Chapter 25 :)

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Michael's Pov

I run after y/n, and I see the theme park worker ready to start the rollercoaster and we head into the seats and push the bar closed to keep us safe. I can't lie I am a bit nervous, but y/n is bouncing up and down in her chair. I breathe and then say, "Aren't you- AHHHHHHHHH." The rollercoaster immediately shoots up unexpectedly. Y/n starts chuckling and screaming in excitement. She even puts her arms and screams, "WOOOO!" I carry on screaming and then I feel a warm hand grab mine and squeeze it. I look at y/n, "It's okay chill a bit and you'll have fun, WOOOOO." Our hands are lifted up in the air. The breeze is hitting my face and I start to relax and have fun. I start screaming and waving my arms in the air out of excitement. She does calm me down very easily, another reason to fall in love with her. The ride finally comes to an end and my face is beaming.

Y/n says, "That was fun, wasn't it?" I say, "Yes it was, I love rollercoasters, I was just nervous for some reason!" Y/n nods and says, "C'mon let's go on the bumper cars!" Before I could react, she grabs my arm we are running to the bumper cars.

We finally get there, and she says, "I am so going to beat you!" "No one beats me on bumper cars."I say laughing. "Think again." Y/n says. Y/n adds shaking my hand. "May the best person win." I shake her hand back and nod.

We walk to separate cars not taking our eyes of each other. I felt her intense stare, but I could not keep my eyes of her. From her head to her toes, she is flawless. I better not mess this up. I step into my car and get ready. The loud whistle blows, and I start driving towards y/n. She is moving towards me, and she pushes me back quickly. I quickly move forward from my setback and come towards her and double push her back, big mistake. Out of nowhere she keeps bashing me. I try and bash her back, but it is no use, she keeps getting me. The second whistle blows, and I sigh in defeat and get out of my car. She is smiling and says, "See, the new winner is here." I roll my eyes and says, "I let you win." Y/n rolls her eyes smiling, "Definitely." I say, "Yes definitely." Y/n says, "I beat yo-" I say, "Let's go to the movie theatre." y/n laughs and says, "Changing the subject I see, but sure whatever." I giggle and then we walk towards the theatre.

Y/n's Pov

HA! I just beat Michael Jackson at Bumpers, that's a flex. We walk to the theatre. I say, "Can I get some food, I am starving." Michael says, "Sure." I go to the food area get myself some popcorn, a bag of skittles, a KitKat bar and some Pepsi. Michael gets some popcorn and hot sauce with Pepsi. We walk into the movie theatre, and I sit towards the back. Michael says, "Why at the back?" I say, "The few rows before the back are always the best places to sit, trust me." I already start eating my popcorn. Michael says, "I am going to put a film in, I will be back." I say, "Okay." I carry on munching on my popcorn, and he finally comes back, and I see Peter Pan playing. Michael says, "You fell asleep while we were watching it, so I put it on again." I get flashbacks of that night and shudder. "Don't remind me." Michael says, "You look cute when you're asleep." I blush, "Thanks but I don't. I look like some horse." Michael says, "Y/n, stop putting yourself down. I would not have asked you on a date if I did not think you were beautiful." I blush even harder, "Thanks Michael." Michael smiles and says, "No problem, girl." I hesitate to put my head on his shoulder and carry on eating my food. He puts his arms around me and I immediately shiver. It honestly reminds me of Jay, and I miss it, and I do not know if I can move on just yet. I enjoy the comfort of Michael, he honestly makes me happy, but we could be moving too fast also with everything that is happening I just don't know.

The movie is finished and me and Michael head out hand in hand and it is now nearly dark. I say, "It is getting dark, I should leave soon." Michael says,  "I have one more thing for you." I look confused but says, "Okay, let's go."

I follow Michael and we are walking to the end of the park towards the Ferris wheel. I say, "Awh this is a cute way to end the day." Michael kisses my hand and says, "Ladies first." I nod my head in a thank you gesture and step in like a princess. I sit down and put the little blanket over me, it is quite cold now. Michael steps in and the random theme park worker pushes a button, and we start moving up. We start getting quite high up and I look at the view of Neverland now lit up. I say in ore, "This is beautiful, Michael, wow!" Michael says, "It really is, the builders did amazing." I look more around more, I would honestly want to live here forever, it is magical. I look at Michael who is looking around nervously and even fidgeting. I look confused and say, "Why do you look nervous?" Michael says laughing nervously, "Oh nothing, it's fine." I raise my eyebrow and say, "It sure is something." Michael says, "Trust me, I am fine." I say, "Okay, whatever you say, Michael Jackson." I laugh and look away. We are now at the peak of the wheel, and I can see everything, the whole entire field to. This is phenomenal. I am about to take it all in but then I feel a tap, I look at Michael who is smiling at me now and have seemed to calm down. Michael says, "Actually there is something..." I say smiling, "Okay..." Michael says, "I am going to be really honest with you, these past few days have been amazing with you, I wake up and I think about you, and I smile. I'm crazy about you, girl. It is always fun with you, and it is nothing else. You are so different to everyone and you're just so kind and have the same interests at heart like me. We may have only known each other for a few days but it feels like years and years. I do not see us as friends, that is really hard..." My heart starts beating through my mouth now. He holds my hand now and says, "Y/n l/n, will you be my girlfriend?"

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