Chapter 29 :)

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Y/n's Pov

"What are you talking about Cheryl?" I ask. "So, now you're acting up?" She says. "But I ne-, oh I know what you're talking about. I came here for your advice actually about it." Her face changes and says, "Speak." I say, "I am not breaking his heart. I really like him, I honestly do. I cannot believe I have fallen in love again. But I am scared of losing him because of my previous partner. So, I am seeing if it is what I actually want, I do not want to lead him on too much. But I do like him." Cheryl says, "I am so sorry for the misunderstanding." I say, "No, no, it's fine, I understand how you have gotten it the wrong way." Cheryl says, "Come sit." I sit down on her bed and smile. Cheryl says, "Let me tell you from my point of view. You are definitely the girl he has fell for the most. He calls me a lot and a lot of our conversations are about you. I know you have only known each other for a couple days but he likes you a lot, y/n. And I like you a lot girl, you a chill girl and right for him. I know you guys are going to get together. It is just by time." I smile and say, "Thank you Cheryl, I like you too girl. This has definitely helped me!" Cheryl smiles and says, "No problem girl!" I say, "So, how are you?" Cheryl says, "I feel good and lucky enough I am able to go to Leo's wedding! I am going in a wheelchair though. But I can push myself." I say, "I cannot wait to see you there then!" Cheryl says, "You better look your best!" I say, "I will, I will!" Cheryl says, "Well, I have to do my chemo now. I will see you soon, girl." I say, "Bye Cher!" I get up, turn and smile at her and head out her door. I wave at the receptionist who waves back and then I leave the hospital.

Michael's Pov

I take a huge deep breath and then sip some water. I get up and go back to the stage, turn my mic on and say, "Okay let's do Thriller one more time!" Quincy says, "Chop, chop, you heard the man!" Everyone quickly goes to their positions, and we start. Everyone is doing everything right, except for Ivy who keeps on making faces at me. I want this over with, so I ignore it.

"Good!" Quincy smiles and claps. Finally, it's over, I take a deep breath and smile. "Dancers that is it for today. See you guys tomorrow!" I wave at everyone and smile. But Ivy approaches me. "Michael, you have my number, call me." I awkwardly smile and then say, "Bye, Ivy." Ivy says, "Bye Michael." She walks away. I roll my eyes and say to Quincy. "Finally, Q." Quincy says, "Why don't you like her?" I say, "I like her, but I don't. She always makes advances to me. I don't like it."  Quincy says, "Suck it up Michael." I say, "Whatever. Let's do Billie Jean." Quincy says, "Sure. Hit the music." I step into my position and the music starts playing.

Y/n's Pov

I start chilling on the bus and then I grab my notebook and decide to write some music. (I am aware Michael made this song, but in this story, you made this song up!)

I start writing:

Hello, August moon, where are the stars of the night?

You promised me too soon, 'cause it's been cloudy all night,

And the weatherman said if you're not well, stay in bed,

'Cause I've been feeling down and blue and it's cloudy in my head,

Instead of going out to some restaurant, I stay home in bed,

But I'll be loving you, that's what I want to do.

I'll be loving you, that's what I want to do.

Hello, midnight lover, you're the one I adore.

And I'll be thinking of you 'til the stars are no more.

If it's cloudy or blue, I'll stay here with you,

We'll make a wish, and then we'll kiss, a love forever true,

Instead of going out to some restaurant, I'll stay here with you,

But I'll be loving you, that's what I want to do.

I'll be loving you, that's what I want to do.

It seems you don't know we reached the heightened mountain,

Every time I seem to disappear,

And together, we will fly, we'll dance up in the heaven...

The bus stops and I realise I am at my stop. I close my book and quickly get out of the bus. I get to my apartment in no time, and I sit on the couch and take my notebook out and carry-on writing. I sit there for an hour and finish writing down the lyrics:

I can really feel it when you're near.

And the weatherman said if you're not well, stay in bed,

'Cause I've been feeling down and blue and it's cloudy in my head,

Instead of going out to some restaurant, I stay home in bed,

But I'll be loving you, that's what I want to do.

I'll be loving you, that's what I want to do.

But I'll be loving you, that's what I want to do.

I'll be loving you, that's what I want to do.

Loving you, that's what I want to do.

Loving you, that's what I want to do (always on my mind).

I was thinking about what Cheryl said to me and I honestly will take it with me and of course a song came out of it. I smile at my masterpiece and close my book. It is quite late now so I head to the bathroom.

I take out my hair and then I wash my face. I then put on some curlers in my hair. After, I put on some pyjamas, and I lay in my bed. I sigh and close my eyes and eventually fall asleep.

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