting y/n. You have met her right?" She says laughing awkwardly, "Yes, she is really nice I guess." I reply, "Yes she is, I am also checking in for my studio time, so mark me in." She does as I say and says, "You can go in, since you're early someone else will be in there too." I say, "Okay, see you later." She pops her gum and says, "Bye." I skip excitedly too the studio. I open the door and I can hear an amazing voice singing. I walk in folding my hands and I smile bopping to the music. I, then open my eyes and I see who is singing. It is y/n! She looks stunning, I open my mouth wide and freezing. From head to toe she looks amazing, and we kind of match we are both wearing jerseys'! Her body is hot and her hair is so cute! It takes me a couple minutes to realise the music has stopped and Quincy is laughing while y/n is smiling at me. I feel like I am dreaming, she is so beautiful.

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