Chapter 47 :)

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Michael's Pov

Marcey says, "I can't believe I am sitting next to Michael Jackson." I giggle and say, "I am privileged to sit next to you, Marcey." Marcey faces y/n and screams, "He said my name! He said my name." Y/n giggles too but it is very empty. Something is wrong. Marcey says, "Where are we going?" I say, "We are going to a hotel to freshen up. You are freshening up too. Then, we are going to a toy shop to get toys for you and other kids. After, hopefully the bodyguards will have found your home and you can go back!" Marcey frowns and says, "No, Mr.Jackson. I don't want to go home." I look confused and say, "Why, Marcey?"

Y/n's Pov

I pay attention. I have just met this child and she makes me feel the way I felt when I was younger. Marcey says, "She is a mean lady. She treats me so much differently to her other children. She doesn't pay attention to me. She makes me feel lonely." I start to cry and go and hug Marcey and say, "I know exactly how you feel, Marcey. It's going to be okay alright?" Marcey says, "Don't cry, miss. Be happy. There is no need to be sad." Then, Marcey proceeds to wipe my tears and says, "You wiped mine so I should wipe yours." I smile and hug Marcey tightly. Michael wraps his arms around us. Dang we would be a great little family. Marcey says, "Why do you have to cover my face with a scawf?" Michael says, "Well, to keep you protected. We cannot have no bad guys get you!" Marcey nods and continues to babble on. Marcey is a cute kid. She has smooth chocolate skin; her hair is messy and really curly, and she has lovely brown eyes and is very small for her age. She just smiles even in her situation and that makes me feel so emotional.

Marcey says, "Awe we here yet?" I look out and say, "We are actually." I wrap the scarf around her face. Michael walks out and then goes to the other side and opens the door for me and Marcey.

I get out and Michael kisses my cheek and I smile. I go and pick Marcey up and put her down so me and Michael can hold her hand. The cameras continue to flash and Marcey doesn't have a care in the world and is skipping along.

She continues until we get inside and immediately stops, her face changes and she hides behind me. I crouch down, "What's wrong Marcey?" Marcey says shaken up, "She's there. That's the mean lady." Then, the lady immediately rushes towards us. The lady says, "Oh my gosh, Michael Jackson." Michael says dryly, "Hello." The lady says, "Can I get an autograph?" Michael says, "Do you have a pen?" She rushes in her bag and gets a paper and pen and hands it to Michael. Michael signs it and smiles dryly. The lady says, "I noticed you guys had my daughter on TV. Thank you for hiding her face." Michael says, "Why is she so dirty though?" The lady nervously laughs and says, "Kids and mud. You know the story." I say, "Why is she hiding from you?" The lady says, "I am not completely sure. Come on Marcey now." Michael says, "How can we be sure you are her mother?" The lady smiles and says, "I have come prepared. Look at these papers." Michael nods slowly. I can't let her go just yet. I say, "Well, can we spend a day with her. We love Marcey, can we have her for one day?" The lady thinks for a second then says, "Sure. She is with Michael Jackson what harm could happen? Meet me here at 7pm?" I say, "Okay thank you very much." The lady crouches down to Marcey and say, "See you later, young lady." Marcey moves away and says nothing. The lady heads out. Michael crouches down and says, "Don't worry you're safe with us now, little one." Marcey nods.

We head to the reception and pick up the picture we previously took and a package of clothes to change Marcey into. We head into our hotel room. Marcey immediately goes on the bed and jumps up and down me and Michael look at her and laugh. I move a bit further away from her and whisper to Michael, "I just can't let her go. There is something about her." Michael says, "I feel the same way. We need to get her out of reach of that lady. She is not safe with her. I am worried." I say, "Me too. Me too. I am going to get ready. You have that toy shop closed off?" Michael says, "Yes otherwise we are asking for a death wish." Me and Michael laugh. I say, "I am going to get ready now!" Me and Michael share a quick kiss. I head into the bathroom with an outfit for the music video. I wear a yellow turtleneck crop top, some blue, Jean overalls. I put your hair in an afro/curly afro (or if not put your hair in a ponytail and curling the ponytail). Afterwards, I put a yellow headband around my hair. I wear a cute golden necklace that says, 'Where is the love?', some golden earrings and some bangles and bracelets.

I head out of the bathroom and see Michael tickling Marcey. I say, "Awh you guys are so cute." Michael says, "We were playing catch and I caught her, so I had to tickle her." I giggle and say, "Awh I wish I can play with you!" Marcey finally gets up and says, "Come on let's play!" I say, "I would love to Marcey, but I need to get you cleaned up and dressed, alright Hun?" Marcey nods and grabs my hand. I say, "I will be right back, Michael." Michael smiles and goes to get ready himself.

I get a bubble bath ready for Marcey. I smile at Marcey, but she gets anxious. I say, "What's wrong Marcey?" Marcey says, "I don't want you to see my back." This makes me worried. I say, "Marcey, I know I just met you. I won't harm you." Marcey says, "I know. Fine I will show you." Marcey takes her already ripped clothes off. I see bruises on her back. I looked shocked and hurt, "Who d-did this to you, Mars. You have to tell me so we can help you." Marcey looks down and says, "Her." I try and keep calm, "I swear if I see her...We will help you. I refuse to give you back to her. You are in safe hands, okay?" Marcey nods slowly and I hug her. I say, "Come on baby let's get you in this warm bath." Marcey smiles and she heads into the bath.

Half an hour later, I get Marcey out and in a towel. I say laughing, "Marcey you look like a ghost." She makes a ghostly sound, "OOOO I am going to haunt you." I run out of the bathroom and Marcey chases after me. Her little legs finally catch up to me. I pick her up and lay her down on the bed softly. I say, "Time to get changed, ghost Marcey has to go." Marcey says, "Awh man." Michael says, "Did I hear a ghost was in here?" I swear I fell in love with him all over again. He was wearing black slacks, a yellow, buttoned t-shirt with a diamond thing on his collar, a black armband, a black fedora, some white socks and black loafers. His hair was the same as before. I say to Marcey, "Michael looks handsome, doesn't he?" Marcey says, "He looks like Pwince Chawming." I say, "You're right." Marcey says, "And you look like a pwincess." I say, "Awh thank you Marcey. So, do you." Marcey says, "Pwincess..." I say, "Oh my name is y/n!" Marcey says, "Pwincess y/n." I say, "Hi Princess Marcey." Michael says, "Okay Princesses. I am going to get some food from downstairs, and we can have a big feast alright?" Marcey says, "Yayyy. This is the best day I have evew had." I say, "Glad you are! Let's get you changed." I get the box full of baby things delivered to us. I put on a diaper for her and then put her in a yellow summer dress, some white socks and some yellow kickers (Look up what kickers are if you don't know). I get up on the bed cross my legs and put her up on my lap. The last time I did a baby's hair was like ten years ago. Let me see what I can do. I brush her tangled hair. I say, "Oh I am sorry your hair is really tangled love." Marcey nods in pain. I finally finish brushing her hair. Michael walks in with 2 big bags of KFC. I smile at him as he smiles at me holding the two bags. Marcey says, "That smells so good." Michael says, "It does. Let me set it up and we can begin the feast!" Michael goes into the dining room area. I put Marcey's hair in two pig tails and then put a yellow headband around her hair. I say, "All done, Princess Marcey!" Marcey says, "Yay let's go and eat!" I say, "Don't mess up your outfit, okay?" Marcey nods and dashes to the dining table.

Michael walks towards me and says, "You're such a natural at taking care of kids." I smile shyly, "What can I say?" Michael says, "You guys looks so cute together too!" I say, "I feel so connected to her. I see myself in her shoes you know. We cannot take her back." Michael says, "I don't want to either but w-" I say pleadingly, "Michael she is getting hurt. She had bruises on her back." Michael looks at me shocked then says, "Alright. When we go and meet the lady, we get the police or something with us and talk to them." I say, "Okay, then what?" Michael says, "What do you think?" I say, "Adoption? But I don't know if I am ready plus we just started dating so..." Michael says, "Okay, what about this...Take her to an orphanage near us. So, when everything is smooth, we can hopefully adopt her." I smile and say, "Good plan." Michael says, "An insight to our future." I say, "And, I can't wait for it." Michael smiles and says, "Me too." He kisses me for a couple seconds and then he let's go and outs his forehead to my forehead and says, "You know I love you right?" I say, "Yes, do you know I love you more though?" Michael giggles and says, "Nope, I love you more!" I say, "You know what I am hungry. You win."

Me and Michael laugh and go and sit with Marcey for lunch.

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