𝟹𝟿 ❁ 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎

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A twig snapped below Kayanna's foot as she made her way through a small forest.  The sound made her cringe and look around. Of course she wouldn't be arrested and John B wasn't with her, but she'd rather her night endeavor to remain a secret.  After Kelce had received a full account of everything that had happened, he'd gone to bed.  It was then that John B told her of his plan to meet Sarah that night. He'd planned to meet her at an abandoned church.  Kayanna was somehow able to convince him to send her instead. It wasn't safe for John B to be running around when everyone was out looking for him.  He eventually reluctantly agreed for her to go and told her what to say. She didn't know the way to the abandoned church well but John B had given her good directions. 

She soon stepped into a clearing and her eyes fell upon the abandoned church. Although it was hard to see at night, she had no doubt she was in the right place. She glanced around, taking in as many details as possible and making sure she wasn't followed. She smelled the warm summer air. Even though it was dark, she could feel a storm coming; the calm before the storm, as it was often called. She stepped up the church's wobbly wooden steps. Her hand found the door handle and twisted. As it opened it creaked loudly. Kayanna stopped it immediately and slowly moved it wide enough for her to slip inside. In doing so the door just creaked slowly.

"John- Kayanna? Get in here!" Sarah whispered as Kayanna hurried inside. Once the door was safely shut Sarah turned to Kayanna expectantly. "What happened? Where's John B?"

"He's in my room. He's fine." Kayanna explained what had happened to them at Lana's and then how she'd gotten arrested.  She then explained what had happened to John B while she was arrested. Apparently he'd been all over running from cops. It sounded extremely stressful. After Kelce had gone to bed Kayanna's first question was about the gun.

"You have the gun, right?" She asked, needing the confirmation.

John B's face fell. "I... lost it."

"What?!" Kayanna whisper shouted, her eyes wide. "How do you lose the one thing that can prove us innocent?"

"I thought I had it when I left Lana's, but then I ran away from the cops and when I stopped, I couldn't find it."

Kayanna was speechless.

"I retraced my steps! I did. It wasn't where I ran and I couldn't get close to Lana's."

"Fuck, John B." Kayanna pushed some hair out of her face. "I guess we'll have to figure something else out.

"Shit." Sarah took it all in. She paused, as if wanting to say something but unsure. "Is he okay?"

Kayanna nodded, mumbling that he was fine.  Sarah breathed a sigh of relief. "I didn't want him to leave. Everyone's looking for him."

"Yeah he's definitely safer at your house." Sarah agreed, wheels turning in her head. "What do we do now?" She asked.

Just then the wooden door quickly swung open, slamming against the wall and startling the two girls within. John B quickly shut the door behind him, his breaths quick and short.

"What are you doing here?!" Sarah stepped towards the boy.

"She found me." He spoke between breaths.

"Who found you?" Kayanna questioned.

"Your... uh.. Mrs. Deion."  

"And Kelce didn't tell her?"

"Kelce is sleeping Kay! He's fucking knocked out. I don't know how he didn't fucking hear me." He explained quickly, still trying to catch his breath. "I tried to tell her I didn't do anything but she freaked out looking for you- and she kicked me out." He took a moment to breath. "I don't know what to do- people saw me." He was scared. Sarah stepped towards him again. I don't- I don't know what to do." She pulled him towards her and wrapped her arms around his waist. He relaxed into her embrace.

❁ • 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 • ❁                               a pope heyward fanficWhere stories live. Discover now