Chapter 73 :)

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Michael's Pov

I watch as she slowly walks out of the building and maybe out my life. I immediately start crying so I put on my sunglasses. I messed up big time. My thoughts got the best of me and now I possibly have lost her forever. I can't do that. I think about the first day we met, the day I fell in love like never before. The day at Neverland was the best day of my life no matter the turn out. And, when I asked her to be my girl, the second time, I was on cloud nine and when we co-parented Marcey that was the best. The director shouts, "Five more minutes people, five more." This made me snap out of my thoughts.

I head over to Karen and drag her away from the people. She says, "What happened, Michael?" I say, "Can you fix my makeup, I've been crying and-" Karen says, "Why have you been crying?" I say, "She broke up with me." Karen looks shocked and says, "Why?" I say, "I said some stupid stuff and my trust issues got the best of me and ugh-" Karen says, "Are you in the best state to carry on?" I say, "I don't know, we'll see." Karen says, "Alright, take of your glasses Hun." I take them off. Kaen says, "We need an extra 5 minutes to cover your patches?" I nod sadly.

After 10 minutes, I start shooting again. This new anger has boiled up in me and I guess it made the video look better. The only thing I didn't do out anger was Y/n's moves.

After 2 more hours of hard work, the director says, "And cut! Well done everyone. See you tomorrow for the last shots!" I nod, wave goodbye to everyone and immediately head out. A couple cameras flick and then they ask me why Y/n left quickly and seeming upset. I roll my eyes but then tears start to roll down my eyes as I head into the car.

Leo says as the car starts to move, "How was today, Michael?" I say, "Shit." This brought full attention to Leo because I never swear. Leo says, "What happened, Mike? Are you crying?" This made me cry even more. I gather the words, "Y/n broke up with me." Leo looks shocked and says, "Why?" I said, "I said stuff. I accused her of stuff. Now I regret it." Leo says, "She loves you. Just give her a bit of space you know. It will work out." I stay silent. And the rest of the ride to Neverland is silent.

I thank Leo and step out to Neverland. Maybe I'll see Y/n here. She does live here. I step into Neverland and call out to her, no answer. I look around the house and I see the TV is on, and it's the news. The news anchor says, "Rumours of the megastar couple Y/n and Michael Jackson have split. None of them have spoken up. So, we have to keep guessing. They-" I shut of the TV and throw the remote. It breaks as it falls to the ground. I star breaking things left and right while cussing and saying how stupid I am. I really lost the love of my life over something stupid. I finally calm down and sit myself down crying. All of a sudden, I hear sudden movement and it's Bubbles. I smile through my tears, and he cuddles me tightly, but I see a note in his hand. In a croaky voice, I say, "Oh what's this Bubbles?" Bubbles makes some noises and then hands the note to me. It says:

Dear Michael,

I still love you above everything. But you said some really fowl stuff that will take me time to get over. We need to focus on our careers and maybe in the future we will get back together but for now no. Please think about what you said. Focus on your career and when we have it right, we will see what the future takes us. I still love you Michael Joseph Jackson.

-Love, Y/n.

I cry looking at the note. Maybe she is right but all I can do is think of her. That's all that runs through my mind. I don't know how I'll focus. I don't even know where she is. I sigh and I rant to Bubbles about everything.

Y/n's Pov

I knock on this big wooden door. A couple minutes later, it opens. And the face immediately smiles. I half smile and say, "Hey Jan." Janet says, "Hey girl, how are you?" I say, "Not good." Janet says, "Come in." I say, "Can I stay at yours until further notice?" Janet's smile grows bigger and says, "Of course." I smile a bit and we head inside her home. We sit down on the couch, and she says, "So why are you sad?" I say, "I broke up with Michael." Tears form in my eyes. Janet smiles and then it wipes off after which confused me, but I was too sad. Janet says, "Awh I'm sorry hun." I say, "It's cool, I mean it's kind of a weightlifter because I can focus on my career much more you know." Janet says, "True. Anyways, enough about my brother. Do you want anything to eat?" I say, "A sandwich will do?" Janet nods, "Coming right up, also does my brother know you're here?" I shake my head as no and she nods and disappears into the kitchen.

I sigh and I look around like I haven't been here many times before. I wonder what Michael is doing and if he got my note. I wonder what the future holds for us too...

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