Chapter 63 :)

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Chapter 63

Y/n's Pov

My eyes slowly flutter open and the first person is Janet who is smiling at me. All of a sudden, i feel a huge sharp pain all over my body and i wince. Janet says, "Are you alright hun? I'll call the doctor." I say, "Is he gone? Is dad in heaven?" I sounded like a little kid but I just wanted to know. Janet nods slowly and all i can do is cry. Janet embraces me. I say, "Is Michael here?" Janet says, "No, he can't leave his place until later." I say, "But-" Janet says, "He will be here soon, trust me." I say, "I'm going to see my dad now." Janet says, "Let me walk you there." I smile through my tears and grab Janet's hand. We smile and stare into each others eyes, mine with tears coming out. Janet says, "Let's go."

I head outside of my room to hear the TV already talking about the accident and news about what happened to me. I hear shouting outside probably the fans and media. I ignore all of that and steadily walk to my now late dad's room. I see my sister who is crying recklessly she looks up and immediately and hugs me. I hug her back. I'm the big sister, let me comfort her. I rub her head and say, "It's okay. It's okay. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Mimi." She carries on sobbing. I say, "Have you seen him yet?" She nods a yes. I say, "Where is mother?" She says through her sobs, "I don't know she won't pick up and she should know about it anyways it's everywhere." I roll my eyes. I say, "Mimi, we can get through this alright, just like we got through the divorce, grandma's death and every battle. Imma head inside and see dad." I cry. I let go of her embrace and Janet nods at me and comforts my little sister. I sigh and head in.

All I do is cry, he isn't looking at me smiling, he has his eyes closed, his skin paler and his mouth closed. I sit by the bed, I touch dad's face that is cold to the touch but I don't care. I see all the stitches and stuff but he isn't breathing. I sob and say, "Hey dad, it's Y/n. You can wake up. Please wake up. You will wake up right?" No use. I carry on crying. I say, "Dad, why did it have to be you? It should have been me for christ sake. Thank you dad for everything, I'm going to miss you, I really am. You are my world. My rock and my everything. You're not here no more. It sucks, we would be recording music right now, you would still be here now but you ain't and I can't accept that. I wish this didn't happen. I love you dad always. I wish you could be able to walk me down the aisle but you won't, you won't even get to see me in my wedding dress and get married to Michael. I would have loved for that to happen but God had different plans. Please watch over me in heaven and give me signs. The last thing you said was I love you to me and I love you more and always dad. I really do. I will always be thinking of you and dedicate my career to you. I miss you already like hell. See you in heaven, daddy." I hold his hand and start singing I'll be there to him and sob on him. I finish crying until the point there was no more tears coming out. I slowly walk out emotionless.

I see Michael who is sitting there with tears in his eyes. Him and my dad would talk a lot and have amazing conversations mostly about me. I walk over to him while his head is in his hands sobbing. I then kneel down and embrace him. He kisses my forehead and says, "He's in heaven now. God takes the best only. He'll continue to watch you everyday, i just know. I love you baby." I say with a whisper, "I love you more Michael." We carry on embracing each other with Michael crying into my shoulder. After, i feel a tap on my shoulder i turn around and see Janet and she says, "Both of you look outside of the window." me and Michael do so and we see all of our fans with gifts and posters, we smile and wave making them scream. I voice 'i love you all' and Michael blows a kiss. We carry on watching them a bit until i feel a presence behind me and Michael we turn around and see mother who has no expression. I whisper as my voice is hoarse, "What took you so long?" Mother says, "Business for you." I squeak, "Lady, your ex-husband just passed, the man you loved, the man that raised your children and you are thinking of business. I pity you and may God save your soul." Mother rolls her eyes, "The funeral is in two weeks. That's all i came to say." I say, "Pathetic women." She walks away. I loom at Michael and say, "Absolutely no remorse." Michael pulls me into a hug and rubs my head saying, "Don't waste your time on her." I nod. Janet then hands us a microphone thing so we can speak. Michael decides to speak, I was not ready, "Guys, we appreciate all your love, gifts and support, may God bless you. Today, my good friend, Y/n's father sadly passed due to a car crash my prayers are with him. He loved you guys too, he only started working in the industry 3 months ago and saw all you fans for his daughter, he appreciated you guys. Please keep him in your prayers tonight. You guys should go home too, it's raining and we don't want you to catch a cold. We love you more and thank you again." I hear screaming and after we wave and we head back to my hospital room with everyone excluding my mother who has disappeared again.

Some of Michael's family has arrived but others are taking flights to LA, some of my family from my dad's side are here too and we all in the room either crying, talking or looking around. I am looking and Michael is still hugging me, and he still has a couple tears in his eyes. I whisper and say that I want to go back to Neverland. I just want to go to bed and sleep through the sadness. He nods and we both get up and say our goodbyes. To see the Jacksons and Y/l/n's together, I wish it was under better circumstances.

I grab my umbrella and me and Michael head out with the body guards holding bags of gifts. I say, "I took my car here, can someone bring it back?" Michael says, "Of course." I say, "Are you okay Michael?" Michael says, "Your dad meant a lot to me, a father figure in my life I never knew I needed in my life and now we are laying him to rest in two weeks." I say, "He really loved you Michael he did." Michael gives a small smile. He then says, "I cleared all our schedules for the next 3 weeks alright?" I nod and say, "Thanks."

I put up my umbrella and We walk out to the dispersing crowd and cameras flashing at us, I look around emotionless but giving small smiles here and there. These are the highlights of being famous. I just felt the love. Me and Michael head inside the car silently but holding hands all the way to Neverland.

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