Chapter 26 :)

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Y/n's Pov

I feel like I am going to throw up. I cannot even talk my mouth is glued shut and I start gasping for air. Michael looks worried and says, "Are you-" The Ferris wheel reaches the ground and as soon as it does, I push Michael and run all the way into the house without thinking. I get my new phone and dial Leo's number. "Hello?" I hear Leo says, I hear familiar giggling, it sounds like my sister no one laughs like her...I shrug it off, that is the least of my worries. I try and breathe and barely say, "Pick me up now." Leo says now a bit worried, "Aren't you with Michael? Aren't you safe?" I start crying, "It's not Michael's fault, I just need to go home, please Leo." Leo says, "On my way." I hang the phone up. I decide to go the front gate before Michael gets to me. I pace up and down still crying. Why am I feeling this way? Why did I do that to Michael? I can't face him like this or again yet. I swear Michael it is not you; it is me...My phone keeps buzzing but I ignore it.

Michael's Pov

I stare in shock about what just happened. What did I do? Why was she crying? Of course, I messed it up, leave it to me to ruin a relationship. I can never do these things right! I quickly snap out of my trance and run after her; I need answers. I nod in a nice gesture to the Themepark worker and say, "You can go home now, thank you so much for your time." The Themepark worker smiles and walks off. I head straight to the house and look through all the doors, wondering if she just hid of embarrassment, she did leave her heels. I do not find her in any room. She must have left. Tears start rolling down my eyes. What did I do to her? I decide to go and call her to see if she will talk through the phone. I call her over and over and over again, no answer. I wait there hoping she will pick up, but she didn't. This day was the best day until now. I decide to keep the phone with me just in case. I change into my pyjamas and head to bed with a huge headache and tears rolling down my eyes. I don't want to lose her completely, even if we stay as friends...I eventually fall asleep.

Y/n's Pov

"Y/n! Y/n!" Leo calls for me. I quietly say, "Yes..." Leo says, "What happened? Who hurt you? What happened with Michael?" I say, "I just need to figure out myself, I don't know if I can commit to relationships yet, but I do like him, I really do, it's just I cannot lose someone like that again. I couldn't do that again." Leo looks up at me through the mirror sadly, "Look, I am not good with this relationship stuff but from what I know with me and Maria-" I look confused that's my sisters name but it could be anyone, I shrug it off and carry on listening to Leo, "All you have to do is listen to your heart, trust me, your mind could be doing something else, but your heart will tell you your true feeling as it is not effected like your mind is. So, whatever you heart is saying, listen to it, whenever you are ready go with the flow, and I promise it will work out." I half smile, "Thanks, Leo, I definitely will listen to your advice." Leo says, "Always got you. So, are you still up for the charity concert? I still have tickets." I smile and nod, "Sure." Leo smiles and carries on driving. I say, "How's you and your fiancé doing?" Leo says, "We are going really good, we were actually planning our venue when you called." I say, "I am so sorry for ruining that. I did-" Leo smiles still and says, "It's okay, like I said, I always got you." I smile and say, "Thank you Leo, honestly." Leo says, "No problem." I say, "I am excited to see your fiancé!" Leo says, "She actually looks a little bit like you, I think it's just a coincidence to be honest." I nod slowly and laugh nervously and say, "Must be." Leo says, "Yeah." I look outside and see the familiar roads and realise we are at my apartment. "Here we are!" Leo says. I say, "Thank you so much for this, I owe you one." Leo says, "Of course, no problem, I'll pick you up for the concert at 6pm?" I say, "Sure, goodnight Leo." Leo says, "Goodnight, y/n. Do not forget what I said to you, I hope it helped." I say, "Yes it did, and has made it a lot easier." Leo smiles and drives off.

I step into my warm apartment and breathe. I look at my phone and see a voicemail from a random number and Michael's number. I decide to listen to Michaels:

"Hey, y/n. I do not know what is going on with you but please pick up your phone, I did not mean to cause any harm. It's fine if you are not ready, but please let me know. From Applehead." *beep*

It sounds like he has been crying and my heart breaks, but I cannot continue to lead him on and not have an answer. I delete it and press the second voicemail, it sounds familiar:

"Hey, it's your mother. I am in town; I will be expecting to see yo-"

I grow sick and nauseous, I hope to not come across her, I do not want to see her evil face again.

I am about to drop my phone, when it rings, and I pick it up. "Hey baby." a familiar voice says. I instantly beam.

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