Chapter 41 :)

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Y/n's Pov

I look up confused but I get up anyways and head to the front. I see everyone clapping and Maria hands me the microphone. I look around and see my mother looking angry, but I smile and ignore it. "Wow, you are finally getting married, little sis...things may not be the best, but you know I got a lot of love for you and you mean a lot to me. Plus, you're marrying one of my best friends that's so cute. I am so happy for you." I start to tear up remembering all the memories. I sniffle and carry on. "Now, I remember when we were just a few years younger, not that long ago. When everything was going wrong, we would blast the Jackson 5 music and we'd jump and dance." I laugh in my tears.  "Yes, Michael." I point at him. "We know every lyric to every album of the Jackson 5." I see Michael smiling brightly at us. "We would talk about how we were going to marry one of them. You said Randy and I said Michael. Oh and those love letters. I am embarrassing myself for your sake right now, Mimi." I look over at her she's crying and laughing too. "When dad took us to their concert for the first time, I swear you nearly passed out a billion times. Oh how time flies, Mimi. Mimi?" Maria looks at me smiling with tears rolling down her eyes. I grab her hand and say, "You are my sister. I will always love you despite circumstances. I will always be here with you through thick and thin." Maria nods smiling. I smile with an idea in my head. I say, "Michael Jackson get up here real quick." Michael gets up and reaches my hand. I say looking at him, "Now, why not our gift to them be a sing along." Michael says, "Sure, what song?" I say, "One that stuck in our hearts was I'll be there." Michael says, "Okay hit it!"

The DJ puts on the music. I hold Michael's hand and Maria's hand, Maria's other holding Leo's hand. Michael sings, "You and I must make a pact, we must bring salvation back. Where there is love, I'll be there." I sing, "I'll be there." Michael sings, "I reach out my hand to you, I'll have faith in all you do. Just call my name and I'll be there." I sing, "I'll be there...I'll be there to comfort build my world of dreams around you, I'm so glad that I found you." I look at Maria beaming. "I'll be there with a love that's strong. I'll be your strength. I'll keep holding on." Me and Michael both sing together, "So, let me feel your heart with joy and laughter." As soon as we start singing together, I feel like I am in heaven. It sounds amazing and I am guessing the crowd agrees because they are now moving and waving their arms in sync. "Togetherness is all I'm after." We sing. "Whenever you need me, I'll be there. I'll be there." Michael sings, "I'll be there to protect. With an unselfish love that respects you. Just call my name and I'll be there." I sing, "I'll be there to comfort you. Build my world of dreams around you. I'm so glad that I found you." Michael sings, "I'll be there with a love that's strong. I'll be you're strength. I'll be holding on." I let go of Michael's hand smiling and sing, "If you should ever find someone new, I know she better be good to you." I look at Michael smiling my teeth now showing. "Cause if she doesn't, I'll be there." Michael sings stepping forward, "Don't you know baby yeah." The crowd waves their arms in sync. Me and Maria sing through the microphone, "I'll be there. I'll be there. Just call my name and I'll be there." The whole room is singing, and I see my dad standing up smiling and singing too. My mother on the other hand stands there watching. "...I'll be there." The room fills with a thunder of applause. We all bow and I smile looking at everyone. Maria says, "Wow. I don't know what to say. I love you y/n. I am glad you are here. Thank you." I smile and me and Michael head to our seats.

After Leo and Maria cut their cake, the reception is practically over. I am just chilling on Michael's lap. 'I just called to say I love you' by Stevie Wonder is playing. I look at Michael singing, "I just called to say I love you." I looked like I was drunk but trust me I wasn't. I was drunk from love and happiness. Michael says, "I love you too." I start kissing him fast but very softly. "Come on you lovebirds, we have to take pictures." I let go of Michael's lips and I instantly get embarrassed as I see Maria egging us on. Me and Michael nervously laugh. We get up. I was holding his hand while having my head on his shoulder.

We head towards the front of the hall. We first take a family picture. This one was awkward as hell. Mum and dad were standing on opposite sides while me and Maria were embracing each other and smiling at each other. Once the picture is taken, I mutter, "Thank God, that is over." Maria says, "For real." Next, I watch some other pictures being taken and I just watch quietly waiting for my turn. Me and Maria take a picture individually, making silly faces and then smiling and then hugging each other. After Leo and the best men including me, take a picture. Finally, just me, Maria, Leo and Michael take some silly pictures together. I finally got a selfie with them. That included Janet and Cheryl too.

Me and Michael are talking, and I hear a familiar voice. "Hey Michael." I turn around to see Ivy smiling like a witch from one of those fairy tales. Michael comes closer to me but says, "Uh hi Ivy." Ivy says, "Great to see you. That performance was adorable." Michael smiles and says, "Haha thanks but it was really y/-" Ivy says, "Yeah, yeah. I was wondering if you would want to go dinner with me." Michael says, "Thanks for the offer but no. I have a busy schedule." I say, "I can confirm. He ain't lying." Ivy looks at me and says, "I wasn't talking to you." I say, "Nor did I ask for you to talk." Ivy says, "But, I did." I said, "Of course you did with that big mouth you have." Michael nearly bursts out laughing but composes himself. I say, "Now, if you don't mind. I was talking to my boyfriend. Turn the other way and walk back to the swamp you live in." Ivy says, "No you walk back to the swamp you came from." I say, "You calling Neverland a swamp now? I thought you oh so loved Michael. But, you're here speaking on Neverland." Ivy scowls and says, "Yeah, yeah. Whatever." She cusses and walks away. I say grinning, "So, where were we? Oh yeah, are we going to the studio together or?" Michael says, "Of course." I say, "I need to start focusing on my album premiere soon. I am nearly finished with my album." Michael says, "I better be invited." I say, "Of course. You're my special guest." I peck him on the lips.

"Hey Michael, y/n." Janet says. "Cheryl had to leave for her chemo by the way." I say, "Oh okay. How are you though?" Janet says, "I am good. Just that Ivy girl keeps bugging me 24/7." I say, "She's like that well more recently now since we stopped being friends and since I was with Michael." Janet says, "Oh chile, I better watch out for her then." Michael says, "You do. The girl won't stop hitting on me. She literally just asked me to dinner right in front of y/n." Janet says, "Just don't do nothing stupid Michael." Michael says, "Never." I say, "Let me get dad, he wanted some pictures outside, let's go."

As we head out, I am guessing the paparazzi caught on to where we were. But, we ended up taking a picture together finally. Dad looked so happy and I was happy of course and so was Michael. Michael kisses me on the cheek for a last picture. I say to dad, "Bye dad, call me anytime!" Dad says hugging me, "I will." I turn around focusing on Michael now. Michael kisses my hand like I am some princess and we head into the car. There is a bunch of screaming and shouting. We finally head into the car.

My eyes begin to get heavy as the car starts to move. Within many more minutes, I fall asleep laying on Michael's lap. I feel him stroking my hair softly and caressing my cheek.

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