𝟽 ❁ 𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚎

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"Why Pope?" Kay asked Kie who began the drive back to the chateau where they had left JJ and Pope. John B on the other hand, was busy on a mission "borrowing" scuba gear from the Camerons.

"Pope's dad owns a seafood store." Kie glanced at Kayanna, gauging her reaction. A seafood store. Not too bad. She'd probably smell after working, though. No job's perfect. "Pope works there and JJ and I help out sometimes too. It's really not bad."

"What do you do?" Kay asked curiously.

"Mostly stock shelves or make deliveries I guess. I'm sure we can get you a job there. Heyward could always use a hand."


"Pope's dad." Kie replied. "Don't let him scare you, though. He kinda acts like he hates everyone but I'm pretty sure he loves us." She smiled as she turned down another street.

"Sounds kinda fun," Kayanna spoke. "and, thanks for letting me hang around with you guys. I know you probably had to talk them into letting me tag along-"

"Kayyyy," Kie interrupted, "I love having you around all the time and the boys will, too. JJ and Pope already like you and John B's warming up to you, too, so don't even worry about it. Just be yourself."

'Just be yourself'. Easy.

"Listen, you are completely likable and freaking gorgeous." Kie ensured the other girl. "Just talk to me and you'll end up talking to them too. Remember the kegger? You were talking to JJ and Pope just fine." Kie pulled up to the chateau and put the car in park. "Don't worry about making a good impression. Just relax, c'mon." She spoke opening her door and hopping out.

"Kie! Finally," Kayanna heard as her feet hit the ground. "you guys took forever. John B's been back for hours." JJ exaggerated, staring at Kie.

"Yeah well John B didn't have to try to talk my dad into letting someone new work at The Wreck." Kie joked, glancing at Kay.

"Wait, you tried to get Kay a job there?" JJ asked, surprise engulfing his features.

"Yeah but my dad just said 'we're over staffed'." Kie rolled her eyes slightly.

"I was gonna say," JJ laughed, "there's no way Carrera would ever let a Pogue-"

"You can work at my dad's," Pope interrupted JJ's possibly insensitive rant from the doorway of the chateau's screened in porch. "He's always asking us to help out, and he'll pay you." He suggested making eye contact with Kayanna. "If you want." He added, leaving room for Kayanna to back out if she wanted.

"That sounds great," Kay smiled genuinely.

"Cool, we can go over later." Pope declared stepping off the porch. Kiara nudged Kay's side with a smile as if to say "I told you they like you." Kayanna looked away, feeling a smile spread across her face.

John B appeared in the porch and glanced around, "Lets do this," He spoke, heading to the HMS Pogue tied to the dock.

• ❁ •

"This is empty. You took empty tanks?" Kiara asked completely dumbfounded as she checked the amount of air in the tanks John B "borrowed". "This one's a quarter full. That's enough for one of us."

"Love it when a plan comes together," Pope said sarcastically.

"Does anyone know how to dive?" Kie asked looking around. Silence all around.

"It's kind of a Kook thing." JJ spoke.

"I read about it." Pope added.

"Great. Pope read about it so someone's gonna die."

❁ • 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 • ❁                               a pope heyward fanficWhere stories live. Discover now