𝟷𝟾 ❁ 𝚜𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚕𝚕

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Kayanna tossed and turned all night. At one point she'd thrown up. Eventually, she got up, made her way to the kitchen, and found some Tylenol for her headache. It didn't help much but she was able to fall asleep finally. Now she laid in bed awake. The pounding in her head had let up a little bit, but it was still there. She groaned as she rolled out of bed and her feet landed on the cold floor.

She began to get ready, squinting at the light streaming through her curtains. Eventually, she grabbed her back pack and made her way down stairs, passing Kelce along the way. She looked at him, wanted to apologize for last night, wanting to fix what had went wrong. Kelce didn't spare her a glance. He walked past her with absolutely no acknowledgment. Her apology caught in her throat as she watched him walk away from her.

She furrowed her brows, staring at the hall he had disappeared into before turning and continuing on to the kitchen.  As soon as she stepped in, she immediately regretted her timing.

"Kayanna!" Mrs. Deion exclaimed, a coffee in hand. "Good morning! I haven't seen you in a few days! How are you doing? Adjusting well?" Kayanna had seen her some mornings but avoided the her and the fake conversations for the most part. This morning in particular, she wished she hadn't run into her. Her voice really did not help ease her headache.

"Yes, thank you. How are you?" She replied politely as she made her way to the pantry. Gotta pack today's snacks.

"I'm well! Thank you." She went back to sipping her coffee and reading something on her phone.

Kayanna's grabbed a bag of chips, some cookies, and then a muffin for her breakfast. She filled a glass with water gulping down another Tylenol.

"Oh! I almost forgot." Mrs. Deion looked up from her phone. "There's an event tomorrow night! A party at the country club! You'll have the best time. I ordered a dress for you to wear. It should be in your room by the morning!"

"Ohh, that's okay. I really don't—"

"Oh, nonsense! I insist that you go! Your friend... Kiara? Yes, Kiara will be there. Plus you'll get to meet some family friends! I can't wait to show off the newest member of our family!"

More like show off her charity case.

"Alright." Kayanna spoke with a tight lipped smile. She clearly didn't have a choice.

Just then the doorbell rang. Kayanna grabbed her bag ready to escape the kitchen. Saved by the bell.

"That's Kiara. It was nice talking to you." She said politely before turning away.

"Oh, you too sweetheart! I'll see you later!"

Kayanna walked towards the door, thankful for the escape. She swung it open, squinting as the bright light streamed inside. "Pope?"

"Hey, uh, Kie had to help out at the Wreck... so I'm here to pick you up instead." He spoke, almost... shyly.

Kayanna wasn't sure why he was acting so awkward but... it was sorta adorable.

"Oh, okay. Thanks." Kayanna smiled as she shut the door behind her and followed him to the car.

Pope turned out of the driveway, onto the road. "So, how did you sleep?" He asked.

"Um, okay. How 'bout you?" She asked, glancing at him.


Silence engulfed the the two. It was odd. It wasn't necessarily comfortable silence, but it wasn't uncomfortable either. Maybe she was just imagining it.

❁ • 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 • ❁                               a pope heyward fanficWhere stories live. Discover now