Chapter 56 :)

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Michael's Pov

I sit there in complete confusion wondering why she hung up on me. Did I say something wrong? And especially who is Mandy? I finally give up calling and continue to think about what just happened. A phone ringing snaps me out of my thoughts and immediately I grab the phone praying it is Y/n. I say, "Hello?" The voice sounding familiar says, "Michael?" I sigh in relief as it is Y/n. I say, "What happened why did you hang up on me? Did I say anything wrong, if I di-" Y/n cuts me of and says, "No you're fine. I'm sorry for hanging up on you. I will explain to you tomorrow. Meet me at the KFC at 11am alright?" I say, "Of course. Are you okay?" Y/n doesn't talk. I say, "Baby?" Y/n says, "Yes I am, sorry for that pause." I say, "I can come over." Y/n says, "No, no you get rest, you need it. I swear it's fine. We will talk tomorrow. Goodnight Applehead." I smile and say, "Alright, goodnight sweetheart." The phone cuts off. Something is clearly not alright, but I cannot point my finger to what it is. Let's hope nothing happens. I drift to sleep still in my thoughts.

Y/n's Pov

I wake up after that half an hour sleep. I could not sleep. My eyes are red, and I have some dark circles under my eyes. I look at the time and it is 9:30am. I get up and head into the living room and immediately see letters and then I see the one I have been dreading. I reach up and the pick letters up. I put it on the desk and pick the one with the M. I open it scared and look around the room nervously:

Hey baby,

I see you're home. How was it with your superstar "boyfriend"? But I know he can't love you the way I do. You will be running back to me in no time. Don't worry I will come to you instead my love. You looked cute though when you came into your house all smiling and that. I cannot wait to see you close up and feel how soft your face is and touch you again. Oh, how I wish for that day to come again.

I have to go now Y/n.

From your love.

I shiver and currently keep staring and looking around waiting for her to pop out any moment in time to come and kidnap me and take me away. I slowly walk to the bathroom and get ready paranoid as hell. I brush my teeth without no music just in case I would not be able to hear her come in the house or out of her hiding spot. I head into the shower for 20 minutes max, climb out and head into my room cautiously. I look into my wardrobe and find really baggy jeans and a navy-blue jersey top that is quite baggy too. I put those on. I then I put my hair in a front knot navy blue turban. I then put the necklace on that my dad gave me when I was younger, it had a clear heart charm on it. After, I put on some white sneakers. Then, I put some lip balm on my lips and spray some perfume.

Luckily, I didn't unpack my clothes from my trip, so I just add a few more clothes and shoes. I also add all my essentials in the bag and important things too. I grab my bag I usual carry around. I swipe Mandy's letters to show Michael. I then put some sunglasses and a mask, so no one notices me. I sigh carrying my bag and suitcase out of the house.

I walk out slowly praying no one spots me. I spoke too soon, and I hear a camera click at me and I turn to see where it's coming from, but they disappear. This happened multiple times, but I just ignore it, that's not important right now. I walk around still paranoid but hopefully nothing happens. Memories of our relationship flood into my head and tears run down my face. I remember the last time we talked, she said she would vow to ruin my next relationships. But, with me and Jay she tried but it didn't work and now with me and Michael. She really meant what she said. Tears keep streaming down my face uncontrollably.

After 10 minutes of walking, I finally reach KFC and I see Michael's car is already parked there he must be there already and early too as I am pretty early. I enter the KFC and I turn the corner to see Michael sitting there directly looking through my sunglasses into my eyes. He smiles softly at me, and he walks towards me instantly embracing me in his arms. He smells really good too. I notice he didn't dress up, he was just in a dark blue hoodie that had his own initials at the back and some red pyjama bottoms with white socks and loafers. He also had his hair up in a bun. I melt in his arms and instantly calm down. He realises I have a suitcase with me. Me and him go and sit down where he was sitting before.

Michael looks me in the eye and says holding my hand, "Take of your mask and sunglasses, sweetheart." I do as he says. He instantly sees that I have been crying and I don't look right. Michael says, "What's wrong, girl? What's the matter? Y/n?" I sigh and look down, "I owe you everything, Michael."

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