𝟷𝟹 ❁ 𝚗𝚘 𝚌𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚜, 𝚗𝚘 𝚏𝚎𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚎𝚜

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Kayanna and Pope walked along a dirt path, both carrying groceries. They had already made three deliveries and were beginning their final one.

"What are we doing after this?" Kay asked as the two walked.

"Going to the beach. Kie and John B said they'd meet us there to surf."

"Surf?" Kayanna questioned, more to herself.

"Yeah, surf." Pope glanced at her. "Wait, do you not know how to surf?" He asked seeing her uncertain expression.

"No, I don't usually live at the beach." She replied.

"Wow, well we're definitely going to need to change that." Pope spoke staring at the path ahead.

Kayanna smiled, "I've always wanted to learn to surf."

"I can't believe Kie never taught you." Pope replied taking a quick look at the girl next to him. "I was sure she would have."

"Nope, I guess we never thought of it." She replied as she readjusted the groceries in her arms.

"Hey what's up guys?" Rafe Cameron startled the two as he walked towards them purposefully, Topper following behind him. "How much for one of those beers?" He asked pointing his golf club at the box of beers Kayanna held.

"They're not for sale." Pope spoke for Kayanna, taking a small step between her and Rafe.

"Oh, so you can just give us one, then, right?" He said, directing the question towards Kayanna.

"Or you can order one, like everybody else." Pope said, attempting to walk past them.

"Hey, hey, hey, hold on. I wasn't asking you." He spoke looking at Kayanna. "You can give us one, right? What's your name?"

"Don't talk to her." Pope replied, growing frustrated.

"Oou 'don't talk to her', tough guy." Rafe looked at Topper, laughing. "You're not listening to me. Um, you've got so many bro, and we've got nothing."

"They're not even mine, they're already paid for." Pope said, gritting his teeth.

"You probably stole them, right?" Rafe spoke, as he put the end of his club into a bag Pope held and ripped it down the center.

"What the hell?! You owe me for that!" Pope yelled before Rafe knocked a bag out of Kayanna's hands as well.

"Dude, I don't owe you shit, Pogue," Rafe said, walking towards Kayanna and attempting to grab the box of beers.

"Buy your own shit!" Pope shoved Rafe away.

"Hey, come on, we just want one of these beers." Topper spoke in a pathetic attempt to "reason" with him.

"Give us one of these beers." Rafe said as he ripped the beers away from Kayanna roughly, causing her to stumble back.

"You guys are freaking crazy!" Pope yelled while he tried to pull the beers away from Rafe. Topper roughly pulled him back causing Pope to fall backwards and roll across the ground.


"Shit, my bad, man."

"Pope!" Kay bent down to Pope, an alarmed expression on her face. He stood up quickly, and began walking towards Rafe angrily. He lifted an arm to throw a punch, but Rafe hit his stomach with his golf club causing him to double over. He lifted his club up to hit his back.

"Stop it!" Kayanna called pulling Rafe's arm in an effort to get him away from Pope. Rafe sent his elbow back, hitting her nose, hard. She stumbled back again, feeling liquid dripping down her nose to her mouth.

❁ • 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 • ❁                               a pope heyward fanficWhere stories live. Discover now