𝟸𝟶 ❁ 𝚊 𝚋𝚒𝚝 𝚖𝚞𝚌𝚑

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Kayanna's heart beat unbelievably fast as she made her way through the crowd. She dodged around people as she tried to find the man. She was thankful that she didn't have a heart condition because if she did she'd be on the floor now. Although she didn't have a heart problem, she did still have the headache from last night. And it pounded harder than it had in the last twenty-four hours. She barely felt it, though. She just focused completely on finding the man that looked just like her father.

She jumped when she felt an hand on her wrist. It wasn't rough, but startled her in her frazzled state.

"Hey, have you seen Sar—" JJ started. He stopped when she glanced at him quickly before continuing on through the crowd. She hadn't processed a word he said.

She continued looking through the sea of people, stopping every once in a while when she thought she saw him. It felt like time was flying by so quickly and she couldn't keep up. Like everyone around her was living in fast motion while she was stuck in slow motion. She didn't hear her name called until a hand landed on her upper arm.

"Kayanna! Where are you going? Didn't you hear me?" It was Mrs. Deion, no doubt ready to introduce her to some new rich person. She turned to the couple across from her. "This is Kayanna. She's been staying with us recently and I have absolutely loved having her around!"

"Oh, how lovely." The woman said extending her hand to Kayanna. "I'm Lisa Martin and this is my husband, Robbie." She spoke, gesturing to the man next to her who seemed to be interested in just about anything besides the conversation he was in. "It is such a pleasure to meet you!" Kayanna took her hand into her sweaty one. Normally, she would have been embarrassed at how sweaty it was, but now she couldn't care less.

"You too." She said simply. Mrs. Deion didn't remove her hand from Kayanna's arm. She left it there, probably worried she'd leave.

"So are you considering adopting her?" Lisa asked nosily. She was probably preparing some juicy story to tell all her rich nosy friends at their next tea party.

"Well, I'm not sure about that, but it's definitely a possibility!" Mrs. Deion replied with a wide smile. Kayanna furrowed her brows slightly. Adopt her?  Oddly enough, the thought had never crossed her mind. She'd learned not to get her hopes up for someone adopting her. It had never worked out before and it seemed like it wasn't even a possibility at that point.

"Would you like that, dear?" Lisa asked with a kind smile on her face. Okay, maybe she wasn't that bad.

"Yes, I would." Kayanna attempted a smile. She felt Mrs. Deion's hand drop from her arm and took it as an invitation... to leave. "I hope you enjoy the party." She said shaking Lisa and Robby's hands again before turning around and continuing her previous mission.

Her eyes scanned the Kooks around her and stopped when she saw a server with a tray of champagne glasses. She grabbed one as he walked by, sending him a smile and a "thank you". She needed a drink if she was right. She swallowed the drink, taking a moment to regain her thoughts and composure. If it really was her dad, what would that mean? She had no idea. She began scanning the crowd again and ended up walking back outside.

"I can walk myself out, man." JJ's voice brought her attention away from her current dilemma. He was being escorted out by security and was causing quite a scene. She watched, confused as he drank some man's alcohol and commented on a woman's crazy hair piece. It was a bit much.

❁ • 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 • ❁                               a pope heyward fanficWhere stories live. Discover now