Chapter 53 :)

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Michael's Pov
My mind shifts back to y/n and Marcey who are having a chat. I instantly get sad as we have to say goodbye to Marcey. Who knew we would leave New York with a kid? But things happen for a reason you know. I say, "Marcey how did you enjoy these past two days?" Marcey says, "It was the best two days of my life evew! Thank you for helping me." I smile and say, "My pleasure. Well, you know how you won't live with us?" Marcey frowns and nods. I say, "Well, you will live near us and when we can I can bring you to Neverland and we can play there!" Marcey instantly smiles and says, "Yay that would be fun." Y/n says, "We will sort out visits for all three of us! And we can see each other!" Marcey says, "I would love that!" I say, "Me too. Want to sing our song together as a goodbye?" Marcey nods and sits on my lap. Y/n gets her video camera and says, "Introducing the group band called M&M! 3, 2, 1 go!" We start singing like usual smiling and giggling. We finish singing the song and Y/n says, "And that was the M&M duo singing Man In The Mirror. Cut." Y/n puts her camera away. Marcey says, "I love it!" I say, "We would be an amazing band! High five to that Marcey!" We high five.

Y/n's Pov

A couple minutes, we arrive at the orphanage. The orphanage owners say, "Welcome, we have been expecting you!" I shake their hand and so does Michael while holding Marcey when we head into their office. We sit down on the two chairs. The owner says, "It is so nice to meet you Mr. Jackson and Miss. Y/L/N! Oh, and Marcey." We smile and the owner continues, "Well I am Chloe the owner of this orphanage and it appears that you would like Marcey to stay here." Michael says, "Not really but we have to so yes." Chloe says, "I totally get where you are coming from. I sadly did the same 4 years ago, exactly 4 years ago today and I couldn't find her after, so I guess I just left it to itself." I say, "I am sorry. I hope you find her." Michael says, "I hope you find her." Chloe says, "Thank you. Anyways, enough about me let's talk about Marcey. Would you guys like visiting hours and stuff?" Michael says, "Yes, but obviously both of our schedules are messy so we cannot do a specific time. So, we will give you a call whenever?" Chloe writes on her paper and says, "Yes we can do that. Any specific wishes?" Michael says, "Not really. How about you, Y/n?" I say, "No I don't think so. I will call if I do though!" Chloe says, "Alright. Both of you sign here." Me and Michael sign some documents. Chloe says, "Thank you so much. You can say your goodbyes now." Michael says, "Marcey we will always visit you as soon as possible and when we can. I promise." He pinkie promises with Marcey and Marcey says, "I will miss you." Michael kisses her forehead and says, "I will too. I will see you soon Mars." Marcey nods and then turns to me. I say, "Marcey I am so glad I spotted you yesterday. Thank you for being so fun to be around. Me and Michael will come and visit you when we can okay?" Marcey hugs me and says, "I will miss you." I say, "I will miss you to Mars." We all join a group hug and then we give Marcey to Chloe. Chloe says, "All righty, thank you guys so much. We will keep Marcey safe. You have nothing to be worried about. I will see you guys soon. Ta." We smile and wave at Marcey and Chloe who are waving back at us.

We head into the car, and I instantly hug Michael. Michael says, "It will be okay, my girl. We will see her soon." I nod and smile at Michael and he smiles back at me. I slowly fall asleep on his chest.

Like two hours later, I wake up to the car stopping. I open my eyes and realise we are at some boutique thing. I sigh and realise the award show. I mean I am so excited for it but a little bit worried. No one knows who I am apart from the fact I date Michael Jackson. Michael smiles and pecks me on the lips and says, "Rise and shine." I giggle. Michael says, "Let's head in then." I nod and we climb out of the car and hold hands to the boutique.

This lady hurriedly rushes towards me and Michael and air kisses our cheek. She has a strong French accent too. She says, "I am Alizee, call me Lizzie if you cannot pronounce my name. Lovely seeing you again Mr. Jackson and nice to meet you Ms. Y/l/n." I smile and say, "Nice to meet you too." Alizee says, "Well, I will be making you over Y/n. Michael you go to your usual station with Anastasia." Michael nods and heads over to his station. Alizee says, "Follow me." I follow her as she speed walks to a wardrobe room. Alizee says, "Right, so we have a whole red section for you to go too. We will check out all these clothes and you can choose what to wear. Alright." I say, "Sure." Alizee says, "Go look around." I go and head to the red wardrobe area. I found this red cardigan and the bottom of the arms had red rhinestones. Then, I found this short skirt with sparkly rhinestones on the waist bit of the skirt. I decide to grab a to white t-shirt with buttons on them and it had some dangling red ruby jewellery in between the collar. I also picked out some high red heels. I say, "I pick this." Alizee says, "Go try it on and we will see how it looks." I nod and head in the changing room and then I see Michael walking into one next to me. I flash a smile and then I head in. After a couple minutes, I head out and show Alizee the outfit. She scans it for a cople moments and then says, "I will be right back." She disappears and comes back with some red converses. She smiles and says, "Wear them instead." I sit down and change the shoes. Alizee says, "Yes fabulous. Now time for hair and Makeup!"

She sits me on this boutique chair and facing a mirror. She says, "Alright I will do a slick back bun in your hair." I nod as she works on my hair adding hair product on top of hair product in my hair. Finally, after decades she finished my hair and added two red hair clip at the front side by side. She says, "I love it. Do you?" I say, "Yes it's better than I usually do it." She says, "Thanks. Let's do your makeup." She puts a ton of makeup on my face. I swear I look like a different person. She ends with putting red lipstick on my face. I look in the mirror for a couple seconds and smile. She gives me some Jewlery to wear and I wear it too. She gives me some sunglasses which I put at the top of my t-shirt. I say, "Thank you so much for glamming me up, I appreciated it." Alizee says, "The pleasure is mine. Good luck for tonight!" I smile and say, "Thank you."

I get up following Alizee to the front area where Michael is sitting down waiting about. He looks handsome. He is wearing this white top inside and on the outside which covers most of his top a blazer with his logo on it and some jewellery thing hanging down from it. He is also wearing long black pants, some short heel boots and a hat with his hair in a bun and some dangling around. He stays checking me out for minutes as I walk towards him. He says, "You look hot." I say, "Thank you and you look handsome." He looks down and giggles. Then he says, "Well, Anastasia and Alizee thank you for your time!" They both nod and smile. He says, "We will see you later." Alizee air kisses both my cheeks and Michael's while Anastasia shakes our hands.

We walk out of the boutique hand in hand and head into our car. The car starts going immediately. Michael says clutching my hand, "How are you feeling?" I say, "Excited but nervous as hell." Michael says, "Understandable. You look gorgeous you have nothing to worry about. On the other hand, I have to be worried about all the men that will eye you up." I laugh and say, "I don't think you have nothing to worry about MJ. I am yours alright?" Michael says, "Yes I know that. But, people these days." I say, "I understand, it's okay." Michael says, "Well, I am nominated for the best music video tonight." I say, "If you don't win, it's rigged. How could you not win?" Michael says, "Hmm I don't know." I say, "Will you perform?" Michael says, "No I don't think I am performing." I say, "Alright."

We carry on talking for a bit and then I hear screaming and see flashing cameras in the distance. I gulp nervously and clutch Michael's hand. Michael says, "Are you ready?" I say, "Yes I am." Michael says, "We can leave if you want." I say, "No, no let's go." Michael says, "If you say so." Michael climbs out waves at some fans. I put my sunglasses on and then the door opens...

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