𝟹 ❁ 𝚑𝚒, 𝚋𝚘𝚢𝚜, 𝚑𝚒

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The morning after the hurricane, Kie had left, but only after promising to be back later on. With nothing else to do, Kay started to unpack her bag. Not that there was much to unpack.

The Deion's had their backup generators on, causing the whole house to seem like there hadn't been a massive storm last night. Kayanna turned on the tv in her room, playing The Vampire Diaries, her favorite tv show. She unzipped her back pack and pulled open a dresser drawer. First she placed her most prized and sentimental possessions, a photo of her with her parents, her mothers favorite necklace, a letter from her mother, and a small bullet into the drawer. She then opened another drawer placing her T-shirt's in it, then another for her pants, and another for her underwear and socks. Each drawer still had a ton of room left for more clothes, not to mention the two drawers she didn't even begin to fill, or the closet to her left. She decided to walk to the shops she had seen on the ride there and pick out some clothes with the money Mrs. Deion had left her. She would definitely need a swim suit if she was going to be living on an island.

• ❁  •

Kie gripped the cooler in her left hand as she walked down the wobbly dock on her family's property. She heard John B, JJ, and Pope gave her their morning greetings as she neared the HMS Pogue, John B's boat, moving slowly in the water.

"Whatcha got? You got some juice boxes?" Pope asks referring to the cooler in Kie's hand.

"Oh ya know just some yogurts, carrot sticks..." She takes JJ's outstretched hand before stepping into the boat.

"What about my kinda juice box?" JJ asks.

"Yeah," Kiara responds. She planned to tell the boys about Kay before she brought her along to meet them.

"So, do you guys remember my friend, Kayanna? I've talked about her a few times." She started.

"Uhh, yeah I think so," John B nodded at the other boys, seeing if they remembered.

"Oh yeah, isn't she your 'best friend' that lives on the mainland but you never see her?" JJ asked with a smirk, putting his fingers up into air quotes when he said "best friend". 

"Okay, first of all, I never see her because shes in the foster system, which you would know if you ever listened to me," Kie scowled at him playfully. "And second," she said, her voice lightening, "she got placed here."

"Here? On the island?" Pope asks.

"Yeah, she just got here yesterday." Kie smiled.

"Well good for you," JJ pats Kies shoulder before taking another swig of his beer. Kie finally turned her attention to John B who had stayed oddly quiet.

"Who's she staying with?" He asked, knowing that Kayannq couldn't possibly be staying with a Pogue.

There it was, the question Kie had been dreading. Who is Kay staying with. Of course Kayanna was a Pogue. She didn't have a cent to her name. She'd grown up in the foster system and its not like her biological family was rolling in the dough before that. She was in no way stuck up or vain or presumptuous. But John B might not think that when he found out she would be living with Kooks. Kie lets out a short sigh before she quietly said, "the Deions."

"The Deions?!" John B exclaims. The name also caught JJ and Pope's attention as their heads snapped over in Kie's direction, waiting for her to elaborate.

❁ • 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 • ❁                               a pope heyward fanficWhere stories live. Discover now