𝟸𝟾 ❁ 𝚑𝚎 𝚔𝚗𝚎𝚠

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Kayanna awoke to the sound of hushed voices nearby but she kept her eyes closed. It was too early to open them. She was too comfortable. She savored the sleepy moments before she grew uncomfortable lying on her back. She moved her arm, preparing to turn over, when a sharp pain shot up her side. She whinced and let out a small grunt. What the...

Oh yeah. She was dead.

"Kayanna?" She opened her eyes at the sound of Kie's soft voice. "Hey," she spoke with a gentle expression. "How ya feelin'?"

She wasn't dead.

"It... kinda hurts." Kayanna replied, propping herself up on her elbow with a pained expression.

Kie smiled. "I bet. Here." She held out two white pills and a glass of water. Kayanna glanced at the pills before holding out her hand. "For the pain." Kayanna nodded, taking a sip of water and tilting her head back, swallowing the pills one at a time. When she brought her head back down she noticed the bandage on Kiara's arm and felt a wave of guilt.

"H-how are you?" She asked, nodding her head towards her arm.

Kie glanced down. "Oh this? It's gonna leave a badass scar." She joked, holding up her wrist.

"I'm sorry— I shouldn't have—"

"Stop apologizing." Kie cut the girl off. "She almost killed you. Twice. This," she held up her wrist again. "Is nothing." She smiled.

Kayanna smiled back. What did she do to deserve a friend like her? "Did you clean it at least?"

"Pope did. He cleaned yours too."

Kayanna's eyes widened. "W-what— he—"

Kiara laughed. "Relax. He stopped the bleeding in the van and then fixed you up when we got back here." She paused. "I tried to, but he wouldn't let me. Said he knew the most about 'tending to bodily wounds'. Whatever that means."

"He probably read about it." Kayanna said, a ghost of a smile on her lips.

"Probably." Kie stood, taking Kay's glass to the sink. "Also... we found the gold." She said nonchalantly.

"What— we did?!"

"Yup. John B got a few chunks of it from the well last night." She grinned.

"Holy shit!" Kayanna spoke. "Wow, it seems too good to be true."

"I know."

Kayanna glanced around the empty room. "So where are the boy—" Kayanna started before she was cut off by a ruckus outside.

"Just let me in, man." She heard outside.

"No way, bro, get outta here."

Kayanna turned to Kie, sitting up slowly. "Who..." Kie shrugged before bending down and helping Kayanna to her feet, slowly.

"You good?" Kie asked when she stood finally, receiving a nod from her. They made their way to the front door of the chateau, Kayanna's side aching the whole way there.

"I gotta get her, man, it's not even my choice! Just let me in." Kelce stood outside the chateau, blocked by a territorial John B.

When Kayanna appeared in the doorway, all eyes shot to her. She glanced around, noticing how JJ stood next to John B, ready for a fight, and how Pope stood on the porch, his hands on his head. He turned to her.

He actually looked kind of... relieved.

"Kay, finally." Kelce sighed. Kay. It sounded... normal. Maybe he wasn't upset anymore. "Mom wants you at home." He said nodding towards his car parked next to the van. She stood still, confused at the entire scene happening before her.

❁ • 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 • ❁                               a pope heyward fanficWhere stories live. Discover now