Chapter 12 :)

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Michael's Pov

I cannot believe what happened outside. I swear if I see that man near her, I will not threaten to punch his face, trying to threaten my gi-, I mean, y/n like that. I will protect her at all costs, I will never forgive myself if something happens to her. On the other hand, we look like a real couple to the media even though we are just friends. It is quite funny to see everyone think she is my girlfriend, maybe one day she will, whatever the future holds.

I stare outside the window and just think about everything. I cannot believe I have fallen in love with a girl I just met. That is not possible right? Who am I kidding, she does not like me back after I made her cry twice already. Y/n says making me snap out of my trance, "Michael?" I say, "Yes?" She says, "When we head in, I want to tell you my story, and I am being upfront with you, I do not let anyone into my life like this, I am so surprised I am telling you this. I am really scared but I will do it." I say smiling, "If you are not comfortable do not tell me, you need to be comfortable." She says smiling, "I want to." I say, "Okay ba-, y/n" The car goes silent again. I was not about to call her baby. I need to snap out of it!

The car finally stops, and we are at Neverland. We quickly get in and shut the door I say, "This is Neverland."

Y/n Pov

Michael's house is huge and beautiful. It is literally everything. I'll probably get lost in no time, I get lost everywhere. I smile at Michael, "This house is incredible, this must have been so expensive!" Michael replies smiling, "I mean for you yes, for me no, also we are building a theme park here, I have some rides installed but it is not done. I call this place Neverland, because I love peter pan and their Neverland, I wanted to make this place for myself because you know I grew up doing music, no proper childhood you know?" I smile, "Wow, that is amazing, I feel like I would want to live here forever." Michael says, "You can if you want." I say, "Nah, this is your house and I can't just bunk with a semi-stranger like that." Michael says, "Hmm semi-strangers, the media thinks we are dating haha." I say laughing, "Oh well." Michael says, "So house tour?" I nod and smile.

We start walking around his house it is huge and he has some cool paintings, he has shown me paintings he's made, I love them. This man is the whole package. He reminds me of Jay so much though. We finally finish the house tour while walking around to like 10,000 rooms. My legs do be hurting. Michael says beaming, "So, what do you think?" I say, "This house is everything, the paintings are amazing and the mini theme park is so cool, it makes me feel like little kid again and bubbles is really cute." Michael smiles, "Thank you." I say, "No problem." Michael says, "I feel like it is getting dark and it is not really safe for you to go home and it is a long drive, do you want to stay?" I take time to think about this and he is right and definitely after that encounter earlier on, I would feel safer. I say, "Sure, but I do not have any pyjamas, I only have a new outfit for tomorrow with me, I was expecting to stay at Ivy's but I am at yours." Michael says, "Hold on." Michael goes upstairs and within 3 minutes he is back with a robe and shorts, well male shorts. Michael says, "I am sorry this is all I could find." He laughs nervously. I say, "Thank you, now where is the bathroom again?" He says, "Go straight and take two rights!" I say, "Thanks and walk off."

I come out in the man shorts and robe and my hair is the same. I go back to where Michael was standing but he was not there so I shout, "Michael?" No answer. "Michael?" "Mi-AHHHH." I feel so hands tickling my waist. Then, I turn around and I swear it was in slow motion and our eyes hold contact for over 30 seconds, it felt like heaven on Earth. I then, cut it short and say, "Why did you scare me like that, ugh!" Michael now in his Pjs and his curly, black hair is out he says, "I don't know, you were taking ages!" I say, "Ugh fine whatever." We walk to the living room and sit down I think it is time to tell him. I say nervously sitting down, "So, it is time that I am honest." He looks at me and says, "Poor your heart out." I say, "So, well I met this guy, we worked at the same job and he was really sweet and stuff, I took the job because my household was really toxic and I wanted to get out as soon as possible! He was so sweet and he would help me out and everything. Then, one day, he asked me on a date and I said yes, it is the least I can do because he helped me. We go on the date and one date comes after the other and then we end up dating just after a month or so, I was head over hills for him. Life was going exactly to plan and then we moved into a house together with all our savings. Fast forward, we have been dating for two years now and I got a phone call, I was writing some music or drawing one of his our co-workers called us and it turns out he was not at work. He was at the hospital and they...they-" My lips begin to quiver, and Michael rubs my back and says, "Take your time, I know it is hard." He was so understanding. I carry on, "They diagnosed him with lung cancer. I broke down right there and he hugged me and said he will not die, and he will get better. He was discharged from the hospital like three months after because he was getting better. He had cancer but that was not stopping us, we would go on dates and things and his chemotherapy of course. Then, the best day of my life so far came, he proposed to me, I said yes of course. We took months planning the wedding, I planned it with Ivy, but he was slowly getting worse. Then, one day I got another phone call saying he was at the hospital, it turns out the cancer has gotten worse, and it is becoming irreversible to get better. I cried all through that night. Then, a couple days after, he slipped into a coma and I just was not myself I could not do anything, and I was the hospital day and night. Then, he comes out of the coma, we decide to forward the wedding just in case. He was getting better and is eventually discharge. Fast forward to the worst day of my life. Our wedding-" I sob, and Michael is now hugging me he has tears in his eyes, "C'mon girl you can do this." He says. I carry on, "Well, a week before the wedding he collapses and stops breathing we do everything to keep him alive, he does start breathing but now he is on life support but there are no changes. So on our wedding day, we pull the plug, hardest day of my life. I lost my world right Infront of me. So that is why I wear the ring. Michael, I do miss him, I really do. But, life goes on I guess." I sniffle. Michael says in tears, "Wow, you are so strong,  Jay seems like such a nice man. I could never cope losing someone I love like that, well I currently am." I say, "He was. Michael keep strong and I will be there for you okay?" Michael nods. I say, "I do want to meet her when we are free next, so the day after tomorrow." Michael says half smiling, "Sure." I hug him so tightly, he understands my pain, I understand his. I look him in the eye and my body leans closer to him and I can feel his breath near me and the next thing I know our lips are touching...

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