𝟹𝟻 ❁ 𝚑𝚎 𝚔𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚍 𝚖𝚘𝚖

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A pain in Kayanna's back caused her to grunt and roll over in an attempt to get more comfortable. Her bed was a lot harder than usual. It felt wooden. Odd. A wooden bed? Her eyes finally opened. Oh, yes. The dock. She lifted her head off of the life jacket it rested on.

The golden sun lit up the ocean around her. She rolled onto her back and turned her head to the side. John B sat about five feet away from her, his eyes watching the ocean his little boat had disappeared into just a few hours ago. Kayanna sat up, the wood beneath her creaking as she did. The sound brought John B out of his thoughts.

"Morning," He said, turning to her. His voice was raspy from sleep, but carried a soft tone.

"Morning." She replied stretching her achy back. Sleeping on wood? Not the move.

"Hungry?" John B asked, standing up.

"Not really." Kayanna replied, following suit. She picked up her bracelets that laid next to her. She'd taken them off during the night because they were digging into her bruise on her wrist from Ward. She'd have to leave them off until it healed. Keeping them on kept reinjuring it.

"Yeah, me neither." John B agreed. The two stood on the dock in silence for a moment longer. It seemed like it should have been awkward, but it wasn't. "I wanna go to Crain's again. Finish his work." Kayanna nodded. "Will you come?"

"Of course." She smiled softly.

With that, the two strolled back to the chateau to grab a couple drinks, then hopped in the van.

• ❁ •

Kayanna walked down the dock for the second time that day. Her and John B had experienced another setback. The gold was gone. Ward had taken it. They couldn't even finish Big John's life work. John B was furious at first. Now he was clearly disappointed, lying on the dock with Kie and JJ. Kayanna was upset, too. It would have been nice for at least one thing to work out but Ward had to ruin everything. She now walked back to the chateau for some drinks.

She walked slowly, sadness in her steps. It seemed like nothing would ever work out, and soon she'd probably be thrown back into the system. There was no way Ward would let her stay on the island after everything that had happened. That is, if he didn't kill her instead. Her disappointment was clearly evident. She couldn't help but feel selfish for thinking about what would happen to her, when John B was outside still processing that her father had killed his and then stolen the gold he'd found.

She climbed the steps to the chateau, letting the screen door slam shut behind her. She walked towards the kitchen, plagued with thoughts. She approached the powerless fridge and opened it. Two waters and one beer for JJ. John B wasn't thirsty. Or hungry. He hadn't had an appetite the whole day. It was understandable considering he just found out his dad was definitely dead and the man who killed him took all the gold he found, but it still concerned Kayanna. One day of this would be alright but things like that could easily get out of hand. She grabbed another water just in case he changed his mind.

Kayanna started at the startling sound of the door slamming shut, dropping the waters in her arms. She saved the beer, though.

"John B! John B-" Pope stopped, out of breath when his eyes met Kay's.

"Pope, hey-" Kayanna started before Pope drew her into a quick hug she was not prepared for. "Um-"

"You're okay." Pope breathed before pulling away and backing up. "Oh- sorry, I- um- where's John B?"

Kayanna furrowed her brows. Why wouldn't she be okay?

"What?" Pope asked, confused at her expression.

❁ • 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 • ❁                               a pope heyward fanficWhere stories live. Discover now