𝟸𝟸 ❁ 𝚜𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎

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The gravel ground beneath her feet as Kayanna walked to the Wreck. Kie was working and hadn't been able to get away to pick her up. She didn't mind though. Sometimes a nice morning walk was nice and relaxing. Exactly what Kayanna needed after last night. After she'd gotten home, she'd showered and went to bed immediately. But her thoughts kept her awake and sleep didn't come to her for quite a while. Who needs sleep anyways?

She turned her head when she heard a car pull up alongside of her.

"Hey." John B called through the open window of the van.


"Get in." He moved his head, motioning for her to get in.

Kayanna hopped in the passenger seat. The Wreck wasn't too far away now but her feet were getting tired anyways.

"How do you feel?" She asked her eyes falling to the cast on his wrist. She wasn't completely sure he should be driving because he was in the hospital just last night.

"Uh, I could feel better." He spoke, his eyes on the road. "But considering I have a concussion and this," he held up his wrist, "I'm doing pretty good." He smiled glancing at Kayanna.

"I can't believe that's all you got." She shook her head incredibly. "You fell from so high."

"Yeah, I know."

"I bet if you still had the compass, you'd be dead." She spoke lightly.

"Maybe." He said thoughtfully. "Did you have fun at the party last night?"

Kayanna went into a coughing fit at his words. If she was eating anything, she probably would have choked to death. "Uhhh, not really, no." She spoke finally, clearing her throat.

John B looked at her comically. "Gosh, must've been bad." He joked, pulling into the Wreck. He parked the van and turned it off, sitting with his hands on his thighs. Kayanna unbuckled but looked at John B confused when he wasn't moving to get out. He sighed and closed his eyes.

"Kie's gonna be so pissed." He spoke.


He opened his eyes again and took a breath before getting out of the van. "I'll tell you inside."

Kayanna was slightly confused but followed him inside nonetheless. When she walked through the door she spotted JJ and Pope sitting at a table almost immediately. She had had an abundance of time to think about her minor— infatuation— with Pope since she couldn't sleep and then had walked to the Wreck. With that time, she had come to the conclusion that since there was absolutely no way Pope would ever have any sort of feelings for her, she would just have to ignore her very small interest in him until it went away. And the way to do that, was to avoid him. Why would he like her anyways? No one had liked her back in the past. And if they did, they didn't really once they found out she wouldn't have sex with them just because they called her pretty. That being said, she followed John B to the counter instead of joining the two boys.

"Finally," Kie spoke emerging from the kitchen door. "I thought you'd never get here." What was with her mood?

"Sorry... I walked." Kayanna said slowly, confused at Kie's moodiness.

"Nice to see you're okay." Kie slapped John B's shoulder a little too hard.

"Yep, I'm good." He avoiding her eyes. "I actually... have some news." He finally glanced at her.

Kie waited and then shrugged, "well?" She spoke walking to JJ and picking up his empty plate.

"Ward, um, is my guardian now so I'm staying at Tannyhill." He said a little too quickly.

❁ • 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 • ❁                               a pope heyward fanficWhere stories live. Discover now