Chapter 79 :)

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Y/n's Pov

We get in the house and we have a shower. After, I get dressed out of our damp clothes to some PJs as it is practically bedtime. I wear a pink crop top with some matching pink PJ bottoms. I put my hair up and wear some fluffy slippers. I hear a knock on the door so I go and open it. All of a sudden, I can't see anything at all.

It turns out Michael blindfolded me up randomly. I shout, "Michael Joseph Jackson!" Michael laughs and says nonchalantly, "Yes, honey?" I say, "Why you blindfolding me for?" Michael says, "For the surprise." I say, "Well, you better guide me and not leave me hanging." Michael laughs and says, "Okay, honey." I say, "You really sound like your mother saying honey." Michael says, "I do?" I say, "Yep." Popping my p. Michael says, "We need to go down these steps. Ready?" I say, "Michael, you better carry me." Michael laughs and then I feel myself lifting off of the ground.

A couple minutes later, we finally arrive to wherever I we are. Michael says, "You can remove the blindfold now." I eagerly remove it and in front of me I see a beautiful lit tree. I look at Michael and smile. He says, "This is my giving tree, this is my other home. It is my personal place basically." I say, "So, why am I hear if this is a personal place?" Michael goes opposite me and grabs my waist making me come close to him. Michael says, "You're special to me." He kisses my cheek then runs up and climbs up on the tree. I watch him folding my arms together. Michael says, "Come up." I say, "I don't climb trees." Michael says, "Why? You're missing out." He looks like an eager child. I giggle and say, "Fine, just for you though." Michael smiles.

We sit on opposite ends. I say, "So, you just sit here?" Michael smiles shyly and says, "Sometimes but I usually write music up here." I smile and say, "That's sweet. I used to have a little tree in my backyard actually when I was younger. But, one faithful day my mother saw me and she saw how happy I was on it." Michael frowns. A tear rolls down my eyes. I say, "She chopped it down the next day. All my memories through the drain." Michael says, "You can make memories on here now." I smile and say, "Thank you." Someone gets out of a golf cart and gives us two KFC bags. I smile and say, "Oooo my favourite." Michael says, "Same." We dig into our food. I say, "I have a question." Michael looks up innocently and says, "Yeah?" I say, "Do you actually like pepsi?" Michael laughs and says, "Don't tell anyone but I prefer coke." I burst out laughing. We make small talk again. Then, Michael says, "How are you taking the tabloids and press and stuff?" I say, "Alright actually, they are not as bad as I thought they'd be. But I don't look at it anyways. How about you?" Michael looks down and swallows slowly. He looks troubled. I rub his leg softly and say, "You can tell me, Applehead." He looks up with glossy eyes and says, "They keep talking about my damn appearance and what I look like every day. They say I don't want to be black anymore! They say I bleach my skin! It's not true, I have a skin disorder, I can't help it!" At this point, he is crying. I immediately hug him. He says, "Why can't they focus on my music and my achievements? Not my appearance, not my love life, not anything else!" I say, "Applehead calm down, breathe, it's okay applehead, it's okay." His cries become quieter and quieter by the second.  I say, "You are nothing of what they say you are. You are beautiful. Look at me." He looks up with his dough, glossy eyes. I smile and say, "You are gorgeous. Your skin is gorgeous and your hair is gorgeous, everything about you is gorgeous. They are just jealous that they can't look as good as Michael Jackson." We giggle like little kids a bit. I say, "I love you just the way you are. That reminds me I made a song, it's about you. I made it when we broke up and I memorised it because it meant so much to me. I'm going to sing it to you." I turn to the bodyguard that is standing up front and I say, "Pass me the ukulele." They do as I say and I say, "Thank you." I begin, "His eyes, his eyes. Make the stars look like they're not shining. His hair, his hair falls perfectly without him trying. He's so beautiful and I tell him every day. Yeah, I know, I know, I know that when I compliment he won't believe me. And it's so, it's so, it's so sad that he doesn't see what I see. Every time he asks me, 'do I look okay?' I say-" At this point, Michael has new tears coming out of his eyes but they are happy tears. I smile even more, "When I see your face, there's not a think that I would change. Cause boy you're amazing, just the way you are! His lips, his lips I could kiss them all day if he'd let me." Michael says, "Of course I'd let you!" I giggle and sing, "His laugh, his laugh he hates it but I think it's sexy. He's so beautiful and I tell him every day." He smiles brightly at me. I sing, "Oh I know, I know, I know that I'd never ask you to change. If perfects what you're searching for then just stay the same. So, don't bother asking me if you look okay, you know I'll say." Michael sings along with me, "When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change. Cause you're amazing just the way you are! And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while because boy (girl) you're amazing just the way you are." I then say, "I don't plan on releasing it. It's for you."

We stare into each other's eyes for a bit and lean into each other's lips. My lips touch his and I feel like a million fireworks just blew up. Wait fireworks just blew up? I look up to the sky and it says, "Y/n will you be my girlfriend...again?" I laugh at the again bit but I say, "Of course Michael. I love you." He says, "I love you a whole much more." I say, "Impossible, but you win this time so you can win something today." Michael rolls his eyes and kisses me again. I let go and say, "Michael instead of doing it on a tree, we could do it in the bed?" Michael laughs and says, "You have a point." We both climb down the tree and run like little kids inside Neverland.

Let's just say that night was magical...      

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