Chapter 64 :)

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Y/n's Pov

Me and Michael walk into the eerily quiet Neverland. We were stepping out all happy but now we walk in drained and sad. I break the silence and whisper, "I'm going to be in the shower then I want to take a walk around Neverland, if you need be then I'll be around the amusement park. I need to think." Before Michael could say anything, I kiss his cheek and slowly walk up to the bathroom.

Michael's Pov

This is going to be a hard couple weeks, I can tell. I can't believe this happened. One of the few father figures in my life gone forever. All I know is that I need to be there for Y/n she needs me. I sigh and head into the dining room. I sit there and think. All of a sudden, I hear a phone call and I go and pick it up. I say, "Hello?" I hear a familiar voice, "Why aren't you in the studio, Michael?" It's Quincy. I say, "Y/n's father passed away. I gotta be there for Y/n and myself." Quincy says, "But, it will delay yo-" I hear giggling in the background. I say, "Q i don't care, me and Y/n are going through major sadness. And what lady you with?" Q says, "I'm with Y/n's mother, she never men-" I roll my eyes now raising my voice a bit, "Quincy, you are now asking for more problems. You and her together?" Q says, "Not that it's any of your business, yes Michael, yes we are." I sigh and rub my head. I say, "Look, i ain't got no time for your shenanigans. I ain't coming until next month, alright?" Quincy says, "But-" I say, "Cool. See you soon Quincy." I hang up the phone and try and gather my thoughts again and a couple more thoughts added to it now.

Y/n's Pov

I step out of the shower feeling refreshed but still numb and sad. I head into my closet, grab some pyjama bottoms, oversized hoodie and I wear some glasses and then just lay on the bed for a bit clutch my dad's necklace and remembering all those memories I had of him. Life will not be the same without him. I finally get the strength to get up. I put some slippers on and grab an umbrella as it is raining. What a day for the rain to come huh?

I walk downstairs and see Michael with his head in his hands. I go over to him and say, "Michael are you okay?" Michael looks at me with glossy brown eyes and says, "Wish these were under better circumstances. You go ahead on your walk i need to think." I say, "Are you sure, Applehead?" Michael gives me a small smile and say, "Yeah." I smile back and say, "Alright." I pull him into a long kiss. After a bit, I let go and say, "I'll be in the back of Neverland walking about if you need me, I love you always Applehead." Michael smiles and says, "I love you more baby." I smile put my hoodie up and the umbrella up and head outside to the grounds of Neverland.

The rain devours us all, I shiver a bit but carry on walking. I still think about my dad and everything. I also think about my sister, i hope she is doing well and my mother I don't care about her, probably fucking Quincy as we speak but why was she late and why has she already got the funeral plans and everything? It's like she knew...I shiver and shrug at the thought of my mother possibly murdering my dad. I carry on walking across the grounds of Neverland, even walking into this one room of All Michael's things. It was so cool, all the pictures and things from the 1960s and now. Being the super fan I am, I was screaming inside. My dad would have loved it to. I imagined him next to me, we would be jumping up and down. I carry on look at some of the stuff but not touching them just incase, some of the stuff are in a glass box. I even see the 1984 Grammys outfit and this time I quietly scream making sure not to hurt my already hurt and quiet voice. I look at it closely about to touch it as I could not resist but I feel a tap on my arm. I scream so loud to the point where my voice is completely gone. I turn and see Michael who is closing his ears. He laughs and says, "Girl, keep quiet." I mouth, "Don't scare me like that man." Michael says, "I am lucky, i can read lips. But, fine. What you looking at?" I point at the Grammys outfit. Michael says, "Want to try it on?" I nod enthusiastically. Michael takes it of the rack and I remove my hoodie and I realise I'm only wearing a bra but Michael has seen me naked before so I don't care. Michael puts it on me and it's heavy as hell. I mouth, "How did you wear this for hours, it's so heavy!" Michael chuckles and says, "I got used to it." I start taking it off and mouth, "Iconic." I hand back the heavy coat and smile at MJ.

After we head out and carry on walking, Michael now holding the umbrella, he starts dancing in the rain and so do I. Of course he does better than me. But, i watch and smile at him. Then, i look at the sky and see a rainbow. This must be a sign from dad. Michael notices and smiles to. He puts his arm around my shoulder and says, "That's him telling you, he is watching you." I smile and a tear rolls down my eye. Michael says, "He's with God now but he will always be there for you. When he sang to you, I'll be there. He really meant that." Michael kisses my forehead. I still look at the sky. My voice whispers, "You and i must make a pact, we must bring salvation back. Where there is love, I'll be there. I reach out my hand to you. I'll have faith in all you do. Just call my name and I'll be there. Michael now hugging me sings, "I'll be there to comfort you, build my world of dreams around you, I'm so glad that i found you. I'll be there with love that's strong, I'll be your strength, i'll keep holding on." I whisper to Michael, "I love you and thank you for making me feel better Michael." Michael smiles and says, "I love you more, I will do anything to make you happy, my love." I smile and we walk hand in hand back into Neverland.

Life did get worse, but with Michael at my side, it will be bare able. I can get through this.

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