Chapter 23 :)

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Michael's Pov

Leo starts driving the car and y/n is chatting to him like usual. I look outside the car and think about everything that just happened. Why did I get so defensive, it is not like we are dating 'yet'? I shudder thinking about what Ivy did. I mean she is pretty and stuff, but y/n is way more my type and Ivy is not for me, she better stop what she is doing. I hope they make emends soon; I cannot stand this rivalry. I hear y/n call my name and I instantly snap out of my trance and see her glowing eyes and smiling face, she makes me smile too. "Yes?" I say. Y/n says, "Want to be partners for Leo's wedding? It will be fun." I say smiling, "Sure, it will be fun." Y/n turns to Leo and says, "What is the dress code?" Leo says, "Blue and white!" I smile nodding. Y/n says, "Wow, that is cute! I cannot wait for it Leo." Leo says, "Me too, my girl is the best!" Y/n says, "Awee that is cute! When do you plan on having kids then?" Leo says, "Well, kids haven't really been a thing I wanted but if we were to have one, I would not mind at all." I say, "Well, that is really sweet, so you prefer peace and quiet huh?" Leo says, "Yes of course, what about you?" I say, "Depends, but I am used to a noisy environment obviously because of my siblings. How about you y/n?" Y/n turns to me and says, "Well, I prefer quiet, but I love kids, if I could when I am a tad bit older, I would adopt a kid from every content you know, and have three of my own kids, that is what I want with the right person!" I look her straight in the eye beaming, "Same, that is always what I want. I do want twins too!" Y/n says, "Awh that is cool, me and Jay would always-" My smile disappears slowly. Y/n says, "Oh I got carried away, I am really sorry." I say with a half-smile, "No it is fine!" Y/n half smiles and then turns to the window. I reach for her shoulder making her turn around, I look in her eyes that have teared up a bit and say, "Hey, you have me now okay?" She nods smiling and then turns back. I look at her for a second then turn my gaze to the now entrance of Neverland.

Leo says smiling, "We are here!" I say to Leo, "Thank you, I will see you hopefully tomorrow?" Leo says, "Yes of course Michael, 7am?" Y/n turns and says, "What the hell are you doing at 7 in the morning?" I chuckle and say, "Studio, I have other songs to record." Y/n says, "Oh, well Goodluck, I will be in my bed warm and cosy, I actually have no studio session until the next 2 days." I say, "I am only free today, I also have a charity show I am doing the day after tomorrow, so I have rehearsals tomorrow. After, I am staying with my mother for a bit then I will be with you at Leo's wedding!" Y/n says, "Damn, well Goodluck for your show, I'll probably try and find tickets or something for it." I say, "I will get you some VIP tickets and get Leo to pick you up." Y/n says, "Nah, I'd rather be like everyone else and watch like everyone else, But Leo can come with me?" Leo says, "Of course." I nod in agreement. Y/n says, "Oh and not like a bodyguard/driver, a friend." Leo says, "Of course Y/n." Y/n smiles and then goes to open the door. I say, "Hold on!" I walk out and go to her side of the door and open it.

Y/n's Pov

"MI 'lady..." Michael says reaching his hand to me. I beam and take his hand, "Thank you, sir." He kisses my hand; I feel like I am going to fall and die. Never in a million years would I think Michael Jackson, my idol, would take me on a date. Michael says, "Are you okay?" I say, "Yes of course I am." Michael smiles and nods and we walk down the red carpet. We head into the house and I say, "I can't do this no more." Michael turns to me shocked and worried. I laugh and say, "No not with this date silly, I need trainers, I just used these because they match but they are so painful, but I cannot do this." Michael relaxes and nervously laughs, "Oh, you look cute in anything." I blush and say, "Thanks, do you have trainers?" Michael says, "Yes I do, what size are you though?" I say, "Size 8." Michael says, "Well, I only have my shoes and those are 9.5." I say, "Anything but these heels, I'll wear them." Michael nods and smiles then runs upstairs. I sit down and I start taking off my heels. My feet finally breathe. Chile, beauty is really pain. Michael comes back and gives some black trainers. I say smiling at him, "Thanks." He smiles and then I put them on. Damn, they are huge! I tighten them up, so they are not too lose and then I excitedly get up. I say beaming excitedly, "So, where too then?" Michael says, "Here, this is our date." I say, "Oh." Michael says, "Did you forget that I have a whole pool and amusement park here?" I say, "Oh yeah you do, woops. Sugar, I forgot my swim costume." Michael says, "Actually, I have spare swimsuits, my sisters sometimes stay here and they always want to go into the pool, so we just leave spares." I say, "Oh okay, sorry I keep borrowing all of your stuff, I need to be prepared next time." Michael chuckles and says, "No, it is all good. What do you want to do first?" I say, "Let's go and see your animals?" I nod and say, "Sure." I excitedly follow Michael to wherever the animals were. I can feel it, today is going to be a really good day!

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