Chapter 67 :)

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Y/n's POV

I book into me and Michael's hotel room and head over to the hotel room. I immediately prop myself onto the bed and then I see Michael's face hover over mine and then he lowers down and kisses me. I kiss him back deeply. Then I say, "Alright Mikey, later or we will be late." He rolls his eyes smiling and says, "How was it?" I say, "It was good but if only Quincy was doing his job, he was too occupied with my mother to focus and my mother keeps distracting him and she wants that contract hah!" Michael says, "I will speak with Quincy, this is so unlike him." I say, "Thanks Mike. How has your day been?" He says, "Boring without you to be honest." I giggle and say, "Well I missed you." Michael says, "I missed you more."

He is about to kiss me but was interrupted with a knock. He rolls his eyes and gets it. I then hear him say, "Oh hey Karen, how are you?" Karen replies, "All good, where is the lady of the night?" I smile and get up and say, "Right here!" Me and Karen have become good friends and she does my makeup for most show events as well as Michael's. Me and Karen exchange hugs. Karen says, "How have you been girl, ever since he died?" I say, "Not really good but everyday gets better." She smiles, "Glad it does. Alright I'm going to start with you and then Michael, I also have your outfits with me." I smile and say alright. I remove my oversized sweater and I immediately see Michael's eyes on my body. He seems very thirsty right now. Karen gets set up and I sit on the chair and I see Michael watching me like usual, ain't he like bored? I giggle at the thought. Karen and me talk as she does my hair. She puts my hair in curlers as she starts on my makeup. She does this this cute makeup look. No eyeshadow just highlights, long eyelashes, blush and pink lipstick. I look in the mirror and smile and say, "Always working up your magic. Thanks Karen!" She replies, "No problem doll." I smile as I get up and pick my red carpet outfit and disappear into the bathroom.

I come out with this sequin, silver dress, I literally love it, it is so simple but it is very cute. Michael, who is getting his hair and makeup done by Karen, turns and looks me up and down biting his lip says, "You look beautiful baby." I smile and say, "Thank you but thanks to Karen!" Karen smiles still doing Michael's hair. I look and see my performance outfit and it was just how I in visioned it. Michael says, "I cannot wait to see you perform. It will be epic." I smile and sigh, "I wish my dad could see me perform, if I win I'll dedicate my award to him." Karen says, "Awhh that's sweet. He is 100% proud of you." I start pacing, "I talked to Leo about this but isn't it weird how my mother is acting, like dad died and she already has everything planned and no remorse or nothing , I get that they had fights but they at one point loved each other." Michael says, "I thought the exact same thing. I'm not sure but something tells me that she may have something to do with it. I know she's your mother and I'm sorry but that's what I think." He gets up and looks in the mirror with his hat clips in a little bit stressed and worried about what I'm going to say. I say, "You're actually right. Her behaviour and actions doesn't add up." He sighs in relief. Karen says, "Word on the street, Quincy and your mother are dating, they're everywhere. You'll have to get used to her being around more. Y/n, come time to unclip your curlers!" I roll my eyes as I go and sit down, "100% doing it for the money or to spite me or to get that contract." Karen says, "From what you told me, I think so too." Michael says walking into the bathroom, "Agreed, but Quincy is too blind to see and he thinks he has a right to judge me on my dating skills, please." With that he shuts the door and starts getting ready. Me and Karen talk for a bit and about how I would want my tour and stuff.

Michael comes out in this matching silver, sequin military jacket, some black pants, glitter socks and his usual black loafers. I smile and say, "How did I get so lucky?" Karen and Michael giggles and Michael says, "Thanks, baby." Me, Karen and Michael carry on talking until we are ready and it's time for us to leave.

I say, "I'll see you soon, K." Karen says, "You too, love you." She air kisses my cheeks and I say, "Love you too girl." Michael says, "See you soon, Karen. Thank you for tonight." Karen air kisses Michael and hugs him saying, "No worries. Enjoy your night!" We wave Karen of and close the door.

Me and Michael look outside of the hotel balcony waving at screaming fans, we even throw down some autographs too. I look at all the cameras and smiling faces and being grateful to God for all of this.

After, me and Michael sit on the bed hand in hand. I even notice he is wearing my necklace and I smile at it. Michael says, "You ready?" I smile, "Meh but I'm doing what I love." Michael says, "Good. I love seeing you in action." I burst out laughing, "Which one?" Michael smirks catching on and says, "Both." We are both now giggling until we are interrupted with a knock on the door. We guess it is the bodyguards coming to pick us up so we both get up and we were right.

We walk hand in hand with bodyguards standing in front of us and behind us. Michael smiling like usual wearing his sunglasses and me looking around smiling. The bodyguard is holding my outfit I keep on staring at because I cannot wait to perform. We head outside full of screaming fans and flashing cameras and many people asking us questions. But, I just smile and wave like usual. We get into the car and me and Michael hold hands all the way there while talking about some weird and interesting things. Michael is a great educator and when he talks you can never stop listening and it helps with him being wise, he is just like a philosopher, giving me lessons I didn't think I need to know.

The car stops and all I hear is the screaming of fans, I swear my ears are about to bleed but I still love them. Michael squeezes my hand and says, "Ready, my love?" I blush and smile and says, "Always will be ready with you." He kisses me quickly so he doesn't smudge my lipstick and we step out into the wild.

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