Chapter 20 :)

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Michael's Pov

"Applehead!" Olivia shouts to me. I say smiling, "Hey, Olivia, how are you?" Olivia says happily, "Not too bad, not too bad." I say, "That is good to hear." Olivia spots y/n and says, "Who is she?" I say, "She is a friend of mine." Y/n smiles and says, "Hey Olivia, your name is so cute." Olivia giggles and says, "Thank you, what's your name?" Y/n says, "Mine is y/n." She is so cute talking to children, she is so kind and soft. Olivia says, "I love your name more than mine." Y/n says, "Wanna switch names?" Olivia says, "Yes, my name is y/n now! I love it, thank you Olivia." I laugh, they instantly bond. Y/n says, "No problem y/n." Olivia says, "Today has been very boring, thanks for coming you know." We both say, "No problem!" Olivia looks at both of us and then opens her mouth to say something then closes it. I say, "Go on Olivia." Olivia says, "My name is y/n not Olivia!" I say, "Woops sorry y/n!" Olivia says, "Good. I was going to say, do you guys date each other? Don't worry I won't snitch to the press or something." I say, "We don't date, Oli- , y/n." Olivia says, "Michael you definitely like her, I know you!" Michael says embarrassed, "Sure, Sure, whatever you say." Y/n goes to Olivia and whispers to her and then they both laugh. I look confused but do not question it. Olivia says, "Well, it is my nap time now. Thank you for coming guys. Group hug?" We all go and hug each other. Michael decides to sing Olivia to sleep, and we then walk out of the room. Y/n say, "That was so fun, I want to see her next time!" I say, "I did not know you were this good with kids!" Y/n says, "Well, I just am, I love being with children they make normal things so fun." I say, "They really do, that's why I like visiting here! They do make me happy!" Y/n says, "Let's go to the next room." I say, "This room has a boy named Gabriel, he is 13, he currently is suffering with cancer!" I say, "I hate Cancer so much, always taking the best people away." I say, "I know, I know. It sucks." Y/n says, "Let's go in." I nod and we head to Gabriel's room.

Y/n's Pov

"Hey Michael!" Gabriel shouts. Michael says, "Hey Gabriel, how are you doing man?" They do a little handshake. Gabriel says, "I am doing better than ever to be honest!" Michael says, "That is good to hear!" Gabriel says eyeing me, teenage boys these days, "Who is that fine young lady?" Michael says, "That fine young lady is an adult, therefore not your age." Gabriel says, "Awh man." I laugh and say, "Hey, I am y/n, nice to meet you, Gabriel! Yes, I am an adult, but thank you for the compliment." Gabriel says, "No problem, Shawty." Michael says laughing, "She's mine anyways Gabriel, so back off." I look confused but laugh anyways. Gabriel says, "Whatever man." Michael says to me, "I am only playing about." I say, "I don't mind." I laugh. He looks surprised though. I say to Gabriel, "So, what have you been up too then?" Gabriel says, "Besides chemo, I have been reading. Michael nags me to read, so I do it." I say, "What have you been reading?" Gabriel says, "The women in black by Susan Hills." I say, "Wow, that is beyond your age!" Gabriel smiles and says, "I am smart you know." I say, "I can tell." Gabriel says, "I am much smarter than Michael!" Michael rolls his eyes laughing, "Hell no." Gabriel says, "Hell yes." Michael says, "Whatever." Michael says, "We have to go now Gabriel." Gabriel says, "Okay, I'm just going to read then." I say, "Well, bye Gabriel." Gabriel smiles at me and says, "Bye, Shawty." Michael gives Gabriel a look and me and Gabriel laugh. I wave at Gabriel while Michael does his handshake and then we leave.

I say, "Well, Gabriel is a bold kid!" Michael says, "Yes, no doubt, he always does this!" I laugh, "It was funny!" Michael says, "Yes because he never succeeds." I laugh. Michael says, "We are going to the baby bit and then we are leaving." I say, "Oh my favourite, babies are so cute!" Michael says, "Yes they are, let's go."

We go to the little nursery bit at the end of hospital. I can hear babies crying and laughing. It is a cute sight. I say, "Awh all the cute babies." We see the families who are instantly shocked that Michael is here. Michael says, "Hey everyone!" The families all come huddling around Michael and Michael gives them autographs happily. I see a baby in the crib crying so I pick it up and start humming to it and it stops crying immediately. The baby is so soft and precious. I cannot wait to have my own. The mother comes towards the baby, "Thank you, honey, she would not stop crying at all!" I say handing the baby over, "No problem. She is so cute, What is her name?" The mother says, "Savannah!" I say, "You gave her a lovely name." The mother says, "Thank you so much, lovely!" The mother goes to put Savannah in the crib and goes to sit down and I sit with her. I see Michael smiling at me softly but he is busy signing autographs. I say, "Well, how come Savannah is still at the hospital?" The mother says sadly, "Health complications. I blame myself." I say, "Why? You are an amazing mother clearly!" The mother says, "When I was pregnant, I would drink alcohol often. Alcohol eased my pain. I was going through a divorce with Savannah's father and yeah, it hurt me because he did not want anything to do with Savannah. I would drink a lot while pregnant. I am so thankful she is alive and in my last two months when I was pregnant with her, I did get help and now I am sober." I say in shock, "Wow, that is amazing, I am so sorry you went through that. And I am so glad you became an amazing mother. Savannah is so lucky to have you in her life and I know you will carry on doing amazing." Savannah's mother hugs me so tightly with tears in her eyes, "Thank you, thank you so much!" I say, "No problem, keep going! I did not catch your name?" Savannah's mother says, "Angie." I say, "I am y/n. It was nice meeting you!" Angie says, "You too and once again thank you," I nod smiling and I look at Savannah sleeping peacefully and smile. I get up and walk to Michael. Michael says, "Oh hey, y/n!" I say, "Hey." Michael says, "You are honestly so cute with children and do it looking gorgeous!" I say, "Awh thank you." Michael says, "My pleasure. So, um, we are both free tomorrow, want to go to Neverland for like a date tomorrow?" I say excitedly, "Yes I would love too!" Michael says, "Good. We better get going now, it is getting late and I have things to do." I say, "We better come back here soon enough." Michael says, "Of course!" I say, "Good." Michael decides to take a picture of us all, I stand next to Angie and I hold Savannah who is giggling and pulling at my hair. Michael is next to me holding two babies one in each arm. After that, me and Michael leave the room waving at everyone, I wave at Angie and Savannah and then we leave.

"That was so fun, I have met so many amazing people today!" I say smiling. Michael says, "Yes, they are all amazing, we will come back soon hopefully." I say, "Okay." Michael says, "Let's quickly go out, there is a crowd of people here and I do not want to disrupt anyone at all." I nod and I hold his hand and we go out to the crowd who is screaming Michael's name. Michael smiles and waves at all his fans and we enter the car. I say, "Thank you Michael for this amazing day." Michael says, "Tomorrow will be even better!" I say, "Oo I am excited!" Michael says, "Good." The rest of the car journey is silent, and I end up falling asleep on Michael's shoulder.

I feel a tap on my shoulder. I wake up slowly, Michael says, "We are at you're apartment, get up sleepy head." I say irritated, "Okay, okay." Michael says, "Wear this and cover your face with it." I take it and put my glasses on and wear the scarf. I also take my bag. Michael says, "See you tomorrow." He kisses my cheek and I smile. I walk out quickly and speed walk to my apartment. I finally sigh and go and eat some pasta. I turn my TV on and like expected I see a picture of me and Michael kissing. I give a smug look because I know any girls want to be in my place. But we are not official yet, I do not know what I was doing to be honest. But I know Ivy is raging now. I change the TV channel to some comedy special and carry-on eating. I finally finish eating and remember I have Michael's phone number, so I go and dial it. Michael says, "Hello, Michael Jackson speaking?" I say, "Hola, como estas?" Michael says, "Hola? That is all I know. You probably have the wrong number." I say, "No you don't." I feel Michael smiling, "Oh hey y/n, how did you get my number?" I say, "I hacked you." Michael says, "What?" I say, "I am only joking, Leo gave it to me." Michael says, "Oh right."  I say, "Just wanted to say goodnight." Michael says, "Ohh thank you, goodnight too you too." There is an awkward silence. Michael says, "Well, I have to go now, I am at my parents' home right now." I say, "Oh lovely." I can hear commotion in the back. Michael says, "Bring a bathing suit with you tomorrow, alright?" I say, "Um sure." Michael says, "Sweet dreams, y/n." I say, "You too." I drop the phone. I could listen to his voice for eternity. I go and change into my PJs and then I instantly fall asleep smiling.

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