𝟸𝟺 ❁ 𝚜𝚞𝚋𝚘𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚕

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"Do you think there's a chance we could be okay again?" Sarah asked Kie. The two sat together talking finally. Kayanna was in the cabin, stuffing her face. She'd never been high before and it was making her hungry. After the boys had left she'd shared a few joints with Sarah and Kie. She figured she'd need it if she was gonna be stranded with them.

"Honestly, I don't know."

Kayanna walked out of the cabin, chips in hand. "Ohhh my God!! Look at the stars!" She said squinting. "They're so fucking bright I need sunglasses." She laughed, plopping herself down across from Sarah and Kie.

"And why do you hate me?" Sarah asked turning to Kayanna with a hint of distaste.

Kayanna shrugged, still squinting at the sky. "Did they leave any beers? I could go for like 10 right now." She laughed again, oblivious to the tension around her.

"I don't even know you." Sarah spoke. "Why do you hate me?" She asked again.

Kayanna finally brought her attention to the girl across from her. "I don't hate you. Why would you think that?" She chuckled. Why was everything so funny?

"Uh, because you said you didn't want me to come?" Sarah deadpanned.

"Oh, yeah," she shrugged, eating more chips.

"That's it? Why didn't you want me around?"

"I mean, it'd probably be kinda awkward." Kayanna chuckled to herself.

"Why would it be awkward? Because of Kie?"

"Oh, yeah because of Kie, too."

"Kayanna?" Kie asked, confused. "Why else?"

"Well, I mean, it'd be pretty weird, ya know? Because you probably like Ward and I could never like that piece of shit." She shook her head.

"Who cares if you like my dad?" Sarah asked incredulously. "Literally no one cares what you think about him."

"I fucking care! He never has but I still fucking do." Kayanna suddenly dropped her careless attitude for frustration. "If he killed your mom, you'd care too."

Kie and Sarah shared a look of confusion. "Woah, Kayanna, relax. You aren't thinking straight." Kie spoke, handing her a water bottle.

"Ya know what? Who says he didn't kill your mom? Huh? Rose isn't your mom right? When's the last time you saw her? He probably killed her too."

"Shut the fuck up! My dad didn't kill anyone!" Sarah yelled. "You don't even fucking know him! You don't know shit." She turned to Kie. "What the fuck is wrong with her?"

"Kayanna, Ward didn't kill anyone, okay? You're just high, relax, okay?"

"Yeah, I'm high and Ed killed my mom! Are you really going to tell me he didn't? You weren't there. I was. I was there. I fucking watched."

Kie and Sarah were silent, completely confused.

"I watched him shoot her..." She looked at her lap. "He may be your dad, but he'll never be mine." She spoke standing up.

"But... you told me your dad's dead." Kiara said.

"He might as well be." Kayanna replied, grabbing her bag of chips and walking back to the cabin angrily.

"What the fuck?" Sarah spoke.

Kiara thought for a moment. 'He might as well be.' "Ward is her dad." She spoked quietly.


"He's her dad too." She glanced at Sarah. "It makes sense. And that's why she's hates guns. Shit."

❁ • 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 • ❁                               a pope heyward fanficWhere stories live. Discover now