𝟸 ❁ 𝚊𝚐𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚊

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The first thing Kayanna did was type in Kiaras number. She had memorized it at age nine, when she knew she'd be leaving. It was a good choice seeing as she had moved homes a lot since then.

"Hey," A voice called from her door.

Kayanna's eyes shot up to the figure standing by the entrance to her room.


She didn't know what to think of Kelce. Yes, he had been kind to her in private, but he never stuck around her in public or with his friends. Then again, she hadn't seen him in seven years.

"Hi," her voice comes out as more of a question than a greeting.

Kelce looked around the room as if her being there would cause it to be completely different. His eyes trailed back to hers. "So..." his voice trailed off as he looks for the right words. "How've you been?" He asks.

How've you been.

That's always been a hard question. On one hand you can say, "I've been great," hiding whatever you're truly feeling to deal with later, or you can say how you've been, which may lead to an uncomfortable situation. Correction: Probably lead to an uncomfortable situation. As Kayanna preferred to avoid uncomfortable situations at all costs, she chose the prior.

"I've been good." She speaks. This time her words come out as a statement. "How have you been?"

"Oh, I've been good," Kelce replied quickly. The small talk came to a halt when neither teen could think of something to say. The probably 30 seconds of silence felt more like 2 long minutes until Kelce finally broke it. "I'm glad you're back." He said. His voice revealed a level of concern one might not have thought he had for her. "And... I'm sorry, I'm sorry for—"

"Stop." Kayanna's voice was strong now. "It wasn't your fault and I don't blame you."

Kelce expression visibly relaxed as she spoke the words he'd been longing to hear for seven years. It was true Kelce had tried to stop his father from taking his anger out on Kay, but with him being a 10 year old himself at the time, it wasn't much use. Somehow he had felt the guilt of all of the pain Kayanna had endured during those four months.

"It's in the past."

The corners of his mouth turn up into a small smile at her words as he looks at her.

"So anyways, there's supposed to be a hurricane tonight," he states.

Points for the change of topic.

"Is there?" Kay asked, a small frown etched on her face. "I was hoping to see Kie tonight."

"Oh, well if she comes over now then you could probably ride out Agatha together," he suggested.

Kayanna smiled at his suggestion and turned to grab her new phone. "I'll call her right now."

"Okay, let me know if you need anything, alright? Anything, I got you." Oddly, those words, coming from a boy she only knew for four months, stirred something up inside her. She looked back up at him with a smile on her face. "Thanks, Kelce."

• ❁ •

"OH MY GODDDDD!!!" Kiara screamed as she ran into Kayanna's arms. Although hugs were usually a form of torture for Kay, Kie's were the opposite.

"OHHHH MY GOD! I've missed you so much!" Kie's words were muffled by Kayannas shoulder.

"I've missed you too!" Kay replied, truly happy for the first time in forever.

The girls pulled back, their arms still around each other. "Ohh my god! It's really you," Kay says staring up at Kiara. Kie was a good 5'8 while Kayanna was 5'4.

"It's really youu!" Kie says as the two girls pulled each other in for another tight hug.

The rain began to pour as the girls released each other. "C'mon, lets go inside."

• ❁ •

The girls had downed a ton of chips and a few sodas while talking about Pogues and Kooks and the island. Kayanna knew of the labels the Islanders threw around and the rivalries from her conversations with Kie over the years.

"You're going to love the crew," Kiara states while throwing a chip in her mouth. "Lots of boys, but once you get through their shell, they're super lovable."

Kayanna chuckled at her words. She had never had any friends besides Kie. Maybe a few kids in some of her foster homes, but no one she had kept in contact with.

"So what am I?" Kayanna asked, "Pogue or Kook?"

"Pogue, no doubt." She replied completely sure of herself. "Technically if you're living in a Kook house it makes you a Kook, but in our cases," she pointed to Kayanna and herself, "Pogues, 100%."

Kayanna smiled at her words. "So, how many boys?" She asks.

She glanced away from the chips and looked over to Kay, "Three. There's John B, JJ, and Pope," Kayanna nodded her head.

Three isn't too many.

"But," Kie starts, "do you remember the rule?" She asks raising an eye brow at Kay. Kayanna thought for a moment before looking back at Kie, "rule?" She asked with a small frown.

"No Pogue on Pogue macking." She stated chuckling at the rule. "It's kinda dumb, we made it when we were younger but we still stick to it, ya know? Oh, and no lying to each other."

No Pogue on Pogue macking.
No lying.

The first one should be easy. The second... not so much. If anyone were to ask Kay about her life in foster care, or what happened to her parents, she would lie. Not because it was embarrassing per se, but because she hated talking about it, and thinking about it, and reliving it.

What they don't know won't hurt them.

So this is chapter two lol it's kinda short but I just wanted to highlight Kay and Kie's friendship and a little more about Kelce. Sorry it's kinda slow starting. Popes coming soon lol I promise

Also if you see me change to first person anywhere and start saying "I" please comment on it bc I have done that at least five times in this chapter alone loll

peace ♡

❁ • 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 • ❁                               a pope heyward fanficWhere stories live. Discover now