𝟷 ❁ 𝚍𝚎𝚜•𝚝𝚒•𝚗𝚢

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the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future.
the hidden power believed to control what will happen in the future; fate.

Kayanna had always believed in things like destiny and fate. She had always believed things happened for a reason. No matter what happened in her life, good or bad, she believed there was always a reason, even if she couldn't see it or understand it. It made things easier that way. Her belief in destiny allowed her to believe that there was a reason that she had jumped from foster home to foster home all her life. Maybe if she hadn't been at her last home, no one would have been there for, Jamie, another foster kid like her. Maybe he would have died if she wasn't there to step in front of him when his life was threatened. And maybe she had effected all of the other kids and families lives she'd been placed with. It was that thought that always kept her looking forward. It was that thought that kept her positive. It reminded her why she kept trying and why she never gave up.

As she felt the warm summer wind blow through her hair, Kayanna's thoughts turned to the beauty of nature. She looked out her open window from the back seat of the car seeing the trees and houses fly past. Just a few months ago, all of the trees, and the grass, and flowers, were dead. She'd been to the Outerbanks before. The last time she'd been here, seven years ago, they were dead. They were nothing. But as summer came, they began to grow and had turned into something beautiful.

She sighed as the vehicle pulled into a long driveway. She'd been here before, too. This was the third foster home she was in. Although the island held some wonderful memories, this place in particular, did not. She knew the Deion family didn't take in foster kids to be kind and give back to society, but to improve their image. She remembered the fear she'd felt when she lived here. When she was out, she was scared to go "home" and when she was "home", she was as scared to leave her room. Mrs. Deion was alright. She was a little shallow and didn't really have her priorities in order, but she never hurt Kayanna. Kelce was actually genuinely kind to her, behind closed doors. It was Mr. Deion she was truly scared of. He was an undiagnosed alcoholic. An angry one. Needless to say, he'd take his anger out on little 9 year old Kay. Apparently Mr. and Mrs. Deion were now divorced, which is why DCS allowed Kay to come back here.

The four months she'd spent on the island weren't all bad though. She'd met Kiara at school and they'd hit it off immediately. They had stayed friends over they years, although sometimes it was hard since Kayanna's foster families didn't always provide her with a phone, or the internet. Nevertheless Kayanna and Kiara had become best friends over the years and for that reason, Kayanna was excited to be back on the island.

She reached out to the seat next to her and grabbed her yellow backpack, full of every last item she owned, before she opened her door and hopped out of the car. It was a weird feeling to be back here. Her stomach felt sort of twisted. It was like her body remembered the physical and mental pain she had suffered here and was screaming at her to get away, while her mind knew Mr. Deion was no longer here and she didn't have anything to be afraid of.

She walked up to the door with the DCS worker who drove her here, Janet, by her side. Janet rang the doorbell to the beautiful mansion and then stepped back. Time seemed to go by slowly while they waited for the door to open, Kayanna's heart beating faster.

Finally the door opened to reveal the woman Kay knew as Mrs. Deion. She looked older now, as if the years of being artificial had been slowly catching up with her. But she hid it well with lots of makeup and probably regular appointments for her hair and skin. Probably a few to her plastic surgeon, too.

Okay, too far.

"Well hello! Kayanna! It is so wonderful to see you again!" The works left her as an artificial smile fell on her lips. She then held her arms out for a hug. Physical contact was not something Kayanna had ever enjoyed. It had always made her uncomfortable and tense for which reason she avoided it at all cost.

Kayanna hesitated, hoping that Mrs. Deion would realize her discomfort and maybe settle for a handshake. But when Mrs. Deion continued to lean in, Kayanna accepted her fate and leaned in slightly as well.

"It's great to see you too." Kayanna responded, hoping to shorten the hug. To Kayanna's relief, Mrs. Deion finally pulled back with her smile still on her face.

"You've grown up so much," She spoke staring at Kayanna as if she might cry. As if she cares. When she finally stopped looking at her like she was her some old friend, she took a step back, "alright well, let's get you settled in!"

Kayanna glanced at Janet for approval, who nodded back at her with a small smile and turned to leave. Kayanna gave her a small smile back and then took a step into her new "home".  She took in the magnificence of the beautiful home as she walked through a living room, kitchen, multiple hall ways, and a flight of stairs before she got to the room she'd be staying in. She didn't remember the home being so large, but she did stay in her room most of the time when she was last there.

Mrs. Deion left her in her room only after commenting on her lack of luggage and leaving few $100 bills saying, "buy yourself some clothes." As soon as she's gone, Kay walked
across the hardwood floor and dropped her backpack on her queen sized bed. She then glanced around the room taking in every little detail. The walls were a pastel blue and the entire ceiling was painted as a big cloud. There was peach curtains around a big window that led out to the roof. They must have had the room redone since Kay had been there last.

After a moment Kayanna walked to a white desk in the corner where there was a macbook and a new iPhone waiting for her.

• ❁ •

Okay so I've started a Pope fanfic. Tbh jj is my #1, but I really love pope and I could barely find any fics for him sooo I decided to write one lol

Also if anyone knows what kelces last name is lmk.  I looked online and I couldn't find it so I just used Deion Smiths (the actor who plays Kelce) first name.

Constructive criticism is always welcome ♡

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