Chapter 10- Dance duo

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(Filling chapter)

Michael's Pov

I wake up feeling a bit sad and disappointed about everything that has happened. Today I really hope we can clear the air; I mean we have to work together for hours today. Also, who is Jay, she called me a random person and it is now stuck in my mind. I get up and go and brush my teeth. I start humming 'The Way You Feel'. Once I'm done, I head into the shower and stay in there for an extra 15mins, I feel like I need that refreshing feeling. Once I head out, I go straight to my closet and picked what to wear. I decide to wear a red buttoned t-shirt, some black pants, white socks and a pair of loafers. I decide to put my hair in a bun and leave some strands out. I put my hat on. I look at myself in the mirror while spraying cologne. I pray to God everything gets fixed because I think I like that girl...

Y/n's Pov

I wake up feeling really upset, I wish everything was better than it had been. Now I have to dance with Michael after everything that happened. I get up like a zombie with my hair or frizzy and messy. I see Ivy already up sitting on the couch watching TV, I say, "Hey Ivy." She looks at me and says, "Hey y/n, how are you?" I say, "Well, I could be better you know, but it is what it is." Ivy nods and smiles. I say, "Well, I am going to get ready now." Ivy says, "Okay, make sure you look cute." I say smiling, "Ivy, I am dancing not going to prom!" Ivy says, "Still, just look good okay?" I nod and walk to the bathroom. I brush my teeth. I start thinking about what is going to happen and what I am going to do. All I have to do is focus and dance. I then, head to shower, I find myself humming Man In The Mirror. It is my favourite song right now.

I finally finish showering and I walk to Ivy's room realising I did not bring any spare clothes. I shout, "Ivy!" Ivy shouts back, "Yes?" I shout, "Can I borrow your clothes?" I hear no reply and the next thing I know Ivy is here with an outfit already. Ivy says, "I knew you'd need some clothes, I am here to save the day!" I look at the outfit, it is quite cute. It is a red buttoned top and one of those black skirts that twirl. I take a black zipped hoodie and put it on, because I feel my skirt is too short. I also put my necklace and ring on. Ivy says, "Sneakers or heels?" I say, "Both, but I am wearing trainers, I am not walking with heels on!" She hands me some red sneakers and I wear them. I put the red heels in my bag. I then, go to the dressing table and try and figure out what to do with my hair. I decide to keep it simple and tie it in a ponytail, I add a flower clip in my hair too, I then put on some perfume too. I go to the kitchen and crab a fruit and eat it. I turn to Ivy, "I am so nervous for today!" Ivy says, "Girl, you will be fine trust me." I nod smiling. I say, "Well, I have to go now!" Ivy says, "Bye y/n!" I say smiling, "Bye Ivy!"

I head outside and I go to the bus station to head to the dance studio. Maybe I should not have worn a skirt it is freezing cold! Finally, the bus is here, and I go and sit down. I put my headphones in. I am just vibing to my music then all of a sudden, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look up to see a man holding a camera. I say, "Yes?" He says, "Are you the girl that was with Michael?" I look surprised but say, "Sorry wrong person." He nods and leaves. I did not realise I would get noticed like that, wow. Anyways, I go put my earphones in and carry on listening to music. Half an hour later, I am at my destination and I get off the bus and carry on walking forward. I finally arrive after walking like 3 blocks, why is it so damn far? I hold my necklace tight and kiss my ring and I walk in.

I am actually surprised Michael is not here yet. Oh well. I see the dance instructor and I smile and wave. I go to the other side and take my bag off and start stretching. I am in the middle of stretching my legs when Michael finally comes in. He says, "Sorry for being late, the fans and paparazzi you know how it is." Then his eyes set on me. I don't know why I feel some sort of way just by his stare. He smiles faintly, my face does not move and then he looks down and goes and talks to the instructor. I finish stretching and go to the dance instructor, I say, "I am going to leave my trainers on and when we go in for the full thing, I will wear my heels if that is okay." I smile and the dance instructor says smiling back, "Sure, let us get started!" The instructor says, "Michael, walk on stage mysteriously but powerful and y/n just be around chilling." I do exactly as he says. The instructor explains, "Michael when you start singing you walk towards her, act like you really want her, y/n you are not buying it and you shrug it off and keep walking around be sassy, just stuff girls do you know." I nod. This is kind of me and Michael's situation, I don't know if he likes me though. Michael does his normal smooth movements as I am walking around boldly and sassy. The dance instructor says, "Okay, so the chorus, pretty much the same thing, make sure you move sharply. Y/n you are starting to like this your emotion should change and show that!" We do the chorus bit, this is going better than I expected, but it is still awkward me and Michael have not talked at all yet. The dance instructor says, "So, here is where y/n you start liking him and Michael you swing your arms around her and start dancing around her. When it hits the chorus y/n you stay and actually listen then laugh. Okay, 5, 6, 7, 8!" We do as he says and as Michael puts his arm around me I shiver. Even though it feels wrong, it feels so right. I am sweating a bit so I out my hoodie away. The dance instructor says, "So next verse, Michael you are going to spin her at this point but she spins out and walk on but you follow her like always and dance, and y/n for the chorus you are like a backup singer so you sing the outside bits." We start to dance and when Michael spins me around it feels so magically and I literally fall over. I was embarrassed. Michael says, "Are you okay, girl?" I nod awkwardly. Michael nods and we do that bit again and it feels as good as the first time. But, this time I do not fall over! The dance instructor says, "Despite, that little fall, well done so far, anyways, y/n you now bring him closer to you and closer and he holds your hips and you guys are moving to the beat. And then, Michael when you sing give it to me, give me some time, you are holding the side of her hip and are walking with her of the stage." This bit makes me nervous because no man has done this to me like this, apart from Jay. Michael sees me nervously, "Um am I allowed to touch your hips like that? Because I don't have to, I can ask to switch the chore-" I laugh while my heart is melting, "Michael it is fine okay?" Ugh, I was supposed to stay mad at him, he is to cute though. He nods and smiles. When his hand touches my hips, I feel like I'm in heaven, his touch is so soft but so hot. I start smiling as we move around in sync. The dance instructor says, "Michael we will do your bit next time." Michael nods. The dance instructor says, "Well done guys that was amazing, the chemistry is on fire, I love it!" I say, "Thank you!" Michael says the same. I gather my things and walk out the dance studio waving at the dance instructor who waves back.

As I head outside, I hear fans screaming for Michael and cameras flashing on me and I get scared and confused. Then, I hear Michael's voice, "Y/n I am so sorry I forgot to let you know, the fans were outside, come back in!" I run back in and say, "Well now they know how I look like, a man recognised me but I said no I am not." Michael laughs but says, "I am really sorry about it. Want to go for dinner?" I say, "Sure why not?" We can finally clear the air I guess; it is time to be honest. I hate being mad at Michael, he is so sweet. Michael says, "Walk behind me or if you need hold my hand and don't answer questions!" I nod and reach for his hand. He looks shocked but takes it. I know I should be mad but after what happened I cannot be mad at him. I hear the fans chant as we walk out and I hear the same questions asked as last time. Michael waves to his fans and we quickly rush into the car. Michael says, "So, you're not mad at me." I say smiling, "Usually I would be, I don't know what is wrong with me at the moment, but it is fine. I will explain everything at dinner okay?" Michael smiles, "Sure, um, you look really cute by the way." I say, "I am literally sweating tons and my skirt is sticking to my legs, what are you seeing?" I laugh. Michael says, "I am seeing the most beautiful girl in the world..." I stop laughing and blush really hard, "Thank you so much, you're not too bad yourself." He reminds me of Jay, he'd always compliment me. Michael says, "No problem. And thank you I guess." We laugh and the car starts moving.

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