Chapter 36 :)

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Y/n's Pov

"You're early like always." Michael says to Janet. Janet says, "Of cou-, Oh my god it's the girl, the myth, the legend!" She smiles at me, and Michael says, "This is my girlfriend, y/n!" Janet reaches to hug me, and I smile, and Janet says, "Welcome to the family! Michael has told me about you." I say, "Nice to meet you, Janet. You are as nice as I thought!" Janet says, "Awh thank you. Let's go into the living room, I need to talk to you." Janet takes my hand, and we head into the living room, while Michael paces behind us.

Janet says, "Let me help you with tonight. Just be yourself and be kind." I say, "Of course!" Janet says, "Avoid Jermaine. Avoid him by all costs!" I say, "Why?" I look towards Michael and then back. Janet says, "Ooo you guys have been up to something." Michael says laughing, "Yeah, yeah." I say, "Why do I have to avoid Jermaine, isn't he nice like you guys?" Janet says, "He's nice, but he likes girls way too much. And let's just say it can get a bit intense." I say, "Gotchu." Janet says, "Well, I am glad you guys are both together. Just don't break his heart, otherwise, I will break you, respectfully." I say, "Last thing I will ever do. I like your brother a lot and he has been there for me and is just a great guy." Janet says, "I know."

Before I could say something, there is another knock on the door. Michael goes to get it and then a couple of footsteps approach. Michael says, "Tito, Jackie, my girlfriend y/n, y/n my brothers Tito and Jackie." I shake both of their hands. Tito says, "Nice to meet you." Jackie says, "Michael you picked a good one. Nice to meet you." Michael says, "Yes I did." He says this with pride. I smile at Michael and say, "Nice to meet you Tito and Jackie, been a huge fan of the Jackson 5 and The Jacksons!" They say, "Oh thank you!"

Another knock on the door comes, this time Michael tells me to come with him. Michael opens the door and it's Jermaine. I get nervous with what I have heard about. "Jermaine." Michael says. "Not a hi?" Jermaine says. Before Michael can say anything, Jermaine looks me up and down. I shiver and squeeze Michael's hand even harder. Jermaine says, "Who's this fine young lady?" Michael says, "My girlfriend, so she is off limits, got it?" Jermaine ignores him and he says, "What's your name?" I say, "Y/n, Michael's girlfriend." Jermaine says, "Nice to meet you, y/n. You are very bea-" I hear Janet's voice say, "Lay off her, that's Michael's girl." Jermaine says, "Hey sis." Michael says, "Come in Jermaine and don't start anything." Jermaine walks in.

I am not liking Jermaine, he is too arrogant for my liking. I understand why Michael gets worried with Jermaine. Hopefully, everything goes well tonight. Janet says, "Hey Jermaine." Jermaine says, "Hey Janet." Janet says, "Don't start anything, I know you." Jermaine says, "I don't start trouble, I take what I want." Michael says coldly, "You take other people's girlfriends, right? Do you know how heartbroken Randy was?" Jermaine says, "I liked her, so I got her." I decide to speak up because I did not like the way he talked, "Jermaine, boundaries. Know boundaries because taking people's girls like that is wrong. Sure, you have a crush on someone else's girl, but they clearly were happy." Jermaine says, "You don't know what happened." I say, "But, I can assume from the way you're looking at me and talking to me, you did it." Janet says, "I'm saying." Michael is giving a smug look then holds my waist. I look at Michael then look back. I say, "Respectfully back off." Jermaine says, "This is going to be harder." I say, "Impossible." Janet says, "Yes girl!"

Jermaine goes and sits a bit far away; he keeps staring at me though as if is thinking about something. Michael says, "Thank you baby." I say, "It was annoying me, now I understand why you told me that." Michael says, "Good."

Another door knocks and it's Randy and Latoya. Latoya says to me, "I know you. You were on TV." I say, "Sure was." Latoya says, "Nice meeting you..." I say, "Y/n." Latoya says, "Cute name, I love your hair." I say, "Thanks, I love your outfit." Latoya says, "Thank you." I go to shake Randy's hand. Randy shakes my hand and smiles, then walks in. I see the tension between Jermaine and Randy when they see each other. Tonight, is going to be a long night.

The door knocks for the final time and it's Michael's mother and Marlon. Marlon says to Michael, "Joseph could not make it, so I came with mother." Michael smiles and says, "Good to see you though and hello mother." Michael hugs his mother. Then, he says, "Marlon, mother meet my girlfriend, y/n." Marlon shakes my hand and says, "Nice to meet you, y/n." I say, "Nice to meet you too, Marlon." "Hello Ms. Jackson." I say. Michael's mother says, "Call me, mother. You're part of the family now." She smiles and I smile back at her while she hugs me.

Michael says, "Everyone to the dining room, we can finally start!" Everyone starts moving to the dining room. I look at Michael and smile at him, holding his hand.

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