Chapter 35 :)

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Michael's Pov

I cannot feel any happier than I am feeling right now. She is finally mine, nothing can make me happier than now. Next step she'll becoming Mrs. Jackson. I smile at the thought of that. I say, "Y/n Jackson has a ring to it you know." Y/n laughs and says, "You're right, better than MJ's mystery girl." I say, "Yeah definitely. Also, one more thing." Y/n says, "Yes?" I say, "The family is coming over today, that's why I wanted you to come. They have been seeing you all on TV and want to meet you. Is that okay?" Y/n says, "Oh yeah, of course I am a bit nervous, I don't want to mess up!" I say, "Jermaine is for sure going to hit you up. Just be yourself!" I smile at the thought of them meeting each other. But Jermaine better not touch her. I look outside the window and then I feel a tap on my shoulder. I say, "Yes, Mrs. Jackson?" Y/n chuckles a bit and then says, "Promise you won't leave me or hurt me or cheat on me?" I look at her seriously and say, "Never will I ever leave you. It is the last thing that will ever cross my mind. Come sit on my lap." She sits on my lap, and I say, "Trust me, whatever worries you have with being with me, will go away." She says, "I know, Michael. I just wanted to know." I kiss her lips and she kisses me back. Kissing her lips always sends me to heaven every time. I could kiss her forever and ever.

"We are at Neverland now!" Leo says. Me and y/n head out of the car. "Thanks Leo." Leo says, "No problem." Y/n says, "See you tomorrow!" Leo says, "See you soon." Leo drives of and we head into Neverland.

Y/n's Pov

I am really nervous to meet his family unexpectedly. But, they all seem like a nice bunch. Should I really be worried? I did watch them on TV they looked really kind. I say to Michael, "When will they arrive?" Michael says, "In an hour." I say, "Let me quickly freshen up." Michael says, "Sure." I head into a guest room. Michael shouts, "You're going to my room!" I nod and head to his room. His room is huge and well decorated. I sit at his desk and apply some more makeup. I tighten my hair and adjust my hair band. I spray some extra perfume on myself and then place it down.

I look at myself in the mirror and then I feel a presence in the room. I smile as I see it is Michael through the mirror and he kisses my cheek. I say, "Hey." Michael says, "Hey baby, I have something for you." I say, "Ooo what?" He then takes the necklace I was wearing of and replaces it with a new one. It has a ruby encrusted heart. It looked so cute.

I say, "Thank you Michael, I love it!" I reach over to hug him, and he hugs me back

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I say, "Thank you Michael, I love it!" I reach over to hug him, and he hugs me back. "No problem, baby."

Then, I hear a knock on the door. Michael says, "Come on let's go we have our first arrival, probably Janet." I hold his hand and we both go to the door.

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