𝟷𝟸 ❁ 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚘𝚒𝚜

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"So how's it going with Kiara?" JJ asked John B as they hid behind some lumber along with Pope while Kie and Kayanna began to distract the security guard.

"Oh ya know, it's not awkward or anything."

"Honestly I did not think you were actually gonna listen to me." JJ laughed. "I was 100% sure that she was into you. Pope would agree."

"Ehhh... honestly, I thought she was into you." Pope replied, distantly. An unknown emotion crossed JJ'a face as his head turned to Pope.

"S-So, Kie, she definitely gave you the Heisman?"

"Oh, no question. Yep."

"Gotcha. What about Kayanna?"

"What do you mean?" John B asked.

"I mean she's hot, but she's also, like, oddly quiet." JJ spoke, staring at her back as she and Kie led the security guard to the flat tire.

"Probably because of the traumatic shit Kie said she went through," John B deadpanned.

"I thought you didn't like her," Pope turned to John B who shrugged.

"She's okay, I mean, she's actually kinda nice."

"She's definitely not into you, though." JJ analyzed. "If anyone, she's into Pope."

"What?" His head snapped to JJ.

"Woah, chill, I just mean she talks to you the most. Relax dude." JJ shook his head. "They're definitely both too tense." He said under his breath to John B who chuckled softly.

"Okay, go, go, go, go, go."

• ❁ •

Kayanna laid on top of her covers as she stared at the ceiling in her darkened room. Aside from sneaking into a hotel and stealing a drone, the day had been pretty good. The group had eventually found themselves at the Wreck, where Kie's dad had reluctantly provided them with dinner.

It was kind of unbelievable how well things had been working out for her here, this time. So far everyone had respected her and aside from a few stressful situations, this home had been better than any of her previous ones. Even the people were better this time. John B had been a little scary at first, but he didn't seem so bad anymore. Pope was amazing, always avoiding uncomfortable situations and helping her when he could. JJ was a little bold at times, but he was pretty chill in general, and could always lighten the air. All in all, she was beginning to fall in love with the group and the Island.

"Hey," Kelce appeared at her door with a knock. "Do you wanna watch a movie or something?"

"Uh, sure." Kayanna spoke, sitting up. She didn't want to turn him down and couldn't sleep anyways, so what was the harm? She grabbed a blanket before following Kelce out into the living room.

Kelce plopped himself down in a recliner while Kay took the couch. "Did you have a good day?" He asked while he gripped the remote, turning on the tv.

"Yeah, it was a good day." Kayanna smiled. "Did you?"

"Yeah, I went to a party with the bois but they were getting super fucked so I dipped." He spoke lightly, scrolling through Netflix. "My mom would be so pissed if I got caught with hard drugs, and Rafe was not being subtle."

Kayanna nodded. "Good choice."


"Hey, do we have popcorn?" Kay asked glancing at Kelce.

"Yeah we should in the pantry."

"Cool, I'll make some." She said, getting off the couch and walking towards the kitchen.

"So what do you wanna watch?" Kelce called from the living room. "Sky's the limit."

"I don't really care, whatever's fine." Kayanna shouted back while she placed a bag of popcorn in the microwave.

"Why do you hang out with your friends if they're just gonna get you in trouble?" She asked from the door of the kitchen as she waited for the popcorn to pop.

"I dunno, I've always been friends with them and they're who my mom wants me to be friends with. Ya know, 'social class' and all that bullshit." He replied, staring at the tv. "They didn't used to be such assholes either."

"Why don't you broaden the horizon, though? Ya know, branch out a little bit?"

Kelce sighed, "It's kinda hard with all the Kooks vs. Pogues shit. And most of the Kooks are the same. I'd basically be embarrassing my family if I 'broadened the horizons'." He replied honestly.

When the microwave beeped, Kayanna stepped back into the kitchen. She returned to the living room, holding the bag of popcorn along with two bowls. "So what are we watching?" She asked opening the bag and filling the bowls.

"Have you seen Lost?"

"Oh my god, yes. I love it."

"Good," he replied as he played the first episode.

• ❁ •

Kayanna pulled her wavy brunette hair into a ponytail as she sat in Heyward's boat, along with Pope and JJ. It was her first morning working for him and she was helping make deliveries. If there was one thing she was getting used to, it was hanging out with Pope and JJ.

"So how's it feel?" Pope asked her.

"What?" She questioned glancing at him from the bench she sat on.

"Working for my dad."

Kayanna smiled, "It feels good."

"Well hallelujah." JJ said, steering the boat.

"It doesn't even look like the storm hit there." Pope spoke, looking at a house on the island.

"That's because they've got generators, bro. Get used to it." JJ replied, glancing at the house. "And then they say the juice will be out all summer at the cut."

"It's not fair." Kayanna spoke as she stared at the house, not very different from the one she was living in.

"It's nice to be a Kook," Pope spoke, sourly.

Kayanna glanced at him before looking down, suddenly finding her fingers interesting. Although, she knew she wasn't a Kook at heart, it still felt wrong living in an extravagant house while Pope and JJ didn't even have electricity.

"Lucky bastards."

• ❁ •

Short chapter^^ sorry lols

peace <3

❁ • 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 • ❁                               a pope heyward fanficWhere stories live. Discover now